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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Rockets at Ashdod moments ago:
You know I'm really curious about situation in Lebanon right now.

Because I hear all these people saying that Lebanese economy and political situation is very bad so HZ should stay out. But isn't this also the ideal time for HZ to do something like this considering situation is already at the lowest point and its not like war would destroy Lebanese economy since its already in ruins and port blast destroyed half of Beirut.

If Lebanon and Syria were prosperous then it would be something else. But these countries are already in very bad shape while Israel is prosperous. Who gets to lose more in a community of trailer parks and mansions if there is mayhem in the community? Who gets to lose more if there is loss of investors' confidence, there is flight of capital, and when the carefully crafted 'image' of a 'stable, prosperous, peaceful' democracy is going away? Who gets to lose more when a citizenry, long addicted to prosperity and peace needs to go into bunkers for months versus those who were barely surviving ?

Ultimately--the richer people of this world would want to go back to partying and living in comfort than to be subjected to constant fear. No 'cause' can continue to convince the richer people to live in bunkers for long.

And so if/when different groups in the region start their own actions on Israel, it would be far more effective and cheaper and deadlier than armies that got beaten in frontal wars: A prolonged economic hit through sustained projectiles launching from multiple sides to Israel is the only way cost effective, safest way to make Israel behave. Mobile launchers overwhelming Israeli security forces and forcing people into bunkers, causing flight disruptions, making capital fly, damaging investors' confidence, and eventually FORCING the global community to recognize that Israel's 'mowing the grass' is actually a scorched-Earth policy on a slower timeframe.
I would kill to know what Hezbollah's plans are right now. Ismail Qaani is there for something big. Time will tell.

This so called Islamic resistance of yours seems to be only involved in all kinds of nations besides Israel. They do speeches on weekly basis about Palestine and promise to get involved and back Palestinians in event of war. And when push comes to shove, they never do. If anyone else gave weapons to Palestinians besides Iran, you would not make big deal out of it. If these groups are gonna call themselves resistance groups to Israel, then they have to show that. Only Hamas is leading actual military struggle against Israel and not the other way around. The rest are just watching. If they are just gonna watch then there is no reason for the weekly threats, rhetoric, and empty promises.
I would kill to know what Hezbollah's plans are right now. Ismail Qaani is there for something big. Time will tell.

Hezbollah plan is to not get involved, I guarantee it. The news about IRGC head is nothing more than twitter rumor.
I would kill to know what Hezbollah's plans are right now. Ismail Qaani is there for something big. Time will tell.
Just a rumour. Don’t get your hopes up. Expect the worst, hope for the best

This so called Islamic resistance of yours seems to be only involved in all kinds of nations besides Israel. They do speeches on weekly basis about Palestine and promise to get involved and back Palestinians in event of war. And when push comes to shove, they never do. If anyone else gave weapons to Palestinians besides Iran, you would not make big deal out of it. If these groups are gonna call themselves resistance groups to Israel, then they have to show that. Only Hamas is leading actual military struggle against Israel and not the other way around. The rest are just watching. If they are just gonna watch then there is no reason for the weekly threats, rhetoric, and empty promises.

Yeah but the reality is that nobody else is giving weapons to Gaza besides Iran. What Hamas does is a Palestinian question but Iran as the sole backer of Hamas is pretty hard to deny.
This so called Islamic resistance of yours seems to be only involved in all kinds of nations besides Israel. They do speeches on weekly basis about Palestine and promise to get involved and back Palestinians in event of war. And when push comes to shove, they never do. If anyone else gave weapons to Palestinians besides Iran, you would not make big deal out of it. If these groups are gonna call themselves resistance groups to Israel, then they have to show that. Only Hamas is leading actual military struggle against Israel and not the other way around. The rest are just watching. If they are just gonna watch then there is no reason for the weekly threats, rhetoric, and empty promises.
You are both right in your own ways, no conflict here. But the time is now, and the Islamic resistance is on the side lines
Yeah but the reality is that nobody else is giving weapons to Gaza besides Iran. What Hamas does is a Palestinian question but Iran as the sole backer of Hamas is pretty hard to deny.
He’s not denying it, he’s saying in the hour of need, the Islamic resistance has done more words then kinetic action.

Again, I feel like we should just be patient and see what will happen. Things are developing rapidly each day.
Hezbollah plan is to not get involved, I guarantee it. The news about IRGC head is nothing more than twitter rumor.

There have been a lot of surprises since this conflict started
Syria virtually have no control over their own country. Iranians rule the east, Russia rules Latakia and Damascus, Turkey has parts of idlib and northern parts and Kurds in the north east. Their are gangs and militias doing whatever the hell they want near the golan.
I ask the Syrians if they now have the freedom, liberty and democracy America promised them?
It is not Malhama Al-kubra because the real one is proceeded by an asteroid or nuclear war then Mahdi will come 4 months after that impact Asteriod/nuclear.. So he technically emerges in the middle of a raging war.. Two non-believing sides will be fighting each other.. at that point and it is WW3.. He re-groups supporters and leads his own campaign entering 5 wars
Let me guess Sheikh Imrouane Houiucaine???
You are both right in your own ways, no conflict here. But the time is now, and the Islamic resistance is on the side lines

He’s not denying it, he’s saying in the hour of need, the Islamic resistance has done more words then kinetic action.

I mean what else is kinetic action besides what they're already doing? Hitting Tel Aviv is pretty damning. It doesn't get much better than that.
Damn did anyone see that launch from Gaza on the street right in front of the RT LS? Takes some balls to do that
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