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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Based on the videos released, they're fired from underground locations which are far away from civilian centers, and the first burst of the missile leaves Gaza and straight into Israel. There was no proof presented that those missiles killed any Palestinians.
There is a huge numbers of pics and videos of rockets fired from dense populated areas.


and you can see that in this picture unexploded Palestinian Badr-3 rocket in the middle of the street:

There is a huge numbers of pics and videos of rockets fired from dense populated areas.


and you can see that in this picture unexploded Palestinian Badr-3 rocket in the middle of the street:

Talk with your leaders. Israel is still failing at propaganda war year after year:
Whatever military gains by Idf are dwarfed by failures on propaganda front.
There is a huge numbers of pics and videos of rockets fired from dense populated areas.


and you can see that in this picture unexploded Palestinian Badr-3 rocket in the middle of the street:

You went crazy for 11 days bombing innocent Palestinian babies and women. At the end Hamas is still there.. their stockpiles will increases x100 to kill more Israelis in the near future. What did you gain?
You went crazy for 11 days bombing innocent Palestinian babies and women. At the end Hamas is still there.. their stockpiles will increases x100 to kill more Israelis in the near future. What did you gain?
Except Hamas winning this years upcoming Palestinian elections and Nutunyahoo keep sitting as PM, nobody gained anything from this 11 day bloody war
From the beginning

from the beginning in "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) the idea was hit, hit and hit until get a response and, then, make a big kill

In the 1st century the "people of the land" ("am ha'eretz") were people from Idumea, Perea and Galilee, who suffered the Domination of the Sadducean ruling class, very grown in its already usual arrogance thanks to Roman support

this (1917/47-) remake of The Old Film is much more disgusting

your nervous laugh is a clear sign of my accurate words ...

... and your ignorance about the history of the land of Canaan
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View attachment 746763

It's not up to you to decide
Still it isn’t 100%, every voice count. This survey isn’t based on every Jew voice. Come visit Williamsburg area, Brooklyn, there’s a whole community who stand against the Zionist state.

This survey speaks itself as more Jews live in USA.

I never said I decide, the world will decide itself.
Israel can no longer get away with murders of Palestinians.

They already got a bloody nose this time.

Times have changed.

People have stopped trusting CNN,Fox Israeli paid media.


Even China a country that put emphasis on trade is criticizing West for supporting Israel on murdering Palestinians and demolishing their homes in broad daylight.


Israel has lost narrative war. Thousands of lies cannot overshadow the truth.

We should be discussing their next coward move.

From my assessment:

The crosshair will now completely focus on China and its allies now.

India will be used as scapegoat and will recieve blank check on trades, weapons, supplies everything you name it. For next conflict.

- Victory of IEA, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
- India feeling threatened, Hindutva seeking validation
- West needs an entry point to weaken China
- Pakistan focusing on economy, surprisingly.
- Dollar is crumbling, capitalism backfiring (homelessness etc)


We are nearing bigger conflicts. All those weapons stockpiled for decades will be used. When? Only Allah knows

ps: always refreshing to see Qadiyanis jumping on every thread to please their British masters.
Norwegian answered well, except that non Jews are not considered kafirs in Judaism. If non Jew observes 7 laws on Noah:
  1. Not to worship idols.
  2. Not to curse God.
  3. Not to commit murder.
  4. Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality.
  5. Not to steal.
  6. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
  7. To establish courts of justice.
Then he is considered a just person and will go to heaven.
The reference links you provided are ALL from Wiki...I need reference links to some religious scholar or an article by a religious scholar. I mean being a Jew I suppose you should have access to "more authentic" information then wiki...
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