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Israel now supplying IAF with BNET secure jam proof radios and datalinks

Jan 11, 2020
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DA-20 Falcons made obsolete in a single stroke.

Nope, here is the problem with Indians, that if they bought something its out of world and rest of world is obsolete.

One more thing what you forgot to mentioned here that your western and advance Israeli EW suit didn't worked against Pakistan on 27 Feb 2019 so be careful before tall claims.
Nope, here is the problem with Indians, that if they bought something its out of world and rest of world is obsolete.

One more thing what you forgot to mentioned here that your western and advance Israeli EW suit didn't worked against Pakistan on 27 Feb 2019 so be careful before tall claims.

Brother never under estimate your enemy and over estimate yourself. We have won a battle not the war yet. Enemy is sorting out their short comings we need to stay one yard ahead of them.
Actually, it is proof that we can still afford things. You would love to get your hands on such stuff, but your PM even had to cry out for debt writeoffs due to coronavirus, so you obviously don't have a penny to spend.

Nothing wrong in what IK did

Not everyone likes to act Richie rich while being piss poor like India
Yes, instead, you spend far beyond your means, then beg for debt relief. If you accept you are poor, then spend your meagre earnings wisely rather than stealing money from other countries. When you get debt relief from a country, taxpayers of that country take a hit.

Pakistan's military spending has declined unlike one certain piss poor globally largest importer of arms and ammunition

But whatever floats your boat
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