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Israel in the first UAE visit since murder of Hamas Al Mabouh

Like I said, you don't know what a troll is, obviously.

Go read my first post to you and tell me what you understood of it.

@AUz ....great responses by brother, he sure is childish and deceitful to the public audience however only very misinformed people could make anything out of his nonsense.
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then according to your logic adolf hitler armies didnt commit genocide because there are still jews left
No, according to my logic, Hitler committed genocide because he actually, you know, systematically committed mass murder in a plan to eradicate the entire Jewish population from Europe. Israel on the other hand, (regardless of it's reason for founding), is surrounded by enemies and was attacked by five Arab states at it's inception and has continued to defend itself in war after war and regardless of the morality of all of her actions, (many of which I disagree with), she has not sought, planned or executed any policy to eradicate the Palestinian population from the middle east or even Israel for that matter. Israeli Arabs are almost 21% of Israel's population and growing. There have been almost 70 Palestinian members of the Israel Knesset including a deputy speaker of that body, and 12 current members. Does that sound like Hitler’s regime? Ironically, it has been and still is, the official policy of some Arab and Muslim States and organizations to advocate the complete destruction of Israel.

But I am actually very pro-Arab on the question, do not think Israel has been just to the Palestinian people and I am not a stalwart supporter of Israel. I just think it is a fantasy to think Israel is going to disappear or to equate her with Hitler's Reich.

It cheapens the word "genocide" to have it thrown about carelessly.
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Re-reading it has no bearing on your lack of justification in calling me a "troll".

Do you know what I was implying?

No, according to my logic, Hitler committed genocide because he actually, you know, systematically committed mass murder in a plan to eradicate the entire Jewish population from Europe. Israel on the other hand, (regardless of it's reason for founding), is surrounded by enemies and was attacked by five Arab states at it's inception and has continued to defend itself in war after war and regardless of the morality of all of her actions, (many of which I disagree with), she has not sought, planned or executed any policy to eradicate the Palestinian population from the middle east or even Israel for that matter. Israeli Arabs are almost 21% of Israel's population and growing. There have been almost 70 Palestinian members of the Israel Knesset including a deputy speaker of that body, and 12 current members. Does that sound like Hitler’s regime? Ironically, it has been and still is, the official policy of some Arab and Muslim States and organizations to advocate the complete destruction of Israel.

But I am actually very pro-Arab on the question, do not think Israel has been just to the Palestinian people and I am not a stalwart supporter of Israel. I just think it is a fantasy to think Israel is going to disappear or to equate her with Hitler's Reich.

It cheapens the word "genocide" to have it thrown about carelessly.

It didn't start in 1948, it started well before and later around 1916 which the British went back against their promise and decided the parameters of an partition plan they had no right to declare in land that isn't theirs.
Do you know what I was implying?
Yes, and it still does not justify calling me a troll.

It didn't start in 1948, it started well before and later around 1916 which the British went back against their promise and decided the parameters of an partition plan they had no right to declare in land that isn't theirs.
Then it would seem that your ire should be directed at the British.
Yes, and it still does not justify calling me a troll.

Then it would seem that your ire should be directed at the British.

Nope, joint venture between Israelis/Zionist movement and British.

I'm also not sure you understood me correctly. Because your response didn't make any sense or relate to my post.
No, I am not 'nerve' (whatever that means), but I'm kinda surprised that you are on same level as random youtube retards. I mean, I expected an IDF soldier to be more educated on the issue.

So, are you claiming that no peoples lived in the land between Jordan River and Mediterranean sea ever? Israel did not displace any indigenous peoples to form its country? Have I understood you correctly?
Again you complain instead showing any proof that Palestinian nation existed in 1950-es or before that. Those Arabs simply called themselves Arabs. Some considered to be South Syrians (for example Jerusalem Mufti, who was a leader of Palestine's Arabs thought so).

Secondly, it doesn't matter if you call them Arabs, Palestinians, or heck even Americans..the point is, they were indigenous peoples of the land..and Israel colonized them..and International Court of Justice also called Israeli occupation as "illegal"...
Jews also lived there for centuries. Point that this land was captured from Jordan and Egypt. Now Jordan and Egypt dont want this land anymore, so its disputed.

I am not going to baby feed you. Go and read Fourth Geneva Convention, and more precisely, go and read "Responsibilities of an occupying power" ...
Quote me where it says that it shoudl PREVENT people from settling.

