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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Palestinian land in 2 state solution is totally unfair -- they are all deserts. But now Palestinian would not even get desert.

and you Pakistanis are doing blue collared job abroad that is why your reserves are 22 billion $ and your PM is busy in taking loans.You are the actually one doing low level jobs in ME & western countries Abdul.Now go and drive the cab.You try to be thekedarr of Islam and only a nuclear Muslim country lol,what are you doing for poor Palestinians ? Oh yea IK called his masters of Muslim countries for the sake of it.Besharam.
Out of this thread.. Spectate from outside. Thanks!
That won't happen. The rich Arabs who could help Palestinians are spoilt brats busy screwing Western hookers and driving luxury cars. Their only excuse for not helping Palestine is no different than Israelis unwillingness to find a peace solution. Hamas is their excuse. The Arabs even speak the same tounge as the Israelis. There is no hope here.
Will happen.. Majority of Muslims live outside of Arab countries.
Pakistan is always become an important part of Muslim power because of their nuclear power, it is the fact. I hope Pakistan can fix their economy and also become powerful economically
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Out of this thread.. Spectate from outside. Thanks!

Will happen.. Majority of Muslims live outside of Arab countries.

That would then probably happen in another era where Islamic nations would be economically and militarily on the same level as the Western backers of Israel.
A two state solution is exactly the same, where we are ready to accept a jewish state,

To me a two state solution is better than Palestinians being entirely robbed from all land. Unfortunately the Israelis have already robbed so much Palestinian land that coming to some sort of a deal is now also virtually impossible. We know the Israelis are not going to give back any land they have confiscated from Palestinians. Worse, the Israelis are probably only going to negotiate once they have achieved their goal of snatching as much land as possible. In that sense I do agree that two state solution is a foregone conclusion.
Palestinian land in 2 state solution is totally unfair -- they are all deserts.

What? You need geography lesson.. Gaza is no desert nor is West bank.. In fact West bank is most fertile in all of isreal land.. Hamas has always controlled Gaza it was their domain as long as Israel existed
Depends, you could try overwhelming it with GPS guided missiles and rockets I suppose. Targeting radars, and launchers with thousands would likely work.

Suicide drones, loitering munitions, CMs, MBRLs with multiple type of munitions combined with good guidance will do the job against Iron dome but outsiders have to look at bigger picture and have to calculate overall IDF defensive and offensive capabilities before going to war with them.
Israelis survival tutorial

Red Alert! Take Cover! But... Where??
Finding optimal cover in open space during rocket attacks
2 days ago·7 minutes read

‼ Attention: This post DOES NOT offer any suggestion nor instruction for a case of emergency. No scientific research, tests, experiments or analysis have been performed before writing this post, it IS NOT comprehensive, NOR DOES it cover the topic completely and it definitly DOES NOT replace any official emergency guidance from Home Front Command. As the name and topic of this blog suggest, this is merely a train of thoughts that came to me as a result of recent events in Israel and I am sharing it. Follow the guidance provided by Home Front Command and stay safe. 🙏
Short Context - Chicken & The Egg
In case you haven't heard, during the last few weeks terror has shown it's face again in Israel. After a relatively long period of "normal life", arabs started attacking Israelies again... beating people on the streets and public transport, burning synagogs, throwing stones at defensless people in their cars with their babies, lynching people leaving them severely wounded, terrorized and traumatized. When Israel retaliated, defending it's citizens, rocket attacks have been launched upon Israel and its citizens. In turn, groups of raging Israelies have now turned against innocent arabs on the streets. This is chaos, but it is not the scope of this article. I leave it to you to read more online...
[Where would I run to if the alarm went off right now??]
Yes, this is something that had crossed my mind today. Various times unfortunatly...

