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Israel in the first UAE visit since murder of Hamas Al Mabouh

Thats just my two cents, i just dont believe that Hamas will archieve anything with their rockets, it will only cause more collateral damage.

Please be rational or leave this thread. Israel is not genuine about two states solution otherwise settlements would come to an end. The biggest obstacle against peace process is the settlements that are being build every now and then in East Jerusalem and West bank.

Do you read what I am actually writing? Did you not see this ("a real one") that I wrote after the words "a two state solution". At least you quoted it but seemingly ignored it.

Anyway I know very well that what we see today is not a real two state solution but Israeli occupation hence I have always been against that since the time I started to develop a feel of my region and its politics around the age of 10 if not earlier. Pre 9/11 at least.

Don't you think Iran should mind its own business and look after its fragile state instead of interfering in the Israel-Palestine issue? I think the Palestinians are mature enough to take care of their own business.
Thats just my two cents, i just dont believe that Hamas will archieve anything with their rockets, it will only cause more collateral damage.

Xenon, my friend, please for the love of God listen to me for a minute. I'm getting tired of all of this I spent my time trying to educate our fellow people's. Hamas has a strategy that is not friendly to the occupation however we don't have a strategy that you think it is. What you say, was following the blockade and siege of Gaza in which no one was did anything about the humanitarian crisis. People were dying as a direct result of this siege. Hamas protested it yet no one cared and no one recognized Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza. So they needed to be heard one way or another. Later a long ceasefire ensued. Hamas was trying to improve the situation and achieve diplomatic relations with nations until Israel broke a ceasefire on a November of 2008. This led to a massive offensive against Gaza in which civilians were deliberately targeted. If our homes are targeted Israeli homes won't be quiet or safe. Israel also prevented foreign journalists.

Until after that did human rights organizations make any efforts to spread awareness and help the situation.

Even this explanation is too broad. Try looking for little facts.

I appreciate things done by all people, whoever I also wish we could all live it as it is so helping one another becomes a duty rather than a favor.

We Arabs by nature are very generous people but unfortunately many of our own are having a very hard time and we cannot help them all and most importantly many of the regimes are not doing enough. Look at Yemen one of the most ancient civilizations on earth.. From being one of the most rich and prosperous ancient civilizations on earth 3000-2000 years ago and earlier to now being among the most poor states of the ME and Arab world. Are we doing enough to help them? No. What about the African Muslims?

Sadly this is our world today and this is how it mostly always was.

Anyway I do not take sides in internal Palestinian affairs as I always told you. You know what I hope for and if not then I have written it in this thread.

I do know about Israel and that as long as Zionist will rule then there will be a problem but one can hope that some real deal will be reached in our lifetime. It is getting tiring quite frankly.
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Please be rational or leave this thread.
First of all, i wont ask you if i can post here or not.
Israel is not genuine about two states solution otherwise settlements would come to an end. The biggest obstacle against peace process is the settlements that are being build every now and then in East Jerusalem and West bank.
Like i said, its just my two cent, but im curious to hear your solution for this conflict.

Xenon, my friend, please for the love of God listen to me for a minute. I'm getting tired of all of this I spent my time trying to educate our fellow people's. Hamas has a strategy that is not friendly to the occupation however we don't have a strategy that you think it is. What you say, was following the blockade and siege of Gaza in which no one was did anything about the humanitarian crisis. People were dying as a direct result of this siege. Hamas protested it yet no one cared and no one recognized Hamas as the legitimate government of Gaza. So they needed to be heard one way or another. Later a long ceasefire ensued. Hamas was trying to improve the situation and achieve diplomatic relations with nations until Israel broke a ceasefire on a November of 2008. This led to a massive offensive against Gaza in which civilians were deliberately targeted. If our homes are targeted Israeli homes won't be quiet or safe. Israel also prevented foreign journalists.

Until after that did human rights organizations make any efforts to spread awareness and help the situation.

Even this explanation is too broad. Try looking for little facts.
I understand your point but people in Europe only see Hamas as the agressors and hamas is delivering good material for western press.
What i want to say is that Hamas is doing a good job to show Palestinians as the agressors.
I understand your point but people in Europe only see Hamas as the agressors and hamas is delivering good material for western press.
What i want to say is that Hamas is doing a good job to show Palestinians as the agressors.