Exactly. You provided me "rhetoric", not official stated position.
I provide words of Iranian president u provide nothing,

The picture is from official Arab league website, showing the countries which endorsed the peace plan.
I dont see anything on site. Its just a pic that Mahmoud Abbas was holding. I can make such pics in MS Paint in 1 min.

LOL! Again, read some book one day.

Shlomo Ben Ami's book is a good starter. At Taaba, it was Israelis who called off the negotiations because of upcoming elections in Israel.
Plz spare me of what someone wrote in book. You maid two claims: that Israel wanted to keep the entire east Jerusalem and parts of Jordan Valley. I proved that both claims are false with map.

Map clearly shows that Israel offered 1967 borders with very minor corrections.

I quoted you Hamas officials themselves, with links as well, while you are just making up stories.
Hamas dont say they recognize Israel.
Again you complain instead showing any proof that Palestinian nation existed in 1950-es or before that. Those Arabs simply called themselves Arabs. Some considered to be South Syrians (for example Jerusalem Mufti, who was a leader of Palestine's Arabs thought so).


Heck, how utterly shameful one has to be to come up with strange, skewed logics to justify its colonization.

The land belongs to the indigenous people. It is simple as that. Whether they called themselves Arabs at one point, or later Palestinians or whatever.

Let me give you an example. I am a Punjabi. We have been living in the land of Punjab for thousands of years. First Punjabis worshiped ancient gods, then fire worshiping dominated the region, then my ancestors became Zoroastrians since the area came under Persian empire, then Buddhism flourished in the land of Punjab, and then it was replaced by Hinduism, and then came Sufi Islam...later, sufi Islam inspired a new religion out of Punjab called Sikhism...and so on....

Now, there was no "Pakistan" either before 1947, does that mean we are a 'made-up' people since we, Punjabis of Pakistan, call ourselves as "Pakistani" today? We are the indigenous people of the land living here for thousands of years..just like Palestinians are in their land. Can Thailand come to us today and say "Well, there was no Pakistani nation before 1947, so you are an invented people, and hence your land is disputed and belong to us because god gave us this land in our Buddhist manual. Moreover, there is archeological evidence of existence of Buddhism in Punjab too" ?

Tell me, do they have any right on our Punjab's land?

How despicable one has to be to twist things like a red neck illiterate to justify its oppression.

Lol what? First, the source is controversial bias Memri TV that cut clips here and there and put them online to suit their agenda..but lets leave that aside, What does your video prove?

The guy says that Palestinians have Arab roots...so WHAT?! Guess what? I have Indian roots since the area of mine was under united India for many centuries...again, does that make me an "invented people" ? :lol: How ridiculous one has to be.

Jews also lived there for centuries. Point that this land was captured from Jordan and Egypt. Now Jordan and Egypt dont want this land anymore, so its disputed.

O.K ...

so British colonized India..say in 19th century, French had defeated British and captured India from them. Could French have said "Look indians, now this land is not yours. It is a "disputed" land between us and you" :lol: A colonized land is colonized land. Thats it. The land belongs to indigenous peoples, and NOT the occupying power. Have some self-respect atleast.

Remember, Arab World rejected the Jordanian occupation of West Bank, too. So again, the land is not "disputed" but belongs to Palestinian people!

Moreover, International Court of Justice has already declared that. It even declared Israeli wall as "illegal" since it is being built on someone else's land..

CNN.com - U.N. court rules West Bank barrier illegal - Jul 9, 2004

Quote me where it says that it shoudl PREVENT people from settling.

Again, I am not going to spoon feed you anymore.

Secondly, I already provided you with evidence that it is Israel which is building the settlements, not some random people. Israeli state is involved in building the settlements...

Israel announces new tenders for new settlement units in the West Bank - CNN.com

"The Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing has issued tenders for the building of 1,877 settlement units in the West Bank and Jerusalem."

Again, it proves that Israel is committing war-crimes against Palestinian peoples.

I dont see anything on site. Its just a pic that Mahmoud Abbas was holding. I can make such pics in MS Paint in 1 min.

Dude, your OWN newspaper..an Israeli newspaper, have reported this. Not some MS paint. How ridiculous of you. Here, read again..

"According to the Arab Peace Initiative, 57 Arab and Muslim states will establish “full diplomatic and normal relations” with Israel, in exchange for a “comprehensive peace agreement” with the Palestinians. The Islamic Republic of Iran is among the countries that endorse the initiative."

