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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Rocket alerts in Ashkelon and Central Negev

Palestinian's don't want peacekeepers in Gaza. It is for the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. I have heard Jordanian/Turkish forces considered but that has been a rumor thus far.
100% agree, no need for peacekeepers in Gaza, Al-Aqsa yes
I hope somebody in the media leaks the number of Iron Dome missiles they have left
After watching quite a few Pakistani current affairs programs today I came to the following conclusions:

1. Arabs are NOT in a position to confront and or take part in helping Palestine militarily because their business interest will be effected.

2. Non- Arab Countries except Iran (Iran is currently helping) have intentions and willingness to help Palestine militarily but are afraid of the consequences (economical and military) they have to face ALONE since there is no muslim-block formation.

3. Some analysts have an opinion that since no one came forward for the Kashmir cause so WHY Pakistan care...

Therefore, for the foreseeable future the ONLY way to help the Palestinian cause is to volunteer by muslims in various muslim Countries.

Also, for everyone on this forum this should be crystal clear that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Daesh are the proxy terrorist outfits who are created and funded by the enemies of Muslims who like Khawarij ONLY attack muslims and have NOTHING to do with the religion of Islam. May be may be the next generations of muslims have stronger emaan then the muslims of today and then Allah SWT help will be alongside those muslims who will TRUST in Allah and do what is noble and right for the time in the interim we should all pray for the oppressed muslims all around the world... :(
Why else do you think Israel is begging for US to resupply them?
I thought its an Israeli system with Israeli supply chain. I haven't seen anything re asking America for supplies
I am hearing several reports US is refusing to replenish Iron Dome.

Can someone confirm this?

Seems like this may be how Biden will force ceasefire.
This will be sold rather then given free. USA needs money.
Assuming Hamas fires 500 rockets per day, 2 Iron Dome missiles intercept each rocket, and Israel has 10,000 missiles left, that means:

10,000 interceptors / (500 rockets * 2 interceptors per rocket) = 10 days left before Israel runs out of missiles
Israel knows it will be messy, why risk it when you can damage your enemy from far and putting your troops at risk, they are using long range to full extent.
Making sure everything is flat so enemy doesn't have much cover left.
In the words of the great colonel incharge of chechen capital during the war with Russian...the more buildings they destroy the more places we have to fight from

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