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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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If you do delete posts about Iran (as you did delete some of my posts that were in no way off-topic or even slightly offensive to Hamas or anyone), I will leave the thread completely and will never check this thread again. I do not understand why you are singling out one country, while this country is the only true supporter of the Palestinian cause and other nations have done nothing but lip service so far.

Do not fall for the bigotry of one person. He had shown his hatred of Iranians and Shia people before. I thought that when he sees that only Iran militarily supports Hamas (as expressed by the Leaders of Hamas and PIJ many times so far), he would at least stop being so anti-Iranian, but he's too ungrateful anyway.

If it weren't for Iran, Palestinians would've still been throwing stones at Israelis like before.
Anyone above 20 is old enough to remember that Palestinians used to throw stones as Israelis, as Israeli soldiers massacred them in armored vehicles and laughed at them. The only way they could kill Israelis back then was if Israelis died from laughter. And all Muslim countries would've continued to watch that happen if it weren't for Iran. We are under sanctions only because of our enmity with Israel. So, yes. We do get the credit for whatever that the Axis of Resistance does. If you don't like it, that's your problem.

@Dariush the Great @925boy @Stryker1982 @yavar @Muhammed45

Come on mann... I don't think anyone has anything against Iran in this thread. Your support has been well appreciated even from Hamas and Gaza. So there is no reason to bring Iran up all the time is the issues. especially one poster whos not even Iranian has been doing it frequently and it becomes sort off topic but alas. I take no issues with it whatsoever.

Feel at easy and lets support the resistance... From now one we gotta move into a new political reality meaning re-corporating Iran
Come on mann... I don't think anyone has anything against Iran in this thread. Your support has been well appreciate even from Hamas and Gaza. So there is no reason to bring Iran up all the time is the issues. especially one poster whos not even Iranian has been doing it frequently but alas. I take no issues with it whatsoever.

Feel at easy and lets support the resistance... From now one we gotta move into a new political reality meanining re-corporating Iran
Man, two of my posts have been deleted too. And I never said anything about Iran-Hamas relations. Plus, if the issue is one member that is not Iranian, why are they singling out Iran? This is ridiculous.

And I don't understand why this has to become a public issue at all. The forum has a report button with a field for typing your reasons. Anyone that doesn't like a person's post can use the report button in silence instead of whining and bitching about it all the time.
This is ridiculous understanding of Israel conventional means. Israel can't conquer just even 1 tree from Egypt and Jordan militarily.. Not in this time and era.. It is just outside of their realm of possibilities. They got ravished by Hamas who is non-state actors.

Iron dome is a hoax. There cities will be levelled by any state actors and their f-35s will be taken out of air immediately then they will have to engage militarily with a bigger armies that is well equipment in a conventional battle. Within 9-10 monts the battle will be fought inside Israel retreating and that is if uncle sam doesn't get involved.

Alot of people miss the point completely when it comes to Israel.. A mistake repeated again and again.. Some even refer to wars as if it is a comicbook narrative where there are superheroes and where someone can win it with one punch yada yada.. That is just not war or real life..

I just don't think people on this forum understand the dynamics of conventional conflict and how it unfolds. Maybe few understand but they don't come online here or rarely post

Thats total and complete fantasy.

Jordnian military is completely useless. Only there to to keep the half British king in power. Lebanese military group is the most powerful Arab army in the region. One of the main reasons is that they aren't infiltrated by Israeli security services. All the Other Arab national armies are full of traitors and Israeli and American spies.

The reason why Hizb isn't is becasue they are all shiite and they al have family links. anyone that betrayed them will pay sand their families will pay. Not just in Lebanon but around the world. These guys cant just betray and get protection visa in Canada. No they are going to find you and get you.

We have seen Egypt perform in the past. They are incapable of using the equipment they have. All their American equipment is useless again Israel and probably Russian ones too. Egypt would lose Sinai in a week, and Israel would stop there. They dont have the energy to keep Cairo like they do gaza. But they would if you had to.