[Of all the things in the world, THIS is what I could think of??]
I am a positive person. My mind usually focuses on creating, producing, loving... It doesn't make any sense to me. These terrible thoughts are a waste of my time and energy. Yet here they are, as clear as the sun, guiding me through the situation. And so my creative side kicks in...
When the alarm goes off, depending on where you are in the country, you have between a few seconds and a minute and a half to find shelter. There are clear instructions and protocols for how to act in different scenarios, but when you're out in the open with only a few moments to make a life saving decision, things might get blurry...
In a split second you have to look around and find the optimal place for cover around you. The next question you'd probably ask yourself is "will I get there in time before the explosion?". If you realize you won't, you're probably better off simply dropping to the ground and covering your head hoping for the best. However, if there is something nearby that might absorb some of the blast, sharpnel and anything that might fly at you, namely a wall, a big tree, a building, a big rock, you might try and lie down next to it.
[Next to it...? How close? On which side? What angle should I take? 👀]
The Basic Problem
Rockets have an (mostly) expected trajectory. That's how Iron Dome intercepts them mid-air...[If rockets are launched from Gaza, when an alarm in Rishon Letzion goes off it means the rocket is flying (roughly) from south to north.] As rockets are currently fired from the same area, given that you know where you are relatively to the launching point, you know the rocket's direction.
Map from Google Maps
[Maybe it's best to find the most perpendicular wall to that direction and lie behind it.]

[What if the rocket hits after the wall? Maybe it's better to be in front of it... 🤔]

Theoretically speaking, this has a mathematical solution. [How the hack am I supposed to do the math in my head, and under pressure?? The things to consider here are infinite... What about wall density? its height? will it hold or fall down? should you lie parallel to the wall? maybe an angle is better? what if the wall is at an angle? what if there is no wall, only a tree...?] you get it, right?
(Turns out my dad had the same thoughts)
Potential Technological Solution
Here's a crazy idea: Imagine an app that would instantly tell you where to go when the alarm goes off. The app would take a look at your surroundings and clearly show you where to take cover and in which position. A simplistic implementation might look like this:
The following images are for demonstration purposes only and DO NOT suggest an optimal place for cover.

Near a wall

Next to a tree

No time to run

Street view images by Google

The app will take into account as much information as it can and define the optimal solution in a split-second. It will also make sure that if you have no time to run to the optimal cover you will get a secondary alternate option.
Defining the optimal cover place is a complex problem. Technologically speaking, we already have tools which might help in composing the solution. We could:
  1. Detect our surroundings using Lidar, then use it to find surfaces, their angles, heights and calculate our distances from nearby objects. Modern smartphones already have it built-in.
  2. Identify (probably) material density and strength using radio frequency (any expert wants to weigh-in here?).

  3. Detect our position relatively to the rocket using GPS and the Gyroscope.

  4. Render the optimal position straight in our camera view in realtime using Augmented Reality, which has been around for a few years now and is pretty mature.

  5. Internally simulate the incoming rocket, play-out the hit and predict any debris or flying objects using physics engines.

  6. Continously improve all of our parameterization techniques (surface detection, material density, hit simulation, etc.) using Machine Learning.
The Challenges
This is the interesting part for me... This is the kind of development that feels very possible, very close, yet very far away. Even though current technology is already there, this complex problem is not only technological. Other types of considerations might be:
Security - To detect an incoming rocket and its trajectory on your phone, the phone will have to fetch data from the military systems in realtime. The same systems used to detect and intercept the rockets. In other words, the trajectory analysis and parameterization made by the military system must be exposed online to the public somehow. Why is this a problem...? If Hamas puts their hands on the data, they can easily pinpoint their hits and readjust their aim. My guess is that our current tech can already pinpoint where a hit will occur and give us a "safe" radius, but that information is probably not provided to us partially for the same reason.
Ethics - Imagine someone used the app and got hit eventually. Who's to blame? Is it the software? Is it the person? maybe he didn't follow the exact instructions? Maybe there was a bug in the software? Would you sue the developers?... The answers are unclear. One thing for sure, using this app would mean giving up some right and accepting some conditions, which may or may not please you.
Human limitations - Each person has their own ability to move. Some might be fast, others slow. One is holding a kid, the other is on a wheel chair. Offering any time-based calculation is error-prone and irresponsible.
Recipe for disaster - Using your phone during a real emergency will probably cost you valuable time. Between pulling it out, unlocking it, finding the app and waiting for it to respond, you already lose a few seconds at least. Meanwhile, will you stand still? Will you move in the wrong direction?
Calling Out The Experts
Obviously, I'm drawing a very abstract idea here which will take some serious work of physicists, tech experts, military experts, government, regulation and more. If your an expert in any of these fields, I hereby invite you to juggle this idea in your head and offer any feedback or analysis you think is useful.
It is unfortunate for me to write about this. War is a sad thing. War has no winners. The same with violence. As we say, necessity is the mother of inventions. But this necessity is... unnecessary. It is ugly, frustrating, painful and is something nobody should have to deal with. Especially not on a daily basis. Did I waste my time writing? Did you just waste yours reading?
Is this development worth it? I'm not so sure. Seems like too much effort into something that might do us more harm then good. This mental exercise is totally worth it though and it might bring light to some new ideas, not necessarily related with this topic.
I thank the people who protect us, IDF and other forces, and hope you'll get to rest soon. As for the people of Israel and the world, arabs, israelies and otherwise: Educate for love, not hate. Express your angers and frustrations with words, not violence.
Surah Al Isra verse 4-8 @PakSword


