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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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ATGM like Baktar Shikan and Anza SAM system
Too much exposure. Best to send confiscated TTP or black market ANA weapons. USA will continue to supply weapons to ANA in its current strategy.....commandeer and ship to Palestine......its a never ending well. You can probably convince ANA soldiers to give up their weapons for a small fee and pics of died Palestinians. Americans will keep sending more...ANA soldiers know that.
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Interesting you mention western support decreasing.

Do you think Israel will be the new South Africa?
They provided so much support to them (Europe, America) but over time, it was politically and social unfeasible to continue supporting South Africa and even sanctioned them leading to their collapse. Such a case can happen to Israel?

That's an insult to apartheid South Africa. This is far worse than anything they did

Interesting you mention western support decreasing.

Do you think Israel will be the new South Africa?
They provided so much support to them (Europe, America) but over time, it was politically and social unfeasible to continue supporting South Africa and even sanctioned them leading to their collapse. Such a case can happen to Israel?

Increasing you mean? I will respond to your question later tonight. Will be a bit busy throughout the day but will try to post updates here and there for now.
Increasing you mean? I will respond to your question later tonight. Will be a bit busy throughout the day but will try to post updates here and there for now.
I meant more to do with internal populations decreasing support for Israel and politicians finding it difficult to support Israel when large chunks of their voters are against it.

And thank you
That's an insult to apartheid South Africa. This is far worse than anything they did
Lol, I just meant into terms of how the western politician interacts with, seems to me many cannot be seen publicly supporting them anymore whereas 5 years ago support was huge across the political spectrum. No democrat can be seen supporting Israel anymore
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-15 at 08.49.45.jpeg
When it comes to the Axis of Resistance led by Islamic Iran, we have actually seen much, much more than mere statements, brother.

In fact, as Islamic Jihad official Ramez al-Halabi explicitly stated on television, and as open source analysis of Palestinian weaponry has shown:

- Islamic Iran delivered weapons to the Palestinian Resistance, including their Kornet anti-tank guided missiles used recently in the conflict, as well as the drones operated by Hamas (near exact copies of existing Iranian models), not to mention three types of rockets in use by Hamas, which are direct imports from Iran,
- Islamic Iran enabled Hamas and PIJ to locally manufacture several other types of rockets,
- Islamic Iran financed some of Hamas and PIJ's arms purchases (on their own, these brothers would have lacked the necessary funds to acquire their present arsenal, or would have had to proceed to budget cuts in other areas, which would have exerted additional pressures on the brave people of Gaza),
- Islamic Iran is supervizing some of Hamas and PIJ's operations right now as we speak,
- Islamic Iran has trained some of the heroic Palestinian combattants currently fighting the zionists,
- Islamic Iran doubles down on this military support by extending generous humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza (including food for iftar during Ramadan).

Now that's quite the baffling amount of support in my books, especially considering the wrath any state actor is guaranteed to incur from NATO and their allies if they engage in these sorts of activities!

See here for hard hitting proof from Palestinian officials themselves:

So when some call on Muslim states to provide military support to the Palestinian Resistance, what they imply by default is that Muslim countries other than Islamic Iran, which has already fulfilled its duty in this regard (at considerable political cost), are invited to follow in Islamic Iran's footsteps and begin providing equal amounts of military assistance to Gaza. Can you imagine if every major Muslim power sent over merely one third or one fourth of what Islamic Iran offered the Resistance?

If you look at Muslim countries following have weapon industries.
1 Turkey.
2 Pakistan
3 Iran problem with irani weapon systems are they are not equivalent to modern systems but they are cheap and can be produced in number.
4 KSA has started its military industry but its in really early stagies so you cant say much.

Pakistan & Turkey are stuck because of political , economic issues cant take open stand even if they wanted and biggest issue is the location.
Iran has been sponsoring many groups for other reasons but thats story for another day not now
The Israelis are trying to destroy every independent information flows from Gaza so that only their narrative is dominant.

If you were to trust them only military objectives have been targeted and the only victims are Palestinian fighters......

Reality is the vast majority of the victims are civilians while they are attacking non strategic/military targets. The narrative is "Yeah but this building,this religious place or this school housed fighters or weapons....." with most of the time providing 0 credible evidence.
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