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Israel now supplying IAF with BNET secure jam proof radios and datalinks

Learning from their mistakes, Pakistan must keep up with Indian capabilities as they will not waste any given chance to settle score with Pakistan.
Pakistan will never learn from their mistakes... Pakistani pilot should have never vectored his H4 away from ammo dump.
Our politicians are always trapped by foreign agencies to have favorable terms, in times when it matters most.

Actually, it is proof that we can still afford things. You would love to get your hands on such stuff, but your PM even had to cry out for debt writeoffs due to coronavirus, so you obviously don't have a penny to spend.

Besides, this is just a screenshot from some website, cannot find any news item related to this. We just bought 17000 LMGS from Israel a couple of days ago. I guess that shows Indian army was trying to shoot at F16s with Insas rifles on Feb 27th 2019 and got spanked :lol: .Sorry, not everything revolves around you.
You could never thank enough to Imran Khan.
I don't think the PAF will get an off-the-shelf fighter. It's a lot of money, and the PAF can use that money to improve its own data-links, boost EW/ECM, etc. In fact, it wouldn't cost as much, but that'll likely be the priority investment as the impact can come sooner, and across many more assets.
and you know, obviously, what equipment the aircraft has to make this claim?
I does not matter what equipment the aircraft has, BNET cannnot be jammed except by quantum computing.
This is the problem with multiple ID rat

Talks big. Gets humiliated. Gets banned. Returns with a new ID
Ok boomer

Agreed, that's what i heard when the IAF acquired the Phalcons, as to how the Phalcons will jam all the networks of the PAF. Certainly didn't work on Feb 27, but i am sure it will work this time :)
Phalcons are AWACS not jammer so no pne ever said that
DA-20 Falcons made obsolete in a single stroke.
they were useless before 27 too you guys never think of them until they bite you :lol:

Pakistan will never learn from their mistakes... Pakistani pilot should have never vectored his H4 away from ammo dump.
Our politicians are always trapped by foreign agencies to have favorable terms, in times when it matters most.

You could never thank enough to Imran Khan.

PAF pilots followed their orders, also if we had struck the HQ then it would have escalated the situation and could have turned into war.
PAF pilots followed their orders, also if we had struck the HQ then it would have escalated the situation and could have turned into war.
It would have ended all sort of escalations in times to come. Would have saved both Pakistani and Indian lives. It would have lead the region into prosperity.
DA-20 Falcons made obsolete in a single stroke.
Yes previously ... DA-20 were also made obsolete when India got 'Phalcon Raydar' from Israel. Even no aircraft could fly unnoticed from PAF basis. All Indian claims failed miserably in the pain of 27-Feb.
Now again another topi drama.
has Israel ever used their equipment against formidable foe, or someone other than Hamas and unarmed Palestinians. We know what happened to their spice bomb.

Israel has no formidable opponents like India don't have. Like india's opponent, Israel's opponents are also good for bluffing on forums. They are not good enough to stop india.
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It would have ended all sort of escalations in times to come. Would have saved both Pakistani and Indian lives. It would have lead the region into prosperity.

Nope, it would have made Pakistan aggressor in front of rest of the world powers which would have help India.
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