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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

Misfortune...Israel should be held accountable for the actions that they took in International waters. They should be brought in front of a international panel and be asked for reasons why they did.

On second thought - A second Aid flotilla should leave for Israel to see how Israel reacts now.

RIP to all dead.
Desperate situations demand desperate measures that what Israel is doing right now. Blocking food supplies for terrorists will do good.
And i dont understand why do Indains have to get into this discussion at all, Indian govt has expressed sorrow at Israil's use of force but the Indian members here are in complete support of Israiel. Don't bring on the bullshit about Zia's children, zaid hamid brainwashing bla bla bla even without all these people we would still have the same views about Israil. Palistine is a place which has been fought over for centuries, its a religious historic issue and the sentiments of the whole Muslim world are the same on this issue. Mohammad Ali Jinnah said that Israil will be a bastard state and we will not accept it even before Pakistan was born.

Oh i know that about Palestine, the religious historic fight. Any perceived muslim sense of injustice howsoever removed from the Middle East can be and is conveniently pegged to Palestinians, such an easy explanation. Small mercy that Turkey hasnt called it a genocide (you know 1 muslim killed -> genocide, hundreds of thousands of armenians killed by Turks -> not a genocide) the irony is delicious especially in light of what they have done to the Kurds of their own country:

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan
Desperate situations demand desperate measures that what Israel is doing right now. Blocking food supplies for terrorists will do good.

Which terrorists are you talking about. Palestinians !

Are you a human being:flame:
Why weren't the Nazis called christian terrorists or the Tamil tigers called Hindu extremists or the Irish(IRA), Sikhs(Khalistan) ever affiliated with their religion?

Why is it that every time a Muslim is involved in anything he is called a Muslim terrorist, Muslim extremist, Muslim fanatic etc etc.

I am entitled to my own views/opinions and you are most welcome to disagree.

This might seem highly controversial, but let me call a spade a spade. The reason why most terrorist organizations are not called by their religious affiliation is because, as sick as their ideologies might be, they don't go about doing their "business" "in the name of God". Show me one instance where the IRA, LTTE has evoked the names of their GOD(s) to justify their "struggle". All these organizations had political or nationalist ideologies, while TTP, AQ, Afghan Taliban, Let, HM etc groups have a religious fundamentalist ideology. Big difference.

That being said, on topic.

I notice to things here:

1. The aid flotilla was planned for a long time and Israel had sufficient information about the intentions of the aid flotilla. In that context, it was repeatedly requested of the aid workers - independent wokers who took upon themselves to do vigilante justice - not to undertake the voyage by the Israeli authorities because the NGOs were already working in Gaza under the auspices of the UN. (I will save discussions on illegitimacy of the occupation for another thread). But considering the present situation (read occupation), Israel was in its rights to ask independent aid workers (not affiliated to any international aid body) to keep off.

2. Inspite of knowing the intentions and the objectives of the aid workers/ flotilla Israel chose to confront the boats. Well the only and major blunder committed by Israel was attacking the flotilla in International waters - flouting all the international blue water rules and regulations. Had the confrontation been in Israeli waters, the world leaders would have quickly defended Israel and IMHO, Israel would then be in her rights. But this incident in international waters is to be condemned in the strongest sense of the term.

So basically two wrongs:
1. instigating confrontation by undertaking the journey, independently without the support of International aid bodies, despite being repeatedly told/requested/asked not to do so.

2. attacking aid workers, albeit independent, in international waters by a nation state.
There will be more business for Flag Makers, They would be stocking up Israeli Flags to be used for waving and burning.
I notice to things here:

1. The aid flotilla was planned for a long time and Israel had sufficient information about the intentions of the aid flotilla. In that context, it was repeatedly requested of the aid workers - independent wokers who took upon themselves to do vigilante justice - not to undertake the voyage by the Israeli authorities because the NGOs were already working in Gaza under the auspices of the UN. (I will save discussions on illegitimacy of the occupation for another thread). But considering the present situation (read occupation), Israel was in its rights to ask independent aid workers (not affiliated to any international aid body) to keep off.

Israel has no right to decide who should support Palestinian and who should not. Its their land and they should be allowed to live peacefully.

2. Inspite of knowing the intentions and the objectives of the aid workers/ flotilla Israel chose to confront the boats. Well the only and major blunder committed by Israel was attacking the flotilla in International waters - flouting all the international blue water rules and regulations.

Game over sir,

Had the confrontation been in Israeli waters, the world leaders would have quickly defended Israel and IMHO, Israel would then be in her rights. But this incident in international waters is to be condemned in the strongest sense of the term.

Still they were unarmed. Why they should be killed at max should have checked ships (objectionable) and thats about all.
There will be more business for Flag Makers, They would be stocking up Israeli Flags to be used for waving and burning.

Dushman maray tey khusian na karie

sujana vi tur jana aye
NEW YORK: The United Nations Security Council has begun an emergency session to discuss an Israeli raid on a flotilla of ships seeking to take aid to the Gaza Strip.

The talks were requested by Lebanon, which holds the council's rotating presidency until 0400 GMT on Tuesday.

The country's President Saad Hariri "asked the Lebanese delegation at the UN to call for an emergency meeting over what happened today," a Lebanese official told a foreign news agency earlier.

Israel faces a wave of condemnation over the raid, in which at least nine people were killed.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Monday he was "shocked" by the deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla and demanded a full investigation.

"I am shocked by reports of killings and injuries of people on boats carrying supplies for Gaza," the UN chief said at a press conference in Uganda.

