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Israel now supplying IAF with BNET secure jam proof radios and datalinks

Apologies for not responding - not able to dedicate time due to personal situation
What were the leanings ? If independent media and defence enthusiasts like you are not aware of them - how do you expect to ask PAF/PAK armed forces tough questions ? Or you just lap it up whatever is dished out to you. If you look at IAF - entire community knows what went right , what went wrong and the improvement areas.

You got it all wrong ! Let me state again.

India attacked to retaliate for pulwama - it called the nuclear bluff and established a space for conventional confortation. Strategically - that was the outcome for us.
Pakistan retaliated - to placate its domestic audience. It wanted to establish status quo in front of domestic audience. Militarily there was no outcome. So - tactically it achieved its outcome. Strategically - there was no outcome and neither was it planned to have one.
Why does it need to do ? Simple - to ensure faith of people in PAK armed forces so that they can continue its business interests unhindered.
Any question on PAK and its PAK foundation invites ban or the thread gets deleted - we had a thread 1 day back where some pakistani brought this point and the entire thread was deleted. Thats the level of public perception thats being controlled.

India was prepared to loose planes on 26th. It does not matter - strategically the outcome should be achieved. Shortcomings are diclosed due to the transparency that the entire institution is built on. Our media is nasty and does not spare anyone (as should be case)
Till date i have not seen any articles on what are the lessons for Pakistan. Heck even USAF had lessons

Rest of your writing is rant - no point in replying.
Fauji Foundation is not even 5% of Indian defence budget. If your analogy is correct then give 5% to pak army to remain busy in business and rest 95% you can use for either building toilets for your poor people or spend it on Corona emergency. You can disband your Army and save 95% of your budget against an army whose only reason for existence is business (as per your own wise analysis).
Apologies for not responding - not able to dedicate time due to personal situation


Hope all is well, these are testing times indeed.

What were the leanings ? If independent media and defence enthusiasts like you are not aware of them - how do you expect to ask PAF/PAK armed forces tough questions ? Or you just lap it up whatever is dished out to you. If you look at IAF - entire community knows what went right , what went wrong and the improvement areas.

I have a very good idea what those shortcomings were, and i can assure you PAF studied them in quite a lot of depth and some of the gaps have already been fixed. Here's a hint, PAF studied Feb 26 with a scalpel. Every exercise that PAF participates in, every mission it takes is studied in excruciating details. Heck, PAF studied Russian Air Force's operations in Syria and IDAF's operations in the Middle East. Just because you don't see these studies published online does not mean there is no work being done behind the scenes. Look at the evolution of PA as a fighting force in COIN. You can't build such an effective fighting force in COIN if there was absolutely no concept of self introspection. You're just putting me in a tough situation because a lot of my conversations are in confidence so i wouldn't be comfortable talking about them in an open forum.

Pakistan Armed Forces in general which include all three sister arms are very secretive in general. These people are extremely paranoid not because of the Indians, but more so because of the US. So i am perfectly okay with PAF keeping its operations under the wraps.
Nothing wrong in what IK did

Not everyone likes to act Richie rich while being piss poor like India

Exactly I don't where this arrogance comes from? 60% of Bharat is piss-poor, defecate in the open, rape like crazy, eat shit, and they think they are the e dogs bollocks.

Oh yeah I forgot their 7000 year old vedic technology, they did not need these radios but just bought them because you know to slum it a bit with the likes of us earthlings.
I have a very good idea what those shortcomings were, and i can assure you PAF studied them in quite a lot of depth and some of the gaps have already been fixed. Here's a hint, PAF studied Feb 26 with a scalpel. Every exercise that PAF participates in, every mission it takes is studied in excruciating details. Heck, PAF studied Russian Air Force's operations in Syria and IDAF's operations in the Middle East. Just because you don't see these studies published online does not mean there is no work being done behind the scenes.
With all due respect - any professional force's job is to study global operations and its aftermath. Iran's executive of pin prick attacks on saudi facilities , Syrian operations and other operations are all studied - its nothing spectular, its a job they are supposed to do. PAF being a professional force - i dont expect anything less from them.
Where PAF lacks - is the transparency.

Look at the evolution of PA as a fighting force in COIN. You can't build such an effective fighting force in COIN if there was absolutely no concept of self introspection. You're just putting me in a tough situation because a lot of my conversations are in confidence so i wouldn't be comfortable talking about them in an open forum.
Sure understand that. Mypoint is - PAF and in generalPAK armed forces lack transparency. As a result you never know what went right and what went wrong and i mean by 'YOU' meaning - the public in general. So they are absolutely above criticism. You can take a look at Western world, India, Israel, etc - people rip apart their armed forces. And its not in a negative - its to make sure they are accountable and are held to highest standards.
Pakistan Armed Forces in general which include all three sister arms are very secretive in general. These people are extremely paranoid not because of the Indians, but more so because of the US. So i am perfectly okay with PAF keeping its operations under the wraps.

And due to that it faces no criticism. Its above the law.
I guess no point in continuing. I understand your pov - and i have made clear your pov. Even though PAF tactically might have been short on 26th or 27th - you will never know.
With all due respect - any professional force's job is to study global operations and its aftermath. Iran's executive of pin prick attacks on saudi facilities , Syrian operations and other operations are all studied - its nothing spectular, its a job they are supposed to do. PAF being a professional force - i dont expect anything less from them.
Where PAF lacks - is the transparency.

Sure understand that. Mypoint is - PAF and in generalPAK armed forces lack transparency. As a result you never know what went right and what went wrong and i mean by 'YOU' meaning - the public in general. So they are absolutely above criticism. You can take a look at Western world, India, Israel, etc - people rip apart their armed forces. And its not in a negative - its to make sure they are accountable and are held to highest standards.