Israeli source for the British news website Financial Times: Cabinet discusses Hamas' proposal for a long-term ceasefire that will also include the return of the bodies of prisoners and missing persons in the Gaza Strip

Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi summoned the heads of the authorities in the Gaza Strip for a meeting to be held in the afternoon
PLO was much stronger than Hamas, and inflicted dozens of Israeli casualties on a weekly basis.

That's not because of PLO, that's because Israel didn't have Iron Dome at that time. If Israel didn't have Iron Dome today, the death toll from Hamas would triple PLO.
Yes, we need to make it clear to our PDF guys their are two Jewish groups Zions and regulars (like yourself).
Thank you. I am fed up of these Zionist dogs. They plus their evalengelics happy clappys are making the Messiah return. Yes, as I even point out to them, we have been waiting for 3000 years plus, when we did not listen to Moses, do you think we will even recognise the coming of Messiah; then point out what it says in Koran too.

Well, let us put it this way - I am called every word under the sun.

Frankly i dont give a crap. Human Rights is Human Rights. I stood by my fellow muslims here and around the world; noone cared about Darfur - We kept on raising noise there is a genocide Muslim vs Muslims going on. My late friend was engaged with Rwanda and then Bosnia; I went to Darfur and Yemen - not because there was a crisis. This is the time when humanity prevails. I saw first hand what the KSA jets did - noone in this forum except a few raised issues about the plight of poor yemenis and frankly still dont.

We all need to do our parts. Take to the streets and champion the cause. Next do not fall pray to the colonials or neuveau colonials who are all master propaganda bullshits to use all of us as their proxy minions. Yes - this includes US, CHina, UK, France. Alas money prevails over human lives.

March, protest and take to each news media outlet expressing the concerns and plights of the downtrodden. That is what we are doing here; engaging with our politicians and activists. Thankfully, our country has a very powerful history of activism and freedom of Press. This includes Zapiro who has taken pen to paper to highlight the travesty of Bibi's crimes or Judge Goldstien who lambasted Isreal in the UN report showing gross human rights violations.

Friends, MUSLIM LIVES MATTER. UNTIL muslims do not stand up for PALESTINE, DARFUR, YEMEN, TURKESTAN, ROHINYGA, KASHMIR this will continue; you will be divided by these colonial/imperialists till our messiah returns and played against each other. All of these folks are evil and satans.

We pray together to stand up for human rights - Jew or Muslim; we are of one prophet lineage - it is a pity my kind has been hijacked by lunatic fringe who are liars and dogs.
Come on mann... I don't think anyone has anything against Iran in this thread. Your support has been well appreciated even from Hamas and Gaza. So there is no reason to bring Iran up all the time is the issues. especially one poster whos not even Iranian has been doing it frequently and it becomes sort off topic but alas. I take no issues with it whatsoever.

Feel at easy and lets support the resistance... From now one we gotta move into a new political reality meaning re-corporating Iran

Don't even listen to this guy or be scared by him. He is greatly exaggerating Iranian support to Hamas. Iran involved in improving rocket design/precision , providing sniper rifles , high quality mortars, drones, and anti tank missiles and training for anti tank missiles. The rest of training, purchase of small arms and materials for weapons is all done by Hamas. He wants us to take credit for everything Hamas can achieve. When it does. When it struggled in 2014 they didn't want to.

I won't allow him to exaggerate or take credit for Hamas's work.
If you do delete posts about Iran (as you did delete some of my posts that were in no way off-topic or even slightly offensive to Hamas or anyone), I will leave the thread completely and will never check this thread again. I do not understand why you are singling out and excluding only one country, while this country is the only true supporter of the Palestinian cause and other nations have done nothing but lip service so far.

