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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

You went crazy for 11 days bombing innocent Palestinian babies and women. At the end Hamas is still there.. their stockpiles will increases x100 to kill more Israelis in the near future. What did you gain?
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.
So sorry we put a stop to your Dirty head chopping/ organ eating Salafist buddies in Syria. Go cry your fake tears about those poor "GOYS" you little Rat bastard! You better learn to swim to Patagonia. I have a feeling you will not be freeloading in Palestinian homes for much longer you absolute Piece of human excrement!!!
Norwegian answered well, except that non Jews are not considered kafirs in Judaism. If non Jew observes 7 laws on Noah:
  1. Not to worship idols.
  2. Not to curse God.
  3. Not to commit murder.
  4. Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality.
  5. Not to steal.
  6. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
  7. To establish courts of justice.
Then he is considered a just person and will go to heaven.
3 and 4 are breached in Israel regularly so are most Israelis Kafirs?
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.
Do you want peace and are you willing to negotiate a fair deal with the Palestinians?

News / Reports
Mass anti-Israel protests swell in Pakistan
Monday, 24 May 2021 12:04 AM [ Last Update: Monday, 24 May 2021 12:50 AM ]


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Javed Rana
Press TV, Islamabad

A massive public outpourings against Israel in Pakistan. The streets of the mega city of Karachi flooded with the protesters in solidarity with Palestinians.
There is no letup to anti-Israel protests in this 220 million populated Muslim country after Israeli regime attacked and desecrated Islam’s third holiest site in the eastern Jerusalem Al-Quds and imposed a unilateral war on Gaza.
The huge collateral and human losses in the latest round of one-sided war imposed on unarmed Palestinians has once again become a rallying point to unify people from all segments of the society in Pakistan to join hands to protest against Israel.
The anti-Israel protests have been swelling in Pakistan despite a fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hamas administration in Gaza. Pakistan’s government is feeling the heat of growing public pressure which reflected in country’s Foreign Minister’s rare and blunt remarks about western media outlets on how they have been whitewashing war crimes of Israel against Palestinians.
Pakistan has rejected criticism of pro-Israeli lobbies and Western media claiming that the country’s Foreign Minister’s remarks were anti-Semitic. On the contrary, Foreign Minister’s analogy about nexus between Israel and Western media has been welcomed across the Muslim world.
Islamabad says the Western media has been covering up the massacre of Palestinians by propagating it as Israel’s right of self defense. And on the other hand whenever leaders of the Muslim world speak the truth about Israel’s aggression and its overgrown influence on Western media to whitewash apartheid state’s war crimes, they call it anti-Semitic.
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.
I hope I can meet you one day.

But what I would like to see is your son or daughter slaughtered b4 yours eyes like you zionsits do.

more than a 1000 Israeli combat troops speak against NAZI activities against Palestinian civilians
Crazy bombing is what you did in Syria, slaughering and displacing over 13 mln people just because they refused to bow to sadistic corrupt dictator.

Israel just retaliated with precision strikes to thousands of Hamas indiscriminate rockets.

yeah right .

* Hamas started firing rockets at Israeli cities. Prior that no one was killed.
* Hamas fires rockets from civilian areas, deliberately putting civilians at risk.
* Over 600 rockets launched by Hamas fell in Gaza itself, killing and maiming hundreds of civilians.
Hamas started firing rockets at Israeli cities. Prior that no one was killed.
* Hamas fires rockets from civilian areas, deliberately putting civilians at risk.
* Over 600 rockets launched by Hamas fell in Gaza itself, killing and maiming hundreds of civilians.

BS... This was abou the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem and the attack on Al Aqsa that started this!!

Do you even know what Al Aqsa means to us Muslims???

Forget defence Rockets!... After your attack on Al Aqsa you should be nuked!!!
Listen, how many kabbalistic book or texts have u studied or analysed? The way you act behave and talk and the amount of delusion that is reeking from you makes me think you havent read even one philosophical book in ur life. You come here and talk all anti zio talk with an account that has Zio bootlicker King Abdullahs picture. You are a living breathing troll. How about getting educated, instead of talking all that Rubbish.

I know about Satanic rituals and stuff as much as anyone researching these things. Free masons of this era use Kabbalistic knowledge to deceive people in joining these cults but then they use it to do blood magic and all sorts of stuff. My point is you cannot blame the Knowledge of sacred philosophy wen bad ppl learn it to acquire knowledge about reality but then use that knowledge on Black magic or for the bad of humanity.

