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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yes, Gazans should refuse to fight next time. Lol what a suggestion. Its they are the ones under occuapation and oppression. If they like it, they dont have to fight at all. Iran won't do it for them, or anyone else.

Hey do u think its normal the way gaza is being bombed? and for wat are all the people dying if there's not significant enuf gains in the end? So its the responsibility of those who are funding, feeding, and arming Hamas to also guarantee wen the enemy kills Gazans like the way they are that they will come forward to stop it. Do you think the Gazans are flies or mosquitoes? But they are being killed like that. It cannot be allowed. Their protectors i.e Iran and HZ must come forward and do sumthing to make israel stop.

They deserve a Guarantee. Otherwise wats all it for ? How can there be any victory wen people are bombed like flies. GOD bless Iran for arming and funding the helpless palestinians. But this great act also leaves the responsibility on the Great Iranian warriors to make sure that palestinians dont get swatted and annihilated like flies.

My loyalty to Iran is Unshakeable and impenetrable but they have a responsibility. They have the Most responsibilty out of anybody to make sure that Gaza doesnt become a desolate flat land, even if it requires taking risks.

PLO was much stronger than Hamas, and inflicted dozens of Israeli casualties on a weekly basis. Before Iranian revolution took place. No one is discrediting Iran, but we also don't need Iran's support exaggerated or suggestions Iran is directing these groups to fire. We also do not need to be reminded every minute as we are trying to post updates.

If you don't stop and keep this behavior you are getting banned for making this thread go off topic and no one will shed a tear for you.
@Falcon29 So you are gunna set the forum rules now on who will say wat ? who the hell are you again, i forgot . No one here is talking about How Iran is funding hamas or watever. These things are coming up as various others important issues are coming up. There is not reason to bully anybody.

@PakSword I dont think u are being clear here either. We are having a discussion about the conflict and these things are coming up cuz its all inter related. Its hard talking about Hamas and Gaza while not bringing up its allies nd those who are on their side. We are discussing a variety of issue and putting up theories on wat these groups can do. If turkey was the one sending Fajr5 missiles to hamas we wud be talking about Erdogan now wondering about what his next move wud be. This is rubbish in my opinion.

Im saying this again, most of us including myself have no interest about Iran right now. But these issues and talks are coming up because we are taking about the strategic aspects of the battle. Im not happy with how these things are operated on the forum sometimes.
Israel soldier accidently shoot at an Israeli family? injured a mother

Yep, in the West Bank, they confused Israeli settlers for Arabs and shot through their car. Israeli soldiers think it's okay to shoot at cars if they don't hear your first call to stop. Especially if you are Palestinian.
3000+ fire crackers went inside occupied territory

50% shoot down only
50% could not

that is very reason there is reporting they are bombing Gaza more then 2014
the Occupied Forces are scared to enter and fight the Resistance Fighter

The attack happened in light of the illegal removal of Palestinians from their homes in Al JArah, where the zionist filth is forcefully moving in and changing the demographics of the area, to make it more jewish, a ploy being copied by one friend of theirs.

Last night the jews attacked the Al Aqsa compund during Isha and taveeh prayers, and countless videos are there showing them attacking the worshipers during prayers, shooting at them stun grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets.

But hay, its an Arab problem, the Palestinians dont support us on Kashmir, yada yada yada, who cares about the Qibla awal.

May Allah bring his punishment down on the oppressors, and we and our own are weak, and useless.
The Israeli Palestinian conflict is some 3000 years old. Biblical texts and Old testament highlights conflicts between Israelites and Palestinians.

Israel Palestine conflict has historical and ideological tune too.
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