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Israel now supplying IAF with BNET secure jam proof radios and datalinks

You can frequency hop to overcome my jamming. I can hop and continue to jam your signal
There are no jammer in existence or even in design stages are that able to keep pace with BNETs frequency hopping.
OR, I can use a noise jammer and jam a whole range of frequencies.
No jammer in existence to jam a band as large and with futuristic encryption as BNET
This is true of US/Israeli /Russian/Chinese SDR, wireless signals can never be jam proof!!!!
Unless you use quantum radio!!!! Or a hard line!
Actually after being shocked by BNET's capabilities, DARPA palns to develop quantum tech based Jammers by 2035-40.
There are no jammer in existence or even in design stages are that able to keep pace with BNETs frequency hopping.

No jammer in existence to jam a band as large and with futuristic encryption as BNET

Actually after being shocked by BNET's capabilities, DARPA palns to develop quantum tech based Jammers by 2035-40.
Ha ha , you make it seem like science fiction. It is not possible that there are no jammer in existence or even in design stages. This is real world, not Star Trek
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