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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Hamas: We declare victory, Netanyahu suffered a great defeat
Thursday, 20 May 2021 2:13 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 20 May 2021 2:13 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Mousa Abu Marzouq, Hamas’ deputy leader
Hamas declares victory in its now-10-day-long struggle against the Israeli regime’s huge escalation targeting the Gaza Strip, calling the regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the big loser of the confrontation.
Since last Monday, the regime has unconscionably increased its military attacks against the blockaded enclave, where the Palestinian resistance movement is headquartered. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, its fellow Gaza-based resistance group, have responded by firing thousands of rockets at the occupied territories.
“Netanyahu has suffered a great defeat and Hamas declares victory,” Mousa Abu Marzouq, Hamas’ deputy leader, said on Wednesday, Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television network reported.
‘Truce in the offing’
“I expect we can reach a truce over the next one or two days,” he added.
According to the official, the resistance’s spectacular response to the Israeli escalation had forced the United States to start pressing Tel Aviv to dial down its assaults.
Earlier, US President Joe Biden urged Netanyahu to seek a “de-escalation” on Wednesday on the path to a ceasefire in the conflict, Reuters reported.
This is while, until a very short while ago, the US would even keep blocking release of a statement at the United Nations Security Council that could ask for cessation of the Israeli attacks, Abu Marzouq said.
The resistance groups’ counterattacks forced Washington to change its stance, he noted.
According to Ofir Gendelman, spokesman for Netanyahu’s office, the Gaza-based groups have fired around 4,000 rockets towards the occupied territories in response to the Israeli regime’s attacks.
The Hamas official also noted how the regime’s intensified savagery had been followed by “unprecedented sympathy” for Palestinians across the entire world, and even inside the occupied territories.
Numerous world leaders have condemned the escalation. Countless world cities, including those perched at the heart of the occupied territories, have also witnessed sweeping protests against the Israeli atrocities.
Calls grow for Israel to end bloodshed as death toll rises in Gaza
Calls grow for Israel to end bloodshed as death toll rises in Gaza
Calls are growing worldwide for Israel to end its bloody military aggression on Gaza as more Palestinians fall victim to the occupying regime’s onslaught on the besieged enclave.

'Israel fears hell may break loose'
The Hamas official, meanwhile, suggested that another factor that would be forcing the regime into giving in to a truce would be its coming under attack from various directions.
Several rockets have been fired from Lebanon towards the occupied territories over the past week. Iraqi resistance groups and Yemen’s popular Ansarullah movement have also pledged to aid the Gazan groups in their struggle against Tel Aviv.
“Israeli can’t wage war on different fronts, and is very much concerned that the gates of hell may break open in its face,” Abu Marzouq said.
According to the official, the potential armistice would not include the Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank, where the Israeli forces have been attacking Palestinian worshippers and protesters for weeks.
Nevertheless, the resistance would eventually force Netanyahu to stop violating the Palestinians’ rights, he stated.


Israel accuses Chinese state TV of 'blatant antisemitism'
Israel’s Embassy in China is protesting what it describes as blatant antisemitism on a program run by the overseas channel of state broadcaster CCTV discussing the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere
ByThe Associated Press
May 19, 2021, 10:30 AM
• 2 min read

On Location: May 19, 2021
Catch up on the developing stories making headlines.
BEIJING -- Israel’s Embassy in China is protesting what it describes as “blatant antisemitism” on a program run by the overseas channel of state broadcaster CCTV discussing the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere.

In a tweet, the embassy said “we have hoped that the times of the ‘Jew’s controlling the world’ conspiracy theories were over, unfortunately antisemitism has shown its ugly face again.”

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“We are appalled to see blatant antisemitism expressed in an official Chinese media outlet," the tweet said.

On the Tuesday CGTN broadcast, host Zheng Junfeng questioned whether U.S. support for Israel was truly based on shared democratic values, saying “some people believe that U.S. pro-Israeli policy is traceable to the influence of wealthy Jews in the U.S. and the Jewish lobby on U.S. foreign policy makers.”

“Jews dominate finance and and internet sectors,” Zheng says, speaking in English. “So do they have the powerful lobbies some say? Possible.”

Zheng then accused the U.S. — China’s top geopolitical rival — of using Israel as a “beachhead” in the Middle East and a as proxy in its campaign to defeat pan-Arabism.

Spokesperson Erez Katz Volovelsky said Wednesday the embassy had nothing to add to its tweet and had so far received no reply from CGTN, which CCTV operates for foreign audiences, similar to Russia’s RT.

There was no immediate comment from CCTV and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said he was “not aware of the situation."


“China has repeatedly stated its position on the Palestine-Israel situation," Zhao told reporters at a daily briefing.