I'll give u an example, lets take for instance the field of psychology.... A psychologist is aware of constructs of the human mind and the nature of emotional elements that work in it. Now the psychologist can use his knowledge of how mind works and can use it to guide ppl in the right directions by unveiling to them the very reality of their mind. Or the same psychologist can use this knowledge to get inside a person's head, manipulate their emotions to perhaps use them as his Sex Slaves. These sort of things are possible. Any knowledge points to unveiling the nature of reality and can be hence used for all purposes including magic.

you are a stupid person no doubt about, and u come from a region of idiots who have been taken over. I told you the other day about the Origin of the name Kabb-ALAH but still u are going on about something which u havent researched urself about.

You may come and be like "hey who says i havent done any research... look at all these youtube videos i have watched in Daddy's laptop" or "look at all the pages ive looked at on the internet from conspiracy sites" All these moronic statements are useless.

Because Only those who are real life moron like urself learn about the world by watching YOUTUBE videos and only morons will believe that Kabbalah is all about Black magic said by a guy who also havent read a damn kabbalistic book but will make 1000 youtube videos about it cuz its that poor A-holes bread and butter.

Kabbalah is the a doctrine that unveils the very reality of the mind...it unveils the latent construct of the entire universe and illustrates the blueprint that exists in every fragment of reality. It shows the laws that govern the mind and the universe.The doctrine does not preach immorality, it doesnt tell u "go and do black magic with the knowledge" just like physics doesnt tell u "you shud not have sex with other woman behind ur wifes back" cuz having sex with woman or having sex with goat (like so many of ur arab brothers do) is not the concern of Physics, physics only teaches about the laws of matter.

It has no interest in determining if its right if u get a boner from ur mother in law. Its as simple as that. Kabbalah doesnt preach ppl to do bad things, or even to do as lil evil as to LIE. Its a doctrine of religious philosphy which is so significant an enlightening because it totally unveils the nature of all things that have been created in front of the learner's mind. It consists of number symbolism ,numerology, sacred geometry, chemistry, mathematics and many other fields of knowledge.

dont be like ur brethren. Dont blame kabbalah for boner or watever that people do. The elites have hidden kabbalistic knowledge from masses for centuries because it has the power to enlighten human beings and elevate their morality. The knowledge they gain about all reality from kabbalah, they may use that for black magic but Kabbalah in no way encourages that. Its a doctrine of good.

And wen u talk about David and Solomon. You know nothing about them scumbag. You think them two spent all their days watching Youtube videos? No they studied and educated themselves in all form of philosophy and esoteric theology. Thats how they better understand the nature of God and reality. They were the ones who helped expand sacred philosophical teachings of Israel that is knows to this day as KABBALAH. you know nothing and talk alot like ur stupid brethren.

I have read about both sufism and kabbalah long time ago. There are many similarities. For example we call Noor and they call Ohr which is basicly Light force-energy that we gain after doing good deeds and after doing Ibadat-rituals. Coping with your selfish attributes-ego-nafsh is also similar which is also the base of our rituals(Fasting-restricting ourselves,Salat-pushing ourselves, Zakat-sharing and Hajj). Names of Allah are also similar we have 99 names and we improve our thinking ,our capacity by thinking about these names. they also meditate on their versions of names.
However there can be infiltrations in their system long ago. For example after-life is mentioned in their books like Zohar but also reincarnation is mentioned. Reincarnation is not mentioned in Islam at least mostly except some smaller sects. Also immortality is not mentioned as well. Some prophets that were given duty from Allah might have lived for an extremely long life but that is not for free and not for common layman gaining immortality in messianic age. There is logic in reincarnation but there is no need for after-life if there is only reincarnation and for example at the end times if "mesiah" comes and says now you are immortal everything is fixed in this world only. There is a danger there. 7 sephirots also might be similar to 7 Skies that is mentioned in Quran but later on they might have corrupted it and used this knowledge for magic.Organizations like freemasonry and similar secret organizations,power groups can be using magic-rituals which may be incorporated into those teachings.
By the way some sufi teachings are also corrupted with fatalism, inventions, power hungry groups both in history and today. Better we read Quran and take the example of our Prophet(SAV) , know the basics and use our minds-hearts to determine our paths coping with the challanges of life getting our power to cope with them and solve lifes problems that way. That is my take on the theology part of this discussion.
* Hamas started firing rockets at Israeli cities. Prior that no one was killed.
* Hamas fires rockets from civilian areas, deliberately putting civilians at risk.
* Over 600 rockets launched by Hamas fell in Gaza itself, killing and maiming hundreds of civilians.

Is it part of the Jewish religion to lie?

Had yu not walked into German gas Chambers you wouldn't have been killed right?
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