Do not fall for the bigotry of one person. He had shown his hatred of Iranians and Shia people before. I thought that when he sees that only Iran militarily supports Hamas (as expressed by the Leaders of Hamas and PIJ many times so far), he would at least stop being so anti-Iranian, but he's too ungrateful anyway.

If it weren't for Iran, Palestinians would've still been throwing stones at Israelis like before.
Anyone above 20 is old enough to remember that Palestinians used to throw stones at Israelis, as Israeli soldiers massacred them in armored vehicles and laughed at them. And all Muslim countries would've continued to watch that happen if it weren't for Iran. We are under sanctions only because of our enmity with Israel. So, yes. We do get the credit for whatever that the Axis of Resistance does. If you don't like it, that's your problem.

@Dariush the Great @925boy @Stryker1982 @yavar @Muhammed45 @waz @LeGenD @Irfan Baloch
I don't remember if I have deleted any of your posts. I don't even remember if I have deleted Indian posts that were off topic.

But if really any of the mods (myself included), have deleted any posts, they must be going off topic.

Regarding Iran, many members have already appreciated your country's support, whether it's little too no use in the current situation. If someone wants to remind us about that every now and then, sorry it is not an acceptable behavior.

If you really want, you can open a separate thread to gather many of your like minded people, where everyone will be open to brag as much as he likes.
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Don't even listen to this guy or be scared by him. He is greatly exaggerating Iranian support to Hamas. Iran involved in improving rocket design/precision , providing sniper rifles , high quality mortars, drones, and anti tank missiles and training for anti tank missiles. The rest of training, purchase of small arms and materials for weapons is all done by Hamas. He wants us to take credit for everything Hamas can achieve. When it does. When it struggled in 2014 they didn't want to.

I won't allow him to exaggerate or take credit for Hamas's work.

This is your definition of "only"

-Improving rocket design/precision
-Providing sniper rifles
-High quality mortars
-Anti tank missiles
-Training for anti tank missiles

Most countries would kill to have stuff like this
Thats total and complete fantasy.

What you wrote is the definition of fantasy... Lebanon is the weakest link in the region.. It has weak armý, plus modernized civilians and a large portion of christians who are the majority. They don't have the numbers either...

Your comicbook tale is just not realistic..

As someone whos a weapon expert... Explain to me what defense or advantage Israel could have if their F-35s get taken down and we already know Iron dome is not a deterence? What happens if state actors start pounding Israel?

They will have to engage the Jordanian or Egyptian army who outnumber them and well armed in a conventional frontal engagement. They have manpower advantage on them and more battle hardened plus hardware quantity edge.. I assure you the war will be inside Israel 7-10 months and they will be on the brink but they will hold for approx 2-4 years and eventually get overwhelmed... This is not 1960s this is the future 2020s.. Egypt-Jordan manpower increased significiantly from 1960s they are robust now.. They have also increased their conventional means and armed forces capabiltieis.

That is if uncle sam doesn't get involved don't read into to much hype or things outside of conventional means... You have to read between the lines in order to understand the dynamics of conventional conflict.. I guaraantee you it is not a comicbook fairytale or has these sort of outcomes but a massive struggle and destructions on both ends but it comes down to who can outlast who.. Israel ain't outlasting an army equal equipped on the ground, large and more battle hardened it will be overrun as their army will get depleted..
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This is your definition of "only"

-Improving rocket design/precision
-Providing sniper rifles
-High quality mortars
-Anti tank missiles
-Training for anti tank missiles

Most countries would kill to have stuff like this

No, countries have much more massive capabilities. What it tells is you Hamas produce their own rockets , using materials they purchase with their own money, and using their own metal scraps in Gaza. Iran greatly reduced financial support to Hamas. Hamas used revenue collected from taxes and other money to buy much of these small arms/raw materials. Gaza arsenal is mostly made up of small arms. Hamas training is 99.9% their own work. You obsessed with Iran than go make a thread elsewhere. Quit spamming the thread with Palestinians dying and changing it into promotion for Iran .
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