And due to that it faces no criticism. Its above the law.
I guess no point in continuing. I understand your pov - and i have made clear your pov. Even though PAF tactically might have been short on 26th or 27th - you will never know.
Nothing succeeds like success, merely the fact that PAF kicked mighty behind of IAF on 27 Feb is sufficient proof for me to be proud. How they do it is there job, I wont ask them the nitty-gritty of it if they think its classified.
One thing more you have no idea how open Pakistani people (especially media) in asking painful questions from our ISPR and they get prompt replies also.
For a change is there any TV channel in india which can openly implicate RAW chief in the murder attempt of a journalist on open channel ? your media does not have the courage to take the name of an SHO what to talk of an Intelligence Chief. Can US media bark against CIA ? Can BBC bark against MI6 ? Keep your lessons to yourself and if you still want to give a lecture try it at home. Your dead body will be found in some remote area of India. Dont teach us, we are proud of our PAF, they have surprised you on 27 Feb, they will do it again.
If you want to talk of corruption why dont you talk of corruption in Rafale deal by Modi and Ambani ? Same day you will vanish
Software defined radios aren't 'jam proof' as claimed by OP. The system attempts to resist jamming by employment of anti-jamming waveforms and techniques within certain pre-programmed parameters. A sophisticated responsive jammer can still successfully jam the SDR. In most cases a noise jammer does not even need to be sophisticated - as long as it covers the frequency spectrum of the SDR.

Eaves dropping on SDR's is very difficult and this is the principal benefit of the device.
Software defined radios aren't 'jam proof' as claimed by OP. The system attempts to resist jamming by employment of anti-jamming waveforms and techniques within certain pre-programmed parameters. A sophisticated responsive jammer can still successfully jam the SDR. In most cases a noise jammer does not even need to be sophisticated - as long as it covers the frequency spectrum of the SDR.

Eaves dropping on SDR's is very difficult and this is the principal benefit of the device.
You mean something like Whatsapp with end-to-end 16 digit encryption ?
Software defined radios aren't 'jam proof' as claimed by OP. The system attempts to resist jamming by employment of anti-jamming waveforms and techniques within certain pre-programmed parameters. A sophisticated responsive jammer can still successfully jam the SDR. In most cases a noise jammer does not even need to be sophisticated - as long as it covers the frequency spectrum of the SDR.

Eaves dropping on SDR's is very difficult and this is the principal benefit of the device.
Nope death by chocolate.
That does not apply to spectrum sensing SDR like BNET but only to older SDRs like ones from R&S.
Both US & Israel carried out extensive tests and failed to find any jammer which can even minutely disrupt it.
Nope death by chocolate.
That does not apply to spectrum sensing SDR like BNET but only to older SDRs like ones from R&S.
Both US & Israel carried out extensive tests and failed to find any jammer which can even minutely disrupt it.
So shoot the jammer, simple solution.
Nope death by chocolate.
That does not apply to spectrum sensing SDR like BNET but only to older SDRs like ones from R&S.
Both US & Israel carried out extensive tests and failed to find any jammer which can even minutely disrupt it.

Oh God! .... all radio waves can be jammed. The only way to prevent jamming is transmission via a physical medium!!! like a cable!!!
Oh God! .... all radio waves can be jammed. The only way to prevent jamming is transmission via a physical medium!!! like a cable!!!
I am not an expert but I recall some early old lessons on jamming, if you can dominate the spectrum with more powerful signal you can jam any transmission. I am not an expert but just some basics of signals.
I am not an expert but I recall some early old lessons on jamming, if you can dominate the spectrum with more powerful signal you can jam any transmission. I am not an expert but just some basics of signals.

That is correct broadly ..
Oh God! .... all radio waves can be jammed. The only way to prevent jamming is transmission via a physical medium!!! like a cable!!!
Not for spectrum sensing SDR like BNET which can instantly sense the spectrum being jammed and immediately switch to anothe rspectrum in milliseconds (& coordinate it with other peers).
Not for spectrum sensing SFR like BNET whoch can sense the spectrum being jammed and immediately switch to anothe rspectrum in milliseconds (& coordinate it with other peers).

Let me explain this to you in a way you will understand.

Let say you are listening to music from your mobile using a wireless headset.

1. I can tap into the signal and listen to your music. you can stop me by encrypting the transmission.

2. I can jam the specific frequency of the transmissions from your mobile to your wireless headset.
You can frequency hop to overcome my jamming. I can hop and continue to jam your signal
OR, I can use a noise jammer and jam a whole range of frequencies.

3. You get rid of your wireless head phone and use a corded head phone
I can do nothing!

This is true of US/Israeli /Russian/Chinese SDR, wireless signals can never be jam proof!!!!
Unless you use quantum radio!!!! Or a hard line!
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Let me explain this to you in a way you will understand.

Let say you are listening to music from your mobile using a wireless headset.

1. I can tap into the signal and listen to your music. you can stop me by encrypting the transmission.

2. I can jam the specific frequency of the transmissions from your mobile to your wireless headset.
You can frequency hop to overcome my jamming. I can hop and continue to jam your signal
OR, I can use a noise jammer and jam a whole range of frequencies.

3. You get rid of your wireless head phone and use a corded head phone
I can do nothing!

This is true of US/Israeli /Russian/Chinese SDR, wireless signals can never be jam proof!!!!
Unless you use quantum radio!!!! Or a hard line!
This guy Jaskier is trying to confuse frequency hopping and calling it spectrum hoping. One i read this subject there was one spectrum, are there more than one electromagnetic spectrums these days ?
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