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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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In addition to tens thousands of Palestinians they slaughtered, gassed starved and ethnically creansed more than 13 million Syrian Arabs who are same Shami Arabs as Palestinians.
Hey jew shut the f*** up.
Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza city(capital) and Khan Yunis. Reports of Israeli killed, 5 others injured in recent Ashkelon rocket strikes.

Tel Aviv targeted by Fajr-5 guided rocket. The estimated cep is less than 10 meters.

The way Palestinian warriors use their Fajr-5 amazes me, first they fire 3 to 5 unguided rockets tens of meters behind the launching site, they Launch Fajr from other launchpads. This makes any airdefense of Israelis unable to track the high value fajr - 5 guided rockets. Well done

Tel Aviv has not been targeted yet.
Guys Masjid e Aqsa is safe the tree in the ahaata of Masjid caught fire. The fire is triggered by Israelis to test the water .i.e. koi gherat bachi hey musalmanon mein ke nahi .... ???

Gherat hey bari cheez jahaan e tug o dou mein,
Pehnaati hey dervesh ko taj e sar e daara

(Allama Iqbal R.A)

Video by Faisal Tarrar:
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As a Zoroastrian, but a Persian through and through, this holocaust of the Palestinians (the dispossessed) is a proverbial fight between GOOD vs EVIL. The Zionists and their Arab Wahhabi supporters, Russians, Americans and west bear full responsibility for this one sided slaughter. It also once again yet exposes how pathetic, impotent and corrupt the so-called "Muslim world" of 57 eunuch failed states is. 6 million Zionist scum are humiliating over 2 billion largely illiterate Muslims on a daily basis. Where are the corrupt paper tiger puppet states of Iran, Turkey and Pakistan?

The Russian bast-ards the worst scum who are protecting the Zionists along with the brainwashed Americans who are under total Jew control. The Palestinians themselves are divided and led by a senile thoroughly corrupt and sold out Mahmoud Abbas, while a largely isolated and gulaged Hamas is fighting an epic battle mostly unarmed against the Zionist war machine armed to the teeth by the west. The so-called Muslim cowards should hang their collective heads in shame and the level of cowardice.
Al Jazeera reporting security incident in Zikim, possible Palestinian cross border op. Israeli's are quietly moving tanks/artillery to the border. Israeli army spokesman claims 130 targets have been struck in Gaza as of far.
Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza city(capital) and Khan Yunis. Reports of Israeli killed, 5 others injured in recent Ashkelon rocket strikes.

Tel Aviv has not been targeted yet.
It should be, the Zionists need to bleed. So-called Hezbollah are cowards too along with Syria and Iran who have been bombed by the Zionists daily and have done nothing. The Zionists are weak and soft and can not stay engaged in a total war, like in Algeria or Vietnam. They simply don't have manpower. The Palestinians need to unite and engage in an armed struggle, it will be painful, but they will prevail. The biggest problem is the Zionist installed Sisi regime, the Saudi scum and Jordanian pimps who are totally collaborating with the Zionists. The occupation and on-going holocaust of Palestine since 1948 is largely a case of Sunni Arab treachery. It was the Jordanians and Saudis who sold out the Palestinians.
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Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza city(capital) and Khan Yunis. Reports of Israeli killed, 5 others injured in recent Ashkelon rocket strikes.

Tel Aviv has not been targeted yet.
The range of Fajr-5 is more than 70 KM which covers the whole occupied lands.
They don't use those guided rockets to target close targets. Its an special asset for targeting Tel Aviv.
Al Jazeera reporting security incident in Zikim, possible Palestinian cross border op. Israeli's are quietly moving tanks/artillery to the border. Israeli army spokesman claims 130 targets have been struck in Gaza as of far.
It is a totally unequal fight, the Zionist scum are armed with the best free western weaponry while Hamas has nothing more than primitive unguided rockets. The Hezbollah big mouths and Syrians should support the Palestinians, as rest of the so-called Arab and Muslim world are nothing but cowardly pimps, only good at killing other Muslims for their US and Zionist masters.
Palestinian health ministry announces 3 more Palestinians killed in earlier strikes on apartment complex.

Israeli army general approves another 24hr wave of strikes on Gaza targets according to Israeli media.

It should be, the Zionists need to bleed. So-called Hezbollah are cowards too along with Syria and Iran who have been bombed by the Zionists daily and have done nothing. The Zionists are weak and soft and can not stay engaged in a total war, like in Algeria or Vietnam. They simply don't have manpower. The Palestinians need to unite and engage in an armed struggle, it will be painful, but their will prevail. The biggest problem is the Zionist installed Sisi regime, the Saudi scum and Jordanian pimps who are totally collaborating with the Zionists. The occupation and on-going holocaust of Palestine since 1948 is largely a case of Sunni Arab treachery. It was the Jordanians and Saudis who sold out the Palestinians.

I agree, it should be, and it will be if the Israeli's continue the aggression. Much of their air defense is centered there, however, and it will be better in the time being to target Ashkelon and other cities near Gaza since iron dome will run out there. I share much of your other sentiment.
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(This is All to bait the remaining stronghold of Muslims to make the fatal mistake and do something reckless)

Either way, Pakistan is in NO FIT shape to send any type of manpower and/or resources to that part of the world. People on this forum are forgetting WE have a horde of SAVAGES to our EAST that wants nothing but our complete ANNIHILATION.

So, unfortunately, the Palestinians will have to struggle on their own, for the time being at least - that is until Pakistan decides enough is enough and deals with the SAVAGE to our east.
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