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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

" In an attempt to avoid further confrontations, Israeli authorities have banned access by Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount for the time being. Many Palestinians view the visits as a provocation, while Jews say they are exercising their right to visit Judaism’s most holy place, even though Israel does not allow Jews to pray there. "
You are quoting old news. Jews were allowed to visit Al Aqsa Mosque compound today with heavy Idf security
Yet Palestinian population has grown since 1948
Compare that with Israeli settlements and the %ages of the cities.....
@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster bros some people have clearly been exposed for having a suspicious agenda. Look into it man. This Norwegian guy looks suspicious. Jus sayin.
Compare that with Israeli settlements and the %ages of the cities.....
@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster bros some people have clearly been exposed for having a suspicious agenda. Look into it man. This Norwegian guy looks suspicious. Jus sayin.


Unexploded Badr-3 rockets of PIJ which fell inside Gaza:

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But some of them exploded killing locals.

Based on the videos released, they're fired from underground locations which are far away from civilian centers, and the first burst of the missile leaves Gaza and straight into Israel. There was no proof presented that those missiles killed any Palestinians.
You are quoting old news. Jews were allowed to visit Al Aqsa Mosque compound today with heavy Idf security

" Ben-Gvir welcomed the reopening of the Temple Mount, but he said Jewish visitors at the site were subject to “unceasing discrimination” due to severely limited visiting times and the ban on formal, open Jewish prayer. "

Let us know when they, Jewish far-right extremists, backed by police, attack Muslim worshippers in Al-Aqsa and wound 300 of them (Let us hope it never comes down to that again). That is what triggered the last conflict. Some far-right extremists wandering around the courtyard and not doing anything doesn't amount to restart of a conflict. Israeli leadership are trying to put up a brave face in their effort to say they didn't meet Hamas' demands of respecting the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque. But in fact, they aren't restarting the provocative step of committing a major violation. They're trying to walk a fine line.
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All the blue areas will be removed very soon. Once they initiate the final step to bring down the Aqsa mosque, that’ll be the red line crossed and the apartheid state final count down will begin, the Zionist entity would end in less then 7 years once the war starts. 500 years old project will come to an end within few years and it would be like it never existed and it’s cpeople gone to be sign for upcoming generations. Just like people of Lut a.s who abided not far from Tel Aviv.
Zionists are fighting a lost cause, lies have no ground so it’s bound to collapse and a state based on lies will stand no chance either.
It’s sad to see people fighting for lost cause, backing lies, supporting open terrorism, accepting aggression, killing innocents, and the charges will keep on adding for such people. Just wait and watch how the history will turn on you and you will find yourself on the opposite side of history where you’ll be shamed and cursed by the coming generations.
Your profile picture is of a hypocrite, a shameless character. So far from reading all your posts it’s a perfect pic to best describe your character. People here on pdf will not accept your lies no matter how much you try to justify. Good hearts knows the truth and stand with it no matter what and it’ll be the good hearts who will come and avenge all these. I know people who are memorizing the names of children died in Gaza to avenge their killers. So it kinda already started.
All the blue areas will be removed very soon. Once they initiate the final step to bring down the Aqsa mosque, that’ll be the red line crossed and the apartheid state final count down will begin, the Zionist entity would end in less then 7 years once the war starts. 500 years old project will come to an end within few years and it would be like it never existed and it’s cpeople gone to be sign for upcoming generations. Just like people of Lut a.s who abided not far from Tel Aviv.
Zionists are fighting a lost cause, lies have no ground so it’s bound to collapse and a state based on lies will stand no chance either.
It’s sad to see people fighting for lost cause, backing lies, supporting open terrorism, accepting aggression, killing innocents, and the charges will keep on adding for such people. Just wait and watch how the history will turn on you and you will find yourself on the opposite side of history where you’ll be shamed and cursed by the coming generations.
Your profile picture is of a hypocrite, a shameless character. So far from reading all your posts it’s a perfect pic to best describe your character. People here on pdf will not accept your lies no matter how much you try to justify. Good hearts knows the truth and stand with it no matter what and it’ll be the good hearts who will come and avenge all these. I know people who are memorizing the names of children died in Gaza to avenge their killers. So it kinda already started.
You only have hatred for Israeli Jews. Israel is a world recognized UN nation for the past 70 plus years. More and more Muslim nations are normalizing relations with Israel. Solution for Israel and Palestine conflict is not end of either nation. Both can peacefully Co exist.
You only have hatred for Israeli Jews. Israel is a world recognized UN nation for the past 70 plus years. More and more Muslim nations are normalizing relations with Israel. Solution for Israel and Palestine conflict is not end of either nation. Both can peacefully Co exist.
“Israeli”,” Jew”, “Hatred”, are the counter words to back your crimes, nowhere in my post I mentioned any of those words.
You sound like that journalist from cnn, when faced with truth you hide behind the word Jew. You want me send you a videos Jews exposing the truth about Zionists entity? And they refuse to join IDF and refuse to recognize the state while living in the holy land. That’s the biggest slap on anyone’s face who says the apartheid state is a Jew state. So I will not allow you to manipulate this into a hatred for Jew