China has long been a strong backer of the Palestinian cause and in recent days the Foreign Ministry has castigated the U.S. for blocking a statement in the United Nations Security Council condemning the violence.

Yet, since establishing formal diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992, Beijing has nurtured close economic, technological and military ties, including the purchase of early model Israeli drones.

Judaism is not one of China's officially recognized religions and stereotypes about Jews as shrewd businesspeople and market manipulators are common among the Chinese public.
Hamas: We declare victory, Netanyahu suffered a great defeat
Thursday, 20 May 2021 2:13 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 20 May 2021 2:13 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Mousa Abu Marzouq, Hamas’ deputy leader
Hamas declares victory in its now-10-day-long struggle against the Israeli regime’s huge escalation targeting the Gaza Strip, calling the regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the big loser of the confrontation.
Since last Monday, the regime has unconscionably increased its military attacks against the blockaded enclave, where the Palestinian resistance movement is headquartered. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, its fellow Gaza-based resistance group, have responded by firing thousands of rockets at the occupied territories.
“Netanyahu has suffered a great defeat and Hamas declares victory,” Mousa Abu Marzouq, Hamas’ deputy leader, said on Wednesday, Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television network reported.
‘Truce in the offing’
“I expect we can reach a truce over the next one or two days,” he added.
According to the official, the resistance’s spectacular response to the Israeli escalation had forced the United States to start pressing Tel Aviv to dial down its assaults.
Earlier, US President Joe Biden urged Netanyahu to seek a “de-escalation” on Wednesday on the path to a ceasefire in the conflict, Reuters reported.
This is while, until a very short while ago, the US would even keep blocking release of a statement at the United Nations Security Council that could ask for cessation of the Israeli attacks, Abu Marzouq said.
The resistance groups’ counterattacks forced Washington to change its stance, he noted.
According to Ofir Gendelman, spokesman for Netanyahu’s office, the Gaza-based groups have fired around 4,000 rockets towards the occupied territories in response to the Israeli regime’s attacks.
The Hamas official also noted how the regime’s intensified savagery had been followed by “unprecedented sympathy” for Palestinians across the entire world, and even inside the occupied territories.
Numerous world leaders have condemned the escalation. Countless world cities, including those perched at the heart of the occupied territories, have also witnessed sweeping protests against the Israeli atrocities.
Calls grow for Israel to end bloodshed as death toll rises in Gaza
Calls grow for Israel to end bloodshed as death toll rises in Gaza
Calls are growing worldwide for Israel to end its bloody military aggression on Gaza as more Palestinians fall victim to the occupying regime’s onslaught on the besieged enclave.

'Israel fears hell may break loose'
The Hamas official, meanwhile, suggested that another factor that would be forcing the regime into giving in to a truce would be its coming under attack from various directions.
Several rockets have been fired from Lebanon towards the occupied territories over the past week. Iraqi resistance groups and Yemen’s popular Ansarullah movement have also pledged to aid the Gazan groups in their struggle against Tel Aviv.
“Israeli can’t wage war on different fronts, and is very much concerned that the gates of hell may break open in its face,” Abu Marzouq said.
According to the official, the potential armistice would not include the Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank, where the Israeli forces have been attacking Palestinian worshippers and protesters for weeks.
Nevertheless, the resistance would eventually force Netanyahu to stop violating the Palestinians’ rights, he stated.

As the west says.

Finance for terror must be targeted. Israel is a terrorist country and every person supporting Israel globally must be targeted and exposed. Finance to Israel must be targeted. European capital must be questioned why they support this genocidal nazi regime. Why worshippers are targeted in Ramadan. Should Jewish worshippers be targeted.
PLO used to hit Israeli assets globally. Perhaps hamas should consider that again especially independent sources of funding. Muslims in America should use their numbers to make politicians listen

Israel accuses Chinese state TV of 'blatant antisemitism'
Israel’s Embassy in China is protesting what it describes as blatant antisemitism on a program run by the overseas channel of state broadcaster CCTV discussing the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere
ByThe Associated Press
May 19, 2021, 10:30 AM
• 2 min read

On Location: May 19, 2021
Catch up on the developing stories making headlines.
BEIJING -- Israel’s Embassy in China is protesting what it describes as “blatant antisemitism” on a program run by the overseas channel of state broadcaster CCTV discussing the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere.

In a tweet, the embassy said “we have hoped that the times of the ‘Jew’s controlling the world’ conspiracy theories were over, unfortunately antisemitism has shown its ugly face again.”

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“We are appalled to see blatant antisemitism expressed in an official Chinese media outlet," the tweet said.

