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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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This. The Israelis are going 100% capacity with regards to their airforce short of indiscriminately bombing everything. They exhausted all targets in their target bank and it’s evident by yesterday’s desperate bombings

I think full scale is if Israel launches a ground invasion but really semantics at this point
Palestinians reporting tear-gas like smells in areas near the Gaza city coast area.

The drone presence over Gaza right now is the heaviest it has been since the beginning of the conflict.
Seriously can this thread only be dedicated to Gaza and its recent news ? I have enough to go through several pages to see a single information or latest development..... There are enough threads where Indians and Pakistanis can vomit on each others. We don't care what India does or think here. Seriously.
Its just an awful derogatory term for a jew. It every childish, I would not use it. And it doesn't offend them one little bit. There is one one term that offends them and wounds them and makes them recoil. But I dont think this is place to share such things.
I just call them nazis
Gentlemen - hatred against a particular religion and broad spectrum bigotry will not be tolerated - know differentiation between the jewish faith and its millions of followers versus the government of Israel and the zionist extremism that makes up the majority of its and small percentages of jewish population worldwide.

@krash @The Eagle
Dont repeat the same coin of all muslims are terrorists.
Bro I personally think those New York jews opposing Israel are just decoration pieces to fool the world.
seriously wat kind of a moron believes that... stop with the damn deception tactics already... israel the terrorist toonts wanna play the poor and innocent victim card again and again. morons of the highest order... even a dumbo with lil knowledge can see through it but than again it might become a breaking news with whole lot of the terrorist supporters will back the damn shit as exclusive content on prime time...

Gentlemen - hatred against a particular religion and broad spectrum bigotry will not be tolerated - know differentiation between the jewish faith and its millions of followers versus the government of Israel and the zionist extremism that makes up the majority of its and small percentages of jewish population worldwide.

@krash @The Eagle
Dont repeat the same coin of all muslims are terrorists.

Agreed. If I remember, been advocating that Zionists have nothing to do with true Jews. Infact, those Jews condemns Israel illegal state and Zionism openly. No religion shall be insulted at all.

However, if I am mistaken in any Post of mine, please redirect me and I will make necessary correction.
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