And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture;"Indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!"

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.

Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower

[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with destruction.

[Then Allah said], "It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return [to sin], We will return [to punishment]. And We have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed."
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  • Thursday, May 13, 2021
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Gaza War Theatre: We've seen this show before:

The Western media never learns from previous Gaza wars.

A large percentage of Gaza rockets fall in Gaza, and many Gazans are killed because of them. I've documented this for years. I've shown how Hamas' own videos show rockets falling short.

When a family is killed in Gaza, it is very rare that it is an IDF mistake. Most of the time it is because a terrorist operative is in the house - either because he is a member of the family, sometimes it seems because he is using them as human shields. Other times it is because of Hamas rockets falling short. Sometimes it is because the IDF targeted a legitimate target that had a larger cache of explosives than was thought and it caused far more collateral damage than expected.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad is hiding the names of most of those killed. While Hamas admitted that one of its senior leaders, Bassem Issa, was killed in an Israeli attack, they don't mention the names of the other people with him at the time who were also killed. They do this to make it look like a larger percentage of the dead are civilians - and they did it in previous wars, too.

Speaking of, the Gaza Health Ministry and the "human rights" NGOs in Gaza (PCHR and Al Mezan) downplay any mention of terrorist casualties and often call terrorists "civilians" when they report the circumstances of those who have died. (Amnesty's obscenely dishonest "Gaza Platform" with statistics from the 2014 war relied on PCHR's initial reports, and as a result it lists more "civilians" than even the UN does. They know they are lying, I've let them know enough times, and they refuse to correct it.)

Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch is back to what he has done so many times in the past - tweeting against Israel incessantly, often with lies, and only reluctantly saying anything bad about Hamas once in a while. So far this time he is doing exactly he same thing - a huge number of anti-Israel tweets and a token tweet or two mentioning that Hamas rockets are a war crime, too.

The media still has no idea what "proportionality" means in the context of international law. They make scorecards of how many have been killed on both sides as if the results are supposed to be "fair," implying that if only more Jews would be killed, then they can all be happy.

Then again, the media is also part of the problem. Hamas has almost complete control over the media in Gaza. Citizens who speak freely to media know that they will be punished. Everyone sticks to the Hamas-approved script. International reporters know that they will be kicked out if they say anything not to Hamas' liking. Yet the media hardly ever mentions this, giving a false impression that their reporting is objective.

The media will also ignore most of Hamas' war crimes. Using ambulances or "press" credentials to transport weapons, using Gazans as human shields, using mosques as weapons depots, shooting from schools- - I once counted 19 different war crimes that Hamas has done in the Gaza wars, but "human rights groups" somehow only notice and denounce one.

People don't learn.

Then again, most people don't want to learn.

Interesting that you focus on an article written by of course by Elder of Ziyon .
The Zionists control the world media to such an extent that even the publishing of a pro Palestinian article makes you a target. You are called an Islam sympathizer - a communist a socialist - anything to deflect.

Land belonging to Palestinians has been stolen systamatically by the Zionists - what sir would your response be if some smelly turd decided to turn up at your house - claims it and throws you onto the street?

Zionists lowest form of human.
Surah Al Isra verse 4-8 @PakSword

View attachment 743566

And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture;"Indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!"

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.

Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower

[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with destruction.
Yes, this is part of the history. But please avoid taking the discussion to religious one.. as it might attract trolls.
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