On the Tuesday CGTN broadcast, host Zheng Junfeng questioned whether U.S. support for Israel was truly based on shared democratic values, saying “some people believe that U.S. pro-Israeli policy is traceable to the influence of wealthy Jews in the U.S. and the Jewish lobby on U.S. foreign policy makers.”

“Jews dominate finance and and internet sectors,” Zheng says, speaking in English. “So do they have the powerful lobbies some say? Possible.”

Zheng then accused the U.S. — China’s top geopolitical rival — of using Israel as a “beachhead” in the Middle East and a as proxy in its campaign to defeat pan-Arabism.

Spokesperson Erez Katz Volovelsky said Wednesday the embassy had nothing to add to its tweet and had so far received no reply from CGTN, which CCTV operates for foreign audiences, similar to Russia’s RT.

There was no immediate comment from CCTV and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said he was “not aware of the situation."


“China has repeatedly stated its position on the Palestine-Israel situation," Zhao told reporters at a daily briefing.

China has long been a strong backer of the Palestinian cause and in recent days the Foreign Ministry has castigated the U.S. for blocking a statement in the United Nations Security Council condemning the violence.

Yet, since establishing formal diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992, Beijing has nurtured close economic, technological and military ties, including the purchase of early model Israeli drones.

Judaism is not one of China's officially recognized religions and stereotypes about Jews as shrewd businesspeople and market manipulators are common among the Chinese public.

Cry me a river nazi jew
As the west says.

Finance for terror must be targeted. Israel is a terrorist country and every person supporting Israel globally must be targeted and exposed. Finance to Israel must be targeted. European capital must be questioned why they support this genocidal nazi regime. Why worshippers are targeted in Ramadan. Should Jewish worshippers be targeted.
PLO used to hit Israeli assets globally. Perhaps hamas should consider that again especially independent sources of funding. Muslims in America should use their numbers to make politicians listen

Cry me a river nazi jew
Our goal is to seek peace and not promote terrorism. However the Palestinians have a right to self defense by any means possible.

‘Palestinian Human Rights Are Not A Bargaining Chip’: Rashida Tlaib Confronts Biden On Tarmac
US President Joe Biden puts his arm around Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) as he speaks to Rep. Rashida Tlaib(L)D-MI upon arrival at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport in Detroit, Michigan on May 18, 2021. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

May 19, 202112:34 PM ET
Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib confronted President Joe Biden on the tarmac in Detroit, pressing him on the White House’s defense of Israel.

According to a statement from the congresswoman’s office, Tlaib blamed Israel for escalating the violence and told the president that she was thus far unsatisfied with the United States’ response to the situation. (RELATED: Rashida Talib Says Palestinians Are Experiencing ‘Their January 6’)

“Palestinian human rights are not a bargaining chip and must be protected, not negotiated,” Tlaib reportedly told Biden. “The U.S. cannot continue to give the right-wing [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu government billions each year to commit crimes against Palestinians. Atrocities like bombing schools cannot be tolerated, much less conducted with U.S.-supplied weapons.”

According to the statement, Tlaib also “reiterated that the status quo is enabling more killing, that the current U.S. approach of unconditional support for the Israeli government is not working, and that the White House must do far more to protect Palestinian lives, dignity, and human rights.”
Tlaib has repeatedly called on the United States to stop giving aid to Israel, arguing that aid was being used by Netanyahu to commit “war crimes.”

Biden spoke highly of Tlaib at an event just hours after the confrontation, saying, “And from my heart, I pray that your grandma and family are well. I promise you I’ll do everything to see that they are, on the West Bank. You’re a fighter and God thank you for being a fighter.”
Response I got from my UK Member of Parliament regarding my letter:-

Thank you for your email about this very important issue. I am extremely concerned that Palestinian refugee families residing in Sheikh Jarrah are facing forced evictions and that violence has increased in Israel and Palestine.

News reports state that over 200 Palestinians were wounded outside East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque when Israeli Police fired rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades on protestors. I condemn these attacks, and across the international community, there have been widespread calls for the Israeli Government to immediately halt all forced evictions, including those in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, as well as to exercise maximum restraint in the use of force with protestors. The spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called on the Israeli Government to halt any actions that “leads to a risk of forcible transfer”, which he said, “may amount to war crimes”.

In April, over 190 organisations supported the call of Palestinian families facing imminent forced eviction from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah upon the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate their case as part of the ongoing investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.

According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the situation in Sheikh Jarrah is “not an isolated incident” given that “nearly a thousand Palestinians, almost half of whom are children, are at risk of forced eviction across East Jerusalem” and that in many cases the forced eviction of Palestinians is “occurring within the context of Israeli settlement construction and expansion, illegal under international humanitarian law.”

