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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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@Falcon29 So you are gunna set the forum rules now on who will say wat ? who the hell are you again, i forgot . No one here is talking about How Iran is funding hamas or watever. These things are coming up as various others important issues are coming up. There is not reason to bully anybody.

@PakSword I dont think u are being clear here either. We are having a discussion about the conflict and these things are coming up cuz its all inter related. Its hard talking about Hamas and Gaza while not bringing up its allies nd those who are on their side. We are discussing a variety of issue and putting up theories on wat these groups can do. If turkey was the one sending Fajr5 missiles to hamas we wud be talking about Erdogan now wondering about what his next move wud be. This is rubbish in my opinion.

Im saying this again, most of us including myself have no interest about Iran right now. But these issues and talks are coming up because we are taking about the strategic aspects of the battle. Im not happy with how these things are operated on the forum sometimes.

What don't you understand.. Let it slide man.. This is Gaza-Israel conflict otherwise we get off-topic.. All that discussion is for another day.. Don't burden yourself with it now

Clearly they think theirs a tunnel network it seems
Clearly they think theirs a tunnel network it seems

That's what I was thinking as well.

But usually metro network is under buildings because even Hamas knows under streets is too easy a target

Also light hits like this are definitely not enough to reach tunnels that are much deeper.

Some of the missile hits are not even the size of a puddle if the scale is correct
For Israeli thugs it very quickly becomes a game of ego... they have a cultivated image that they assume, guarantees their continued existence and perpetuates a myth of invincibility. Any resistance, however petty must be quashed for that myth to remain relevant...
Which is why thugs score kills against children and women and victimize families or act in vengeance, respond disproportionately... they seek submission... they've been told this is how you create an air of invincibility and stamp your authority.
It exposes their insecurity! Insecure nature and grasp over matters.

This conflict though has much also to do with yahu's political future and exposed judiciary and Israeli state apparatus perhaps doesn't want that to be the topic of conversation either...
The Israeli Palestinian conflict is some 3000 years old. Biblical texts and Old testament highlights conflicts between Israelites and Palestinians.

Israel Palestine conflict has historical and ideological tune too.

You are confusing historic Israelite people with European Jews who came to Palestine in 20th century as refugees

The Israel-Palestine conflict started with the first international legitimation of an illegal act (i.e. formation of an illegal Jewish state in the heart of Arabia) at UN in 1947
@Falcon29 So you are gunna set the forum rules now on who will say wat ? who the hell are you again, i forgot . No one here is talking about How Iran is funding hamas or watever. These things are coming up as various others important issues are coming up. There is not reason to bully anybody.

@PakSword I dont think u are being clear here either. We are having a discussion about the conflict and these things are coming up cuz its all inter related. Its hard talking about Hamas and Gaza while not bringing up its allies nd those who are on their side. We are discussing a variety of issue and putting up theories on wat these groups can do. If turkey was the one sending Fajr5 missiles to hamas we wud be talking about Erdogan now wondering about what his next move wud be. This is rubbish in my opinion.

Im saying this again, most of us including myself have no interest about Iran right now. But these issues and talks are coming up because we are taking about the strategic aspects of the battle. Im not happy with how these things are operated on the forum sometimes.
You know what I have noticed so far?

After one side continuously brags about something, it later turns into criticism of other countries. Then the discussion quickly turns into you have done that, while we have done this. Then people somehow turn the resistance into one country led struggle..

Eventually, the discussion shadows what our brothers are doing by themselves.

I haven't banned any poster from any Muslim country on this thread till now. I just want that to stop them in the very beginning so that at least this thread doesn't portray the current true condition of Muslims around the world.

If the only member who belongs to Palestine is annoyed on this behavior of all of us spectators, imagine what sort of shit show all of us must have been displaying.
In addition to PDF, I am following NY Times and https://www.timesofisrael.com/ . I think there is more pressure on Israel for a ceasefire this time then any other time in last few decades.
Call it 'the woke' or 'socialists' or whatever 'liberal' tags, but there IS an undeniable genuine anti-war element in the modern Democratic party. Bernie Sanders in an article in yesterday's NY Times called for 'difficult political' decisions. He is calling President Biden to use discretionary Presidential Powers to reign in the rabid dogs of Israel!

But, with Gaza destroyed already--why stop now?? This massacre may end today if there is a ceasefire now. But it will be repeated again and again. Other forces in the region must open other fronts. Not in a conventional way, but following what Hezbollah did in 2006: Barrages of rockets to SHUT DOWN most of Israel. Israel's Achilles Heel is it being a First World country of extreme geographical vulnerabilty and unable to take many casualties or even long term loss to the economy. That should be the target to bring Israel to a long term solution-- no band-aids!!
Not anymore!

PS. Speaking of Egypt in this thread-- that country is bound by treaties going back to 1979 and later. Don't sign treaties if you can't follow them later. IF Egypt is willing to take the price then, yes, do find some 'clause' in the Treaties to openly break them. But that is unlikely: Egypt, while has lot less to lose than Israel in case of continued conflict, it still has much more to lose than the Gazans. Strange way the world works now: $$$$
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