Israel's closest ally Washington said it "deeply regrets the loss of life" and was "working to understand" what caused the "tragedy."

The Jewish state's chief regional partner Turkey responded with fury, scrapping plans for joint war games with Israel and recalling its ambassador, as it warned the "flagrant breach of international law" would have "irreparable consequences" for bilateral ties.

Tens of thousands of furious Turks poured into the streets with protestors in Istanbul burning Israeli flags, shouting "Damn Israel!" and demanding "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, revenge, revenge!"

The Vatican voiced "deep sadness and concern" and Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair expressed his "deep regret and shock," as capitals across Europe summoned Israel's ambassadors to explain the assault.

Greece, which had dozens of nationals in the convoy, also pulled out of joint military exercises with Israel as an aid group claimed that commandos in helicopters had fired on a Greek vessel.

Israel said its troops were attacked after they stormed six ships loaded with thousands of tonnes of aid and with hundreds of activists aboard, and that both sides used live fire.

Israel, which has blockaded Gaza since its bitter foe Hamas was elected to power three years ago, had called the expedition illegal and warned it would act to stop it.

Muslim leaders united in condemning what Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas called a "massacre" and Arab League chief Amr Mussa said was a "crime."

Hamas, which rules Gaza urged world Muslims to "rise up" in protest, as Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denounced the raid as "inhuman Zionist regime action."

Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri described the raid as "dangerous and crazy" and called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, chaired by Beirut until midnight in New York.

Across the country Palestinian refugees and activists demonstrated to denounce the raid, chanting slogans like "Give us weapons, give us weapons and send us on to Gaza."

The UN Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, called for a worldwide boycott and sanctions against Israel, saying "those Israelis responsible for this lawless and murderous behaviour" should be held criminally accountable.

Pakistan also "strongly condemned" the attack on a "peaceful flotilla," as politicians, lawmakers and journalists protested in Islamabad against Israel.

Egypt condemned the "acts of killing" by Israel forces while Kuwait's parliament speaker said the storming of the flotilla, which was carrying 16 Kuwaitis including an MP, was a "heinous Israeli crime."

And Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, said "there was no basis" for Israel's assault.

In Europe, condemnation was equally swift, with the European Union foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton demanding Israel mount a "full inquiry."

Spain -- the current European Union president -- France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Greece and Cyprus summoned Israel's respective ambassadors, with Madrid slamming the operation as "unacceptable".

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy accused Israel of a "disproportionate use of force."

Germany's Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he was "deeply concerned" about the deaths, while Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini "deplored" the loss of civilian life.

Russia also condemned a "crude violation" of international law.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague deplored the loss of life, saying Israel must "act with restraint" -- but also said London had warned of the risks of defying the Gaza blockade.

A Cyprus MEP, Kyriacos Triantafyllides, who was involved with the mission, said activists had "expected a strong reaction from Israel."

"But nobody believed it would come to this point, where they would face something akin to an invading army," he said.

talat hussain isnt dead.. may God save him and those others among him..
he's safe.. and shame on israelis.. now i wod ask the western world whats teh difference between talibans and IDF...?? yeah there's only one difference ISraelis are beard-less monsters..!

This is not a humanity convoy

Soldier: Activists came for war
(Video) Video footage shows brutal attack on troops on board Gaza-bound vessel; soldier says passengers fired at forces, beat them severely using metal bats, knives. ‘We landed barehanded, and they lynched us,’ he says
Amnon Meranda
Published: 05.31.10, 21:48 / Israel News
VIDEO - Video footage of the raid on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara vessel shows activists on board brutally beating up troops with metal rods and chairs.

The video also shows one soldier being grabbed by some of the activists and being pushed down to the lower deck, sustaining serious wounds. Meanwhile, passengers on the ship kept on beating up the soldiers who landed on the vessel.
Following the takeover of the ship, soldiers displayed for the cameras the knives and other weapons used by the Gaza-bound activists in their attack.

One of the soldiers who took part in the raid and broke his hand in the clash recounted the moments of horror when he and his comrades were assaulted by about 30 activists on board.

“After every person came down (from the helicopter,) three or four guys grabbed a hold of him and simply beat him senseless. They lynched us. They were equipped with metal bats, knives, slingshots, and glass bottles. At some point we faced live fire by two guys,” he said.

“I was among the last to come down, and I saw the guys spread all over, each in another corner, with three or four people around each. I saw a soldier on the ground with two people beating the hell out of him. I pushed them off of him, and they moved on to me and started to beat me up with the poles. This is how I broke my hand apparently,” he said. “At the time I was not holding a weapon, just like everyone who came down from the rope barehanded and with our paintball guns on our backs.”

‘We faced live ammunition’
“They came at me and assaulted me. I took them down to the ground. I took a few steps back and pulled out my paintball gun. They charged me while I fired at their legs,” he said. “One of the bats shattered the weapon, so I moved on to the handgun, so that I have something to hold. At that point my arm wasn’t functional.”

“I saw two of my guys lying on the floor. We were being fired at, with live ammunition, from the corridor. It was bullets. I spotted a muzzle, and one of us fired at the guy. We came in after that and he wasn’t there.”
There were about 30 people there,” the soldier summed up. “They simply came for war. We came to talk to them, convince them to come down, yet with every person who came down, they simply charged.”

Despite the video footage, Israel had been condemned worldwide over the raid, which claimed the lives of at least nine people. The events at sea also stirred great anger among