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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israeli airstrikes appear to be resuming. Israeli artillery moved closer to Gaza border.
A Building in Bosnia lights up with Palestinian flag.
They chanting as 'Yimakh shemo'.One of the strongest curse in Hebrew.

Do you know its meanig? "Let his name and his memory be erased from history"

Here is the answer of the Jewish bigotary and zionism to the mercy of the Muslim.
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Do you have contingency plan in mind in case the REAL(NATO) Israeli Force jump in?
Sir I just need to know “is helping militarily in situations like Palestine will ever be in our scope?” If yes then please list the conditions so that we don’t get emotional and super excited to see us helping in situations such as these... btw agar nukes kisi “gorey muslim country jesey chechians ke paas hotey” to conditions will be different .... now I am not undermining our ethnic heritage but having a conversation with a gora muslim convert I had to bear these things most of the time and I sometimes do not have answer to why the situation is so pathetic.
Israeli airstrikes appear to be resuming. Israeli artillery moved closer to Gaza border.
Netanyahu already stated, escalation will increase and this will not be a short response. They were ready to give every 3-4 year interval spanking but were waiting for an exuse.
Sir I just need to know “is helping militarily in situations like Palestine will ever be in our scope?”
No, not for a long time unless India starts a nuclear war then we can lob couple of S3s at Israel before going down forever.
No, not for a long time unless India starts a nuclear war then we can lob couple of S3s at Israel before going down forever.
So helping Palestine is tied with India attacking us - that is pretty messed up logic...just saying I mean isn’t it?
What does Israel have that will grant it magical abilities that we don't know off? I am a weapon enthusiast and as I mentioned aside from F-35 which is easily solved. There is nothing under Israel's sleeves that could grant it Marvel cinematic universe porportions superpowers this is not a fairytale.. They will have to collid with armed forces equally equipped and have a huge line of engagement with them.. The cities will be levelled from the Outside Iron Dome is a fraud and proven time and time again.. Welcome to the real world! The problem is that people don't realize we exist in the 20s this is not the 80s-90s they don't have anything the otherside haven't seen or have similar of it or even better then them in selective areas.

If you mathematically try to shape the outcome of modern warfare you will know that they will enter a large stand-off engagement along the border and they will try to ask for ceasefire early just after 3-4 weeks because they will realize after engagement where this is hitting..
That's the problem when Arab were equally equipped, Arabs still failed to gain any victory, infact got spanked real bad the first. Now it's 20's, Arabs are not equally equiped. If your intention is to come to a ceasefire then you are planning to fail. In 3-4 weeks of tug of war, Isreal will lay waste to most of the Arab bases and infrastructre and technically will win the war.

Arabs only option is quick 24-48 hrs, blitzkrieg style penetration, taking control of Airbases and missile sites.
So helping Palestine is tied with India attacking us - that is pretty messed up logic...just saying I mean isn’t it?
I think that would be last ditched effort to help Palestinians before Pakistan gets wiped off the face of Earth. Other than that I don't see us picking a fight with USA and Israel due to economic and other issues in the region.
I think that would be last ditched effort to help Palestinians before Pakistan gets wiped off the face of Earth. Other than that I don't see us picking a fight with USA and Israel due to economic and other issues in the region.
Ok Sir I will leave it at that ... sit on a prayer mat and pray for them... who knows things get change for us and for them and Allah SWT send another Salahuddin Ayubi R.A...to help.
But what are the 2 billion shameless cowardly Muslims going to do about it? NOTHING.

Busy pimping for Jews and buying property in the west. The Iranian mullahs, Erdogan and Pakistanis are no better than the Wahhabi pimps or Zionist puppets like Sisi. It is a disgrace, how low the Muslims have sunk.

In all fairness, it is not Pakistan's problem as it is a South Asian country, the Arabs have sold out the Palestinians and pimp for the Zionists. Pakistan was created as an imperialist outpost by dividing India and it has served its masters well. The Iranian mullahs are also as corrupt and Erdogan is totally in bed with Zionists. The Palestinians only hope is to unite and wage total war. It will be costly but they will prevail.

Not a pakistans problem, but the folks are asking for Pakistans help, not their own fellow arabs. did u see the video.
The initial Masjid Aqsa israeli attack was made with no reason other than to reignite the conflict and start the escalation spiral again for military gains and perhaps some political diversion. Hamas responded proportionally according to themselves after many palestinians are injured from israeli assault with what they only had 100s of rockets and the vicious-cycle started again. However as this cycle goes on history will repeat itself and after 100s- or even 1000s of cilivians die again in Gaza there would be another ceasefire or the conflict will continue. At least Hamas-other resistance groups should find some proportional measure to respond to these israeli provocations other than the initial choice of rocket attacks like for example invoking cells in israeli controlled Palestine and do some material damage or similar proportionally like israel did which cant result in airstrikes. Otherwise Hamas and other resistance groups are also responsible for protecting civilians in Gaza and if they dont have measures against airstrikes then palestinian civs will pay the most price not anyone else.

However for example if they had cheap anti-air attrition warfare measures like for example high-alt aa guns against drones(KS-19) or loitering sams used in Yemen or panstyr missile copy (80kg-15km altitude can be made men portable with a small-towed optical targeting pod) then that would be a completely different story. israel wont start provocations easily by then. Same goes for Iraqi groups targeting usa bases which I mostly believe false flags. They will make plans to leave or settle down in kurdish controlled regions loyal to usa by then without the need of firing rockets if they obtain defensive measures.

First aim should be to break this cycle some way possibly from Gaza side with some flexible ceasefire conditions-measures as israel is happy to escalate the situation. Secondly political pressure is needed to open borders of Gaza with Egypt and instead of tunnels civilian supplies can flow easily.
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