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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

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"Yemen’s Ansarullah Offers Saudi Immediate Ceasefire, Joint Fight against Israeli Enemy to Liberate Palestine"


Saudis actully working on ceasefire between Houthis and the other parties in yemen.. Houthis will be granted whatever they hold currently.. their airports and ports opened.. With no hostilies.. They can chose whoever they want to lead them in their zone.

Saudis technically don't have issues with Zayidis the previous government for the last 30 years was also Zaydi and it had good relations with the saudis.

The Yemen war has come to a definite end.. 3 weeks ago where Iranian, Yemens and saudis meet in Oman.. All sides see no stargetic value in that stuff and in fact it is embarrasing that it's even taking place or did in the past.. Yemen is huge country geographically for all.. Just look at Libya it finally worked for them and now they have two defacto countries and their is peace and political solution the same in Yemen they could chose to stay separate defacto wise or political solution there is no forcing any side or even chose to become two separate countries
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"Yemen’s Ansarullah Offers Saudi Immediate Ceasefire, Joint Fight against Israeli Enemy to Liberate Palestine"


There was actually a hadith where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon him) sent baraka to Yemen and Shaam. It was explained that the mujahedeen from Yemen will be one of the forces who will liberate the Holy Land. Perhaps we'll see the start of the fulfillment of that prophesy.

Narrated Ibn `Umar (ra):
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The People said, "And also on our Najd." He said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! And also on our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "There (in Najd) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan."

Source: https://sunnah.com/bukhari:7094

N.B: Gazans would clearly fit the description for the mujahedeen from Shaam. They're clearly the only people who are putting up an enormous struggle - while they're clearly outgunned - for the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Muslims who live there.

There is a third group who will eventually join the Mahdi for the final battle between haqq and baatil: The mujahedeen from Khurasan. We clearly have a group in Khurasan who put up an enormous struggle in order to defeat the Dajjal's empire. That group is on the verge of a major military victory and the defeat of Dajjal's empire is imminent in Khurasan.

No doubt we have a tough road ahead of us, but despite the difficulties and the massacres we face in Muslims land, don't despair as we'll overcome the Dajjal's empire and the minions they imposed over us. It is a divine promise that the Muslims will have the last laugh in bilad al-Shaaam.
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Even with US assistance it is difficult doing expansion they just got out of Afghanistan and fatigued. It is not viable. Look this is not talk but just what is realistic or what is not..
The US is not fatigued in terms of conducting military operations in distant lands but American priorities have shifted in view of the return of Great Power Competition as per their own statements. Bush administration wanted to topple Taliban-led regime and eradicate 9/11 suspects in Afghanistan in large part. Obama administration was rather open to talks with Afghan Taliban to not allow Al-Qaeda Types to misuse Afghan soil to target Americans in other regions; Afghan Taliban accepted key American terms in writing with assurances of withdrawal of US-led forces from Trump administration. This is sufficient for Americans to EXIT from Afghanistan and focus on other theaters. The US is OK with the Intra-Afghan Dialogue endgame.
Easier said than done. Would you personally give blood to reach common muslim goal?
No. I don't have strong belief in the notion of Muslim brotherhood. As human being I feel bad for the Pals. But I am not willng to lose one drop of y blood for Palestine. I confess I am good for nothing guy who likes his pilau with yougurt on top.

I am stronger believer in the concept of nation state and in that regard my loyalty is with Pakistan in the first instance and UK in the second degree. I am too old to fight but if Pakistan needed my blood I would be prepared to die as homage to my ancestors who are buried in that blessed land and my wider genetic family lives there.

I know I am not good Muslim like most of the members here who believe in the ummah and unlike me are right now preparing to volunteer and fight in Gaza. After they have had their plate of biriani.

See you jihadis in 4 weeks - that is those of you who are still alive. May the power be with you so you can vanguish the zionists.
This can't go on for few more months. If the massacre goes on for a few more weeks, more than 25% of the population of Gazans will have already embraced martyrdom.

Zionists are a clever bunch of people, they will stop at a point when it will be difficult for the Muslim leaders to go against the wishes of the public.

They just take the massacre to a set limit that they have calculated.. then they wait for a few more months/ years, then repeat.
That's the only thing that should be on every Muslim nation's mind right now. Wake up to reality. No one else is going to help. If you want Allah's help you have to take the first step.
Well, I have no idea about other Muslims but may the power be with you. Indeed you are man who follows on his faith. Australia is quite far from Gaza. If you need helkp with buying the airline ticket I think many of us would be prepared to contribute. What is money when you are going to spill blood?
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