It has a lot to do with western media spin as well. A lot of the press and news channels have a hidden/clear bias for Israel.
First of all, i wont ask you if i can post here or not.

Like i said, its just my two cent, but im curious to hear your solution for this conflict.

I understand your point but people in Europe only see Hamas as the agressors and hamas is delivering good material for western press.
What i want to say is that Hamas is doing a good job to show Palestinians as the agressors.

This is not due to reality but rather due to misinformation in European media. European media doesn't present a fair account nor they do they sympathize with any Muslims. They twist stories in ways to benefit Israel. Stay of away from mainstream media especially when it comes to Islamic organizations. Come to me for reliable sources.
Don't you think Iran should mind its own business and look after its fragile state instead of interfering in the Israel-Palestine issue? I think the Palestinians are mature enough to take care of their own business.

Iranian economy is piss poor, but Iran is a very stabile and enduring country.
First of all, i wont ask you if i can post here or not.

Use some critical thinking.

Like i said, its just my two cent, but im curious to hear your solution for this conflict.

My solution is that, finish Asshead, arm the rebels. That will force Israel to accept the reality and think of its existence. We sometimes need to learn from history. Israel has the choice to either live in peace or will be forced to.
This is not due to reality but rather due to misinformation in European media. European media doesn't present a fair account nor they do they sympathize with any Muslims. They twist stories in ways to benefit Israel. Stay of away from mainstream media especially when it comes to Islamic organizations. Come to me for reliable sources.
Yeah you dont need to tell me that, we know how one sided western media is when it comes to Turkey too, everyone tells his own story not only in west.

I just cant see Hamas accomplishing anything with their methods.

Use some critical thinking.
Just ignore me if you are not ok with my oppinion.
Iranian economy is piss poor, but Iran is a very stabile and enduring country.

Mind your own business, feed your people and build your country. stop middling in Arab world affairs. Palestine is a member of the Arab league where the cause is discussed. Stop creating terrorist organization in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere.

You are not welcome in the Arab world, accept that fact and get over it.
Mind your own business, feed your people and build your country. stop middling in Arab world affairs. Palestine is a member of the Arab league where the cause is discussed. Stop creating terrorist organization in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere.

You are not welcome in the Arab world, accept that fact and get over it.


17th is piss poor?

Well relatively speaking we should be much better. But sanctions prevent it.
Although if sanctions are lifted, Iran has the potential to become on of the worlds largest economies.
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I was actually watching a combat video of an Israeli brigade invading southern Lebanon during the 2006 war and 5 Hezbollah members clashed with over a 100 Israeli troops, 3 were martyred but two left wounds into Israeli troops and got away in safety but caused the whole brigade to retreat. Those men are very scared of combat face to face and prefer their artillery division to shell villages intensely before advancing at all. Yet in face of the shelling Hezbollah was still managing to attack Israeli patrols and tanks a few hundred meters in front of this brigade. They decimated one tank and left casualties to Israel.
First of all brigade is 3000 not 100. Thats for ur general knowledge. So when u made up retarded stories at least make them a bit reliable.

Secondly u should know that paramilitaries like Hezbollah are no match to western army in face to face engagements. Both because of training and crude firepower. If they dare to come face to face they will be smashed like bugs within seconds.

Thats why Hezbollah tactics is based almost solely on firing rockets from 3-5 km distance.
Yeah you dont need to tell me that, we know how one sided western media is when it comes to Turkey too, everyone tells his own story not only in west.

I just cant see Hamas accomplishing anything with their methods.

Just ignore me if you are not ok with my oppinion.

Well they sure have accomplished more than any else of us have. It's not in our hands to set goals and accomplish them. We are an occupied people's and Israel's policy is to make sure we don't accomplish anything ground breaking. We either sit down and do nothing and expect something to change or keep our voice alive. This is what Hamas does.

And yes, they are incredibly biased against Turkey when it comes to EU discussion but also members if congress here in the states have said bizarre things about turkey because the flotilla incident.

Me and you are in the same struggle with mainstream medias failure in today's world.

@ResurgentIran @RFS_Br

Here comes this 500 paid propagandist loon again. :lol:

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