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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Well, I have no idea about other Muslims but may the power be with you. Indeed you are man who follows on his faith. Australia is quite far from Gaza. If you need helkp with buying the airline ticket I think many of us would be prepared to contribute. What is money when you are going to spill blood?
Nation's forming a coalition and strengthening themselves is very different to me going there and fighting alone. It would be a fruitless exercise. The yanks and the Israelis are cold and calculated people. They strategize, plan and then execute all their nefarious plans. Only way to counter them is to form a coalition with other muslim states and grow some balls. It will take time but it is the only way. I am simply pointing out the obvious here.
Muslims' leaders?
Yes there's no such thing in today's world. They are all puppets.
They just take the massacre to a set limit that they have calculated.. then they wait for a few more months/ years, then repeat.

Hamas has no issues with it taking Months or years.. But Israel itself doesn't want it take more then days because the pressure is increasing and many countries might get involved not only Muslim but also other non muslim countries via UN. The more it goes on the more the pressure grows and also the pressure to destabalize the entire region is there.. They don't want months nor years do to the mounting pressure and Mid-east is unpredictable and emotional anything can off-set another flame that can't be shout out
Nation's forming a coalition
This will not happen. And we all know it's not going to happen. Still it's a way of duping ourselvers. After all that plate of pilau is better then fighting the zionists.

Let's just talk instead ... and pray and condemn .... and fly Pal flags. Here is to the next 70 years of occupation.
This can't go on for few more months. If the massacre goes on for a few more weeks, more than 25% of the population of Gazans will have already embraced martyrdom.

Zionists are a clever bunch of people, they will stop at a point when it will be difficult for the Muslim leaders to go against the wishes of the public.

They just take the massacre to a set limit that they have calculated.. then they wait for a few more months/ years, then repeat.
Hamas performed well but still not enough to break the Israeli vicious cycle. Israel will still have the upper hand over Palestine for the coming years. In this way they will always have justification for expanding.
They just take the massacre to a set limit that they have calculated..
1. Breaking the Palestinian people resolve to protect their lands (Israel failed again).
2. Putting pressure on US Administration that they are Victims (Israel succeeded with $735M weapons deal)
3. Showing the Arab world how helpless you all are (Israel succeeded again)
4. Creating tensions between US and Iran (Israel succeeded again)
This will not happen. And we all know it's not going to happen. Still it's a way of duping ourselvers. After all that plate of pilau is better then fighting the zionists.

Let's just talk instead ... and pray and condemn .... and fly Pal flags. Here is to the next 70 years of occupation.
That sort of mentality never helps anyone. I am sure the Jewish people thought the same during the Nazi empire and the south east asians during Imperial Japan... and countless more examples with Britain etc.

As I said, you have to start the process. Allah will help them but they need to actually get off their arse and start formalizing a process. First thing is first ... firepower. That's the only way you get the world to listen. The condemnations and so on are all bs. The Israelis and the Americans lap that up. That's victory in their eyes.
This can't go on for few more months. If the massacre goes on for a few more weeks, more than 25% of the population of Gazans will have already embraced martyrdom.

Zionists are a clever bunch of people, they will stop at a point when it will be difficult for the Muslim leaders to go against the wishes of the public.

They just take the massacre to a set limit that they have calculated.. then they wait for a few more months/ years, then repeat.
Sabra and shatilla massacres didn't move these rulers...so don't expect anything
That sort of mentality never helps anyone. I am sure the Jewish people thought the same during the Nazi empire and the south east asians during Imperial Japan... and countless more examples with Britain etc.

As I said, you have to start the process. Allah will help them but they need to actually get off their arse and start formalizing a process. First thing is first ... firepower. That's the only way you get the world to listen. The condemnations and so on are all bs. The Israelis and the Americans lap that up. That's victory in their eyes.
Like I said your a better Muslim then me. I will check up in 4 weeks.
Actually mods were kind enough to contact me and email in detail their actions. All sorted Alhumdulillah
Very good...actually I learned from you how to make a forceful complaint ... I meant organized roulla paana :D...but I am happy that everything sort out for you.
big slap for people who were told Biden would make America a better for the world .... lol

back to usual business now killing Moslems.
Biden 'expressed his support for a ceasefire' in call with Israeli Prime Minister, White House says

"Our focus, our goal, every single action we take, every statement we make, is with the objective of reducing the violence and bring an end to the conflict on the ground," she said.

"There are times in diplomacy where we'll need to keep those conversations quieter, we won't read out every component of it," she went on. "But that is the objective, that is the prism through which every action and every comment is being made."

Soft-Warning - Inappropriate language
Hamas performed well but still not enough to break the Israeli vicious cycle. Israel will still have the upper hand over Palestine for the coming years. In this way they will always have justification for expanding.
The only fighting force in that region able to give the Zionists a bloody nose are the Hezbollah but those ****** are good for nothing ****** and financed by ***** mullahs.

We need a halal outfit ....
Sabra and shatilla massacres didn't move these rulers...so don't expect anything
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And you believe this meme to be true? This is probably done by some kid who decided he needed to sacrifice more than just a sticker on his car "Free Palestine". In fact I am 99.9% sure she did not say that. If you can find me the primary source for that I would be obliged.
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