Secondly, UN is bogus, we don’t recognize the apartheid state, so saying the world recognize the apartheid state is completely false. Maybe part of the world does recognize it. However, you can’t say the world recognize it,. You can say that when every nation on world map accepts it. So let’s clear that fact as well.

Solution for the peace is the complete removal of the cancer. If cancer develops in any part of the body, it effects the whole body. So this cancer Zionist entity is effecting the peace of the world. Soon the world will realize the ultimate truth just like I said before and they’ll come to same conclusion. No negotiations with terrorists, take them out where you find them.
They are not allowed to pray. They are not settlers but religious Jews who wish to visit their holiest site in Judaism

Hamas achieved nothing. Jews are back in Al Aqsa Mosque today. They can still evict Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood as per Israeli Supreme Court orders. What are the achievements?
What is the achievement when anyone fights for freedom? Are you a Semite?
They are not allowed to pray. They are not settlers but religious Jews who wish to visit their holiest site in Judaism

Hamas achieved nothing. Jews are back in Al Aqsa Mosque today. They can still evict Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood as per Israeli Supreme Court orders. What are the achievements?

Achievement takes time, Jews achieved all goals over blood and it took them a long time, the same goes to Palestinian, people's are waking up in west, people's started to questioning Israel and it's brutality against Palestinian civilians, which is a good sign. Jew journalist leaving thier own newspaper and standing against oppressor, Things are changing and it's fact !
Achievement takes time, Jews achieved all goals over blood and it took them a long time, the same goes to Palestinian, people's are waking up in west, people's started to questioning Israel and it's brutality against Palestinian civilians, which is a good sign. Jew journalist leaving thier own newspaper and standing against oppressor, Things are changing and it's fact !
What is the achievement when anyone fights for freedom??
You want me send you a videos Jews exposing the truth about Zionists entity? And they refuse to join IDF and refuse to recognize the state while living in the holy land.

Solution for the peace is the complete removal of the cancer.
It's not up to you to decide
No matter what link, what news you share buddy, Things are changing, Israel is having a tough time now,
I know your trying hard to orgasm your ego but as I said the fact is that no one specially new generation don't give a damn about israel! it's a good sign. go ahead share whatever you want to share but now it's too late, you can't change anything!
I will wait for @500 to answer and yet again you have this "bad habit" of providing "no references" in your responses. I appreciate the hard work and stamina it takes for you to jump around on so many threads and give your useless responses...with me you do not have to jump around...take a deep breath relax now (if possible) give me some links to support your answers.
Norwegian answered well, except that non Jews are not considered kafirs in Judaism. If non Jew observes 7 laws on Noah:
  1. Not to worship idols.
  2. Not to curse God.
  3. Not to commit murder.
  4. Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality.
  5. Not to steal.
  6. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
  7. To establish courts of justice.
Then he is considered a just person and will go to heaven.
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