I have publicly condemned these attempts to forcibly displace Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, which in my view, violates Israel’s human rights obligations. I wrote to the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office with Sarah Owen MP, Member of Parliament for Luton North, on Monday 10 May. In the letter (which is attached to this email and can be found here), alongside condemning the attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the illegal annexation of Palestinian land, we pressed the Foreign Secretary to:
  • Outline what representations he has made to his Israeli counterpart and the Israeli Prime Minister regarding the Israeli Government’s illegal annexation of Palestinian land.
  • Explain what meaningful action the UK Government intends on taking to prevent the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their homes.
  • Outline what discussions he has had with his international counterparts through the United Nations regarding a multilateral response to the Israeli Government’s illegal annexation of Palestinian land.
In Parliament, I also supported the application for an Urgent Question on the violence in Israel and Palestine. While I was not selected to speak, you can read the transcript here. I was also pleased to speak at Friday’s “demonstration against evictions in East Jerusalem and attacks on Al-Aqsa worshippers” outside Luton Town Hall. Please follow this link to my social media post on the demonstration.

I am extremely alarmed at the increasing death toll and that the situation has led to rocket fire from Gaza and Israeli airstrikes on Gaza that health officials have said have killed a number of Palestinians. On 11 May, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his deep concern over the situation, including the escalation of violence in Gaza, which adds to the “heightened tensions and violence in occupied East Jerusalem". In particular, he expressed sadness about the “increasingly large numbers of casualties, including children”.

I have long been concerned about the ongoing expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, which have been identified by the United Nations as being in breach of international law. Likewise, on 6 May, the governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom issued a joint statement on Israeli settlements that restates the internationally recognised position that “settlements are illegal under international law, and threaten prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” I agree with calls for an end to the blockade of Gaza, which undermines basic human rights and economic prospects.

In addition, Amnesty International has argued that further annexation plans “would serve only to worsen human rights violations and enshrine the entrenched impunity that has fuelled decades of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other grave violations.” The United Nations Secretary-General called on the Israeli Government to abandon the plans and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has said, “Annexation is illegal. Period”.

Further to this, I am deeply concerned that the UK Government has continued to sell arms to the Israeli Government. In 2020, the Campaign Against Arms Trade reported that the UK has licensed £376 million worth of arms to the Israeli Government since 2015. They have also noted that previous government reviews have found it likely that UK-made arms have been used against Palestinians. The Government must undertake an urgent review, which includes a plan for ceasing UK arms sales where we know they are being targeted against civilians and civilian buildings.

The Labour Party has made four firm requests of the UK Government, which are:
  • Demand an end to the forced evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem.
  • Insist that sacred sites of all faiths are treated with the utmost respect.
  • Insist upon the immediate halt to all new settlements and adherence to international law.
  • Accept the need to recognise Palestine as a state.

I have attached the full letter sent by the Shadow Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Lisa Nandy MP, to the Foreign Secretary to this email and it can also be viewed here.
I am a longstanding supporter of human rights, and I will continue to press the UK Government to put pressure on the Government of Israel to end these evictions, end the wider persecution of the Palestinian people, and take steps towards lasting peace.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Hopkins
Member of Parliament for Luton South

3 Union Street, Luton LU1 3AN
457 774
Firstly I dont believe a single thing this government says, Secondly, even if true, she might have been a Mossad agent or god knows what. And thirdly, even if true, the person who authorised it can receive some award maybe called "the righteous amongst the occupiers". They can build a monument to him when its all over and you set 6 million people free from their prison.
Arabs in Israel have longest life expectancy in Middle East. Every day Israeli hospitals save dozens of Arab lives.
Lol saw this somewhere else...

Arabs countries sacrificed tens of thousands soldiers fighting Israel.
Iran sacrificed ZERO fighting Israel. On the other hand they slaughter Syrians for 10 years non stop.
Arabs countries sacrificed tens of thousands soldiers fighting Israel.
Iran sacrificed ZERO fighting Israel. On the other hand they slaughter Syrians for 10 years non stop.

My meme is about the present day arab rulers e.g. UAE leader or Bahraini leader etc... You know, your present day allies.

Yeh I already know that Iran mostly just kills sunnis rather than americans or israelis. However that has nothing to do with my meme.
If by "sunnis" you mean sectarian Salafist Islamists, then yes!

No that's just dishonest. It's like when we accuse the Israelis of killing innocent Muslims but they always say some rubbish like "oh no we bombed that building because terrorists were there!".

Iranian nationalists and ayotollah fans have their own version where they automatically label everyone who opposes them as ISIS/wahabi/salafi terrorists etc...

I may be taking the mick out of arab rulers here but don't think I don't realise what kind of people rule Iran and what they do to innocent Muslims in Syria and Iraq.
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