Source: Why is Israel so afraid of the Arab Peace Initiative? | The Times of Israel
Plz spare me of what someone wrote in book. You maid two claims: that Israel wanted to keep the entire east Jerusalem and parts of Jordan Valley. I proved that both claims are false with map.

LOL! no, it did not show you what just "some one" wrote it book. I told you read what Israeli Foreign Minister and chief negotiator wrote in his book.

You think that one random map from one random site is more relevant than the words of Israeli chief negotiator who was actually involved in Camp David and Taba first hand? What a joke.

Hamas dont say they recognize Israel.

Hamas say that if Israel recognize a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders, then Hamas will accept this two-state solution too

Hamas Foreign Minister: We Accept Two-State Solution With '67 Borders : The Two-Way : NPR

It is Israel which is not willing to accept a two-state solution based on 1967 borders because it is a colonial entity bend on colonialism and destruction of Palestinian peoples...

Heck, how utterly shameful one has to be to come up with strange, skewed logics to justify its colonization.
Everyone justifies colonization. You justify Arab colonization for example.

Do you tnink that Americans should gove their country to Indians, New Zealand to Maori and so on? :-)

The land belongs to the indigenous people.
Maori FTW. By the way, Egypt born Arafat and Syria born Kassam are indigenous?

The guy says that Palestinians have Arab roots...so WHAT?!
He says that Palestinians are half Egyptian half Saudi.

Guess what? I have Indian roots since the area of mine was under united India for many centuries...again, does that make me an "invented people" ? :lol: How ridiculous one has to be.
Yes, Pakistan is artificially divided united India. Kashmir is disputed land. Why West Bank cant be disputed?

so British colonized India..say in 19th century, French had defeated British and captured India from them. Could French have said "Look indians, now this land is not yours. It is a "disputed" land between us and you" :lol: A colonized land is colonized land. Thats it. The land belongs to indigenous peoples, and NOT the occupying power. Have some self-respect atleast.
If there were hundreds millions French living there they could dispute, why not.

Remember, Arab World rejected the Jordanian occupation of West Bank, too. So again, the land is not "disputed" but belongs to Palestinian people!
Was there any opposition to this? - NO. Even "Palestinians" themseves never opposed.

Moreover, International Court of Justice has already declared that. It even declared Israeli wall as "illegal" since it is being built on someone else's land..

CNN.com - U.N. court rules West Bank barrier illegal - Jul 9, 2004
This is example of bias. There is no any international law prohibiting building barriers.
Again, I am not going to spoon feed you anymore.

Secondly, I already provided you with evidence that it is Israel which is building the settlements, not some random people. Israeli state is involved in building the settlements...

Israel announces new tenders for new settlement units in the West Bank - CNN.com

"The Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing has issued tenders for the building of 1,877 settlement units in the West Bank and Jerusalem."

Again, it proves that Israel is committing war-crimes against Palestinian peoples.
Since when building houses is a war crime?

Dude, your OWN newspaper..an Israeli newspaper, have reported this. Not some MS paint. How ridiculous of you. Here, read again..

"According to the Arab Peace Initiative, 57 Arab and Muslim states will establish “full diplomatic and normal relations” with Israel, in exchange for a “comprehensive peace agreement” with the Palestinians. The Islamic Republic of Iran is among the countries that endorse the initiative."

Source: Why is Israel so afraid of the Arab Peace Initiative? | The Times of Israel
Its polemic article. We have people with very different opinions here. If there is official OCI statement signed by Iran it should be very easy to find.

LOL! no, it did not show you what just "some one" wrote it book. I told you read what Israeli Foreign Minister and chief negotiator wrote in his book.
Subjective judgement from the book is nothing.

I am talking about FACTS: Here is a map of real offer. It shows that Israeli offer was very close to 1967 borders, it included all Jordan Valley and Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

Hamas say that if Israel recognize a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders, then Hamas will accept this two-state solution too

Hamas Foreign Minister: We Accept Two-State Solution With '67 Borders : The Two-Way : NPR
They accept it as temporary solution.

It is Israel which is not willing to accept a two-state solution based on 1967 borders because it is a colonial entity bend on colonialism and destruction of Palestinian peoples...
Israel made actual offers. And we got war instead.

In 2005 we retreated exactly to 1967 borders in Gaza and we got thousands or rockets in return.
Yes, Pakistan is artificially divided united India. Kashmir is disputed land. Why West Bank cant be disputed?

You would say that about us ? :(

I thought we were brothers ? :cray:

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