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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Getting some break to finally see the PR wars from both sides and the global responses. And this time, no doubt about it, the Gazans not only stood their ground but also established a level of deterrence far stronger than ever before. But perhaps more importantly: The Progressive and the Woke crowd in America will not sit silent next time around either. Israel's biggest enemy was/is not some Bedouin armies or hapless Palestinians: It was the global awareness build through social media and this time that is more evident that ever before.

Here is an article by an Israeli lady. Needless to say she is so God-damned blinded by her prejudice that she does not recognize the abject misery of the Palestinians for decades and is crying about the social-media PR loss for Israel. Pathetic creature!! Anyway, here are some excerpts:


On May 17, BLM Tweeted: “Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians. We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. (always have. And always will be). #freepalestine

BLM did not specify its support for Hamas, but BLM also did not mention that Hamas had fired thousands of rockets from heavily populated civilian areas inside Gaza into civilian towns and cities inside Israel. All blame for violence was laid at Israel’s feet and no questioning or blame was given to the Palestinians.
Hamas has won the PR war. It’s won over the hearts and minds of the otherwise good intentions of my children’s socially-minded and woke friends.
Instead, my kids’ Instagram and Facebook feeds exploded with false and demonizing posts about Israel committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. These posts were met with a lot of “likes” and hearts but little in the way of counterpoints or objections.
Progressives, what happened to your notion of deep learning that you demanded of others last summer? Why do you so easily swallow and repeat catchphrases like “settler colonialist,” “apartheid” and “ethnostate” without critical thought when it comes to the only Jewish majority country, a country of about 9 million people about the size of New Jersey, amidst 22 Islamic and Judenrein countries? Do you know what Judenrein means?
Progressives, as you chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free,” do you know what river or what sea you are referring to? What then would become of the millions of Israelis living between that river and that sea?
So, just as expected, few are coming to our aid. It is sad and hurtful but not surprising.
Hamas pounding Israeli cities and forcing them jews to enter bunkers

@500 have you came out of the shelter yet?
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.
Israel bombed Palestinian women and babies like crazy for 12 days with technological and financial help from the USA. There is nothing honorable in bombing babies. Can't be compared to bombing Chechen and North African terrorists elsewhere. :(
I have read about both sufism and kabbalah long time ago. There are many similarities. For example we call Noor and they call Ohr which is basicly Light force-energy that we gain after doing good deeds and after doing Ibadat-rituals. Coping with your selfish attributes-ego-nafsh is also similar which is also the base of our rituals(Fasting-restricting ourselves,Salat-pushing ourselves,

From my understanding from Kabala the selfish ego is responsible for much , if not all , the suffering in the world.

From my understanding Kabala does not wish to eliminate the ego , but rather to turn it upside down - from the desire to receive for one own pleasure , to a will to receive in order to give to others. - the translation of the world Kabala is : to receive.

In the past the world could sustain men's ego , today it threatens to destroy the whole world. One look at the state of nature , our forests and our seas would reveal that.

That is why some Kabalistic think that the " end of days " or : " redemption " is near , simply because the world cant take much more of that shit.

All the monotheistic religions believe that in the end of days those spiritual issues would be solved and there would be an end to war and human suffering.

All three religions describe that before that happen there will be war and suffering.

I can only hope that all here , Muslims , Cristian and Jewish can join my prayer - that this time of tribulation will pass us soon , that it would be without human suffering.

And that the truth would reveal itself for the benefit of all man kind


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The key element of this conflict was to set a red-line.. A taste that the end could be near if it doesn't play by the books. The fall of Jerusalem could occur there is no power on earth that can hinder that even if an slight push from the outside came for it.

One of the good things is that the jews were inflately overrated on this board good riddance I won't be hearing that anymore because I was trying to explain to my fellow PDF think tanks that Israel was not of concern militarily for the last 2-3 years. I explained to them why but they refused to understand. This was a demonstration.

I said Israel could only defeat Lebanon in the entire region of all the state actors and it shows that I was right all along. Because I observe closely and never buy into hype or anything of that sort when I am looking at conventional means.

Nobody would chose Syria that has been thru 10 years war over Israel 3 yrs ago but I did cynically and I didn't chose Syria over them for biased reasons but from a pragmatic point of view. I understood Israel's weaknesses and weaponry systems etc etc and I basically saw it as for what it was.

Get with the program guys and let me not see you slipping again
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Netanyahu and Hamas are natural allies

They aren't allies. Netanyahu and the Israeli right constantly provoke Palestinians by constantly assassinating the resistance's commanders, by continuing settlements on Palestinian land, or by violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other resistance groups then respond to that provocation.

Then Netanyahu's Israel respond with overwhelming force in order to present themselves as defenders of the Jewish people when the truth is they've planned and started the conflict from the get-go.

The charge that Netanyahu and Hamas are allies is one that is designed to discredit the Palestinian resistance, to break their resolve, and to absolve any responsibility from Netanyahu's constant provocations and mass human rights that he and his military commit against the Palestinian people.
because I was trying to explain to my fellow PDF think tanks that Israel was not of concern militarily for the last 2-3 years. I explained to them why but they refused to understand.
Can you point us new followers to what you explained? Can you provide links to some posts? Thanks
Crazy bombing is what you did in Gaza, slaughering and displacing over 100s of thousands of people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt Jewish superior nation named Israel.

Gaza just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of guided ISraeli missiles and rockets.

Thats what really happened, you're welcome

if u detect any lies, pls lemme know.
Is it part of the Jewish religion to lie?
No, but that assumes hes regular person like you and me, and most likely this thing called 500 isnt an individual with an independent opion, that is almost guaranteed at this point. this bot/entity/hired person is working for some manipulative secretive outfit of some sort.
It's a shame this thread has just become israeli terrorist sympathisers vs assad terrorist sympathisers.
But Israel hasnt done this to Palestinians over the past few decades? What aobut that town in Palestine that Israeli govt has wiped out over 180 times? smh.
Assad was indiscriminately barrel bombing Sunni towns in Syria for 9 years on daily basis. Assad broke every single cease fire and continued daily bombings. This practise was stopped only by Turkish force.

Israel only retaliates when rockets are fired. Israel is using only precision weapons in populated areas. When cease fire is achieved Israel stops (previous big operation in Gaza was 7 years ago).

Even you should understand the difference between two.
Assad was indiscriminately barrel bombing Sunni towns in Syria for 9 years on daily basis. Assad broke every single cease fire and continued daily bombings. This practise was stopped only by Turkish force.

Israel only retaliates when rockets are fired. Israel is using only precision weapons in populated areas. When cease fire is achieved Israel stops (previous big operation in Gaza was 7 years ago).

Even you should understand the difference between two.

Ma **** we ain’t talking about Syria we talking about your people. Stop twisting shit around like your spokesperson. That shit could work with Americans and Co and not us.
Thats what really happened, you're welcome
Gaza fired 4400 unguided rockets at Israeli cities and killed 10 civilians including 3 foreign workers and 2 Israeli Arabs. Great victory. Number of Gazan civilians killed by their rockets we dont know, but obviously many times more.
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