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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It is because Ceasefire comes in either Saturday or Sunday.. I would guess Sunday. It could also be Money max

@Abu Dhabi

No wonder the article was so imaginery in sequence of events and everything being an invention is because that girl wrote it from her kitchen while doing gossip with her friends on the phone

When people cannot refute the message they resort to attacking the messenger. Same thing happened to our Prophet PBUH.

Here is the Munafiq Sheikh with his "Sunnah" beard... Snakes in Muslim clothing

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I mean what else is kinetic action besides what they're already doing? Hitting Tel Aviv is pretty damning. It doesn't get much better than that.
Their is kinetic action, but Hamas or better yet, Palestinians are acting alone with limited means.
More rockets on Ashdod:


The Zionists are taking this very personally. It is a shock and awe moment. As long as the Palestinians continue to mount rocket attacks against their cities, Netanyahu and his Zionist scum brigade will feel the pressure. It will be a loss for Israel if a ceasefire happened. This despite Palestinian losses. This is not the old Palestine and Hamas that would throw with rocks. A sea change.

Israel, the US and European powers are finding out that things have drastically changed.
When people cannot refute the message they resort to attacking the messenger. Same thing happened to our Prophet PBUH.

Get outta with that bro.. That stiff was down right invention
I would kill to know what Hezbollah's plans are right now. Ismail Qaani is there for something big. Time will tell.

I think it depends on how many SAMs are in Lebanon/Syria and if this SAMs can take out israeli Jericho nuclear missiles at start and if the owner of this SAMs have the will to take out this missiles, e.g. russia with its S-400 there. Iran also delivered Bavar 373 to Syria, but it is not clear to me if the new Bavar missile have enough range and how many Bavar 373 systems are in Syria. Syria for sure would fire its few S-200. This all have to be discussed, also bringing such long range SAM into Lebanon is to elaborate. And after all that is clear, then the decission will be made.
I think it depends on how many SAMs are in Lebanon/Syria and if this SAMs can take out israeli Jericho nuclear missiles and if the owner of this SAMs have the will to take out this missiles, e.g. russia with its S-400 there. Iran also delivered Bavar 373 to Syria, but it is not clear to me if the new Bavar missile have enough range and how many Bavar 373 systems are in Syria. Syria for sure would fire its few S-200. This all have to be discussed, also bringing such long range SAM into Lebanon is to elaborate. And after all that is clear, then the decission will be made.

whoa whoa whoa. Why is the nuclear option related.

Hezbollah knows it has no air defense and will operate accordingly. Iran cannot be seen getting involved directly at the anger of Europe and America

The conflict has taken a very different dynamic. Ever since we opened our eyes we have been living this war between Israel and Palestine. I still remember how big the gap used to be. Israel with loaded F-16s and Palestinians with absolutely nothing. Except suicide attacks. Today the gap is arguably bigger, but despite this fact it seems the Palestinians have found a method to anger the right-wing Israeli extremists like never before. One can guage the hypocritical response by Western powers. They are all begging Hamas to stop rocket attacks.

To complicate matters, there are mobs patrolling the streets and carrying out attacks. This conflict has taken a very nasty turn and the Israeli authorities didn't expect things to deteriorate so badly. You can guage this by their worried response.
UAE has never supported Hamas, only Fatah.

Don't have to support Hamas.. I don't either.

But just as you had the "terrorist" French Resistance against the Nazi occupation of France during WWII ... You have Hamas. I don't like them... But at least during this conflict they are they only ones fighting against Jewish brutality and occupation.

As they say... One man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter.
Get outta with that bro.. That stiff was down right invention

I will listen to you. Please provide evidence that it is an invention.
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what about ham radio operators, if thier are any on here can you hear the radio communication of Israelis/palistinian and etc.
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