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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israel destroyed Aljazeera building during live Transmission:

what a stupid anchor asking how you are feeling your work place where you work is just destroyed in front of yours eyes ...
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Palestinian killed moments ago after Israeli airstrike hits his car in Gaza city
If their truly will be a ground op. Hezb, needs to draw red lines. Once they are done with Hamas, they will come for Hezb, assuming they will be successful. One guarantee than can be made is that they will be successful in destroying the city.
lol they won't invade Gaza to topple Hamas. Just some propaganda shooting and back to the hole where they came from.
This will wake up the Turkish zionists.. or maybe not.
Turks are too busy claiming Iran and Israel are secret friends lol
lol they won't invade Gaza to topple Hamas. Just some propaganda shooting and back to the hole where they came from.
What if they are low on Interceptors and they believe Hamas has 10,000 more rockets
Ismail Haniyeh on direct phone call with Ismail Qaani

Head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in a phone call with Brigadier General Ismail Ghaani: The battle for Jerusalem is the battle for the nation, and we commend Iran's positions and support for the Palestinian people

Israelis on Twitter are shit scared of HZ stepping in
People like you are heights of hypocracy. Your thrashing the leaders for what you practice in your life. If the ummah and your Muslims are so important nobody has stapled to the riches Norway or UK. You could set an example of what your preaching by giving up your comfortable life and joining the Hamas. You won't though and instead expect Muslim leaders to place some other guys in harms way.

As Muslim when you see something wrong
First you take action
2nd if you can't take action you call what it is.
3rd if you cant even call it wrong you, you know what its wrong in your heart.

As leaders of muslim countries even if they dont have the actual ability to take action they can atleast take action in UN even if they cant atleast they can send medical and other support even if they cant then they can give verbal support on social media and media if they cant what kind of leader they are when they cant say something when a country is killing your so called brothers and sister indiscriminately.

Jihad is only valid if a muslim country actual starts it.
Okay i accept i m doing nothing and your words im a hypocrite so when are you going into kashmir and fight for its freedom

Interesting you mention western support decreasing.

Do you think Israel will be the new South Africa?
They provided so much support to them (Europe, America) but over time, it was politically and social unfeasible to continue supporting South Africa and even sanctioned them leading to their collapse. Such a case can happen to Israel?
Are you Shiah ?

Sending rockets there will not harm any Israeli soldiers, it is just make Israeli has the reason to destroy and massacre Palestinian.

We have seen this whole of our lives, dont try to hide facts

Israeli soldiers have been killed from these rockets, you are fooling only yourself
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