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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Their time of tyranny is coming to an end soon Inshallah!!!
Brother everything you have written is right BUT my question to you is look around the geo-political landscape are you witnessing ANY signs of Muslims leaders waking up from deep sleep ... then who will fight who...same story repeated for Palestine over and over again.
Palestinians are making their own rockets. Design and technology have been given to them but they can not mass produce the more heavier sophisticated missile. They tend to mass produce the cheaper and most fastest rockets.

Ny times saying Palestinians using material from unexploded isrseli ordnance and from the buildings left
Two questions regarding the Palestinian strategy

1) Why did they not fire the 3500 approx missiles in a concentrated nearby area? Instead of targeting Tel Aviv and giving ample time to iron dome to calculate the trajectory and intercept, why not concentrate this entire force on a nearby town (Ashklon/ Ashdod/ BeerSheeva etc, i might have mis spelled some of the names). Imagine the damage that it could have inflicted on a small town, would have virtually made it inhabitable! Or a nearby military depot/ air base etc.

2) Why cant the Palestinians blow up the wall erected by Israelis in Gaza with their missiles? Do they not want to? What purpose/ advantage does it serve? Just send a salvo of missiles nearby, blow up the wall and send your commandos from the breached section to Israeli mainland!

Having said that, the biggest success of Hamas has been the psychological battle! They have snatched the peace of zionists, if it prolongs, who will be the loser? Why would anyone want to live in a place where missiles are being fired daily and 10% cant be intercepted! Who would want to raise their children in such a place when European and American doors are open for you?

good points..
See the map below:

Areas under the control (with its own law enforcement) of the State of Palestine are marked in red.

Not if Quds is lost; The correct definition is that Quds has been lost, invaded, and raped. Only left a puppet government and politically shattered people... If Israel wanted to take Mahmud Abbas from his house, it would take half an hour.

Gaza is the only Palestinian land that Israel couldnt occupy until the day. For this reason, there is a relentless blockade, even construction materials are not allowed to pass. It is an open-air prison covered with sea blockade, walls and land mines but the only border gate... The missiles you see fired from Gaza are belong to Another Palestine which is no one wanna see it. Unfortunately. There is a completely different reality in field. This is the saddest truth about Palestine. This is why HAMAS is demonized by western media and governments.

And these people, stuck in Gaza, are mostly poor, there are tens of thousands of families who are struggling to meet their basic needs. NO JOB, No capital, integration with the world is restricted. Vallahi, If Doomsday will come suddenly, it will be because of these oppressed people' outcrying are touch to skies. Still, muslims outside Gaza still speak according to their own political agenda. There is no ashamed. There is no taken lesson.
I just heard on some channel that Netanyahu indirectly threatened Pakistan. Is it true? Basically said there is a neighbor of India's that hates us, and we know and we will never forget. Has anyone seen that interview?
Maybe .. Pakistan foreign minister announces a state-level demonstration on coming Friday ...solidarity with Palastinian.
All want to help...

"Yemen’s Ansarullah Offers Saudi Immediate Ceasefire, Joint Fight against Israeli Enemy to Liberate Palestine"

Iraqi PMU/resistance forces or/and Houthis will probably join this fight in the near future.

Its all or nothing for Palestine IMO.
the Hezbollah but those fcukers are good for nothing Shia's and financed by Irani mullahs.
this sounds the same exact way Falcon talks. pls do not be sectarian and pls stick to the topic.
But how will they get there? Through Jordan? Egypt? Syria? Lebanon?
iraqis can enter syria or lebanon, and they are "within range" of bich *** IDF. EVen from Iraq....Iran has armed PMU VERY WELL, probably even better than Hezbollah...and hitting Iraq is much farther and harder for ISrael.
Arab states split for first time on refusal to condemn Israel over Gaza
Silence over bombing of occupied territory puts UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan at odds with their populations
protesters with israeli flags on fire on the ground

Sudanese protesters burn Israeli flags at a rally in January against the deal between the states that has made Sudan wary of condemning Jerusalem. Photograph: Ashraf Shazly/AFP/Getty Images

Martin Chulov Middle East correspondent
Mon 17 May 2021

As Israel and Hamas have pressed closer to all-out war, a new battle for the narrative is being fought among Arab states. For the first time in the many clashes between the two foes, regional unity over who is to blame and what should be done to stop the fighting has splintered.

Are Israel and Palestine on the brink of another war?
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While some states with Muslim majorities, such as Turkey and Iran, have accused Israel of incitement at the al-Aqsa mosque and committing atrocities in Gaza, other countries that had followed suit during previous flare-ups have this time been more restrained.
The relative silence has been led by states that made peace with Israel in the last year of the Trump administration and are now standard bearers of the so-called Abraham Accords.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, which all recently normalised ties with Israel, now find themselves balancing their new relationships against citizens who have been vocal in their anger at Israel’s violence.
Long-time observers of Israel and Palestine say the divergent reactions to this round of fighting have put some regional powers in a difficult position with their own populations.
“It is extraordinary, in this denial position of the Emiratis in particular, that they have not uttered hardly a single criticism of what is happening in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories,” said Chris Doyle, director of the Council for Arab-British Understanding (CAABU).
“It is sending out a signal from the Emirati leadership that we are not going to be swayed away from this burgeoning alliance with Israel, which they consider to be valuable to future plans; this includes countering Iran, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood groups.
“There is plenty of room to make a very supportive statement of the rights of the Palestinians, without endorsing Hamas. And they haven’t done that.”

In what appeared to be a state-backed response, the hashtag “Palestine is not my cause” circulated in the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait over the weekend. It made little dent in region-wide support for Twitter accounts from Gaza and East Jerusalem decrying scenes of violence and the Israeli leadership.
“[These governments] are on the wrong side of public opinion in how they’re seen and received by the populations of the Arab region,” said Mohanad Hage Ali, research fellow at Carnegie Middle East Centre. “They’re trying to pursue an active foreign policy holding positions that they’ve never had before. They could be seen as synonymous with the Israeli occupation and the Israeli policy in the region. This will have an impact on not only Israel, but their new Arab allies. And this will tarnish their reputation.”
“The regimes are very nervous about Arab public opinion,” said Doyle. “These scenes of the bombing of Gaza will make the leadership seem very worried and make them wish they would end sooner rather than later.”
Coverage of the conflict has been nearly non-existent in UAE newspapers and muted in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, which is yet to sign up to a peace deal with Israel, but has given hints that it may do so. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, visited Saudi heir, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in Neom on the Red Sea coast earlier this year. Ties between the two states are deeper than ever – even without concrete moves towards a peace deal.
Riyadh’s position has placed a two-state solution at the centre of any solution – a stance long adopted by the Arab League. It has not chosen more confrontational language than the region’s smaller players. “What we’ve seen in the past is that the king and the crown prince do not necessarily see the conflict in the same way, and the king would be more inclined to be critical.
something else happining in spain!!!!!!!!!!!

The Spanish PM has declared a national emergency and sent troops and extra police to the Spanish enclave of Ceuta after 6,000+ migrants crossed from Morocco. Spain send troops & police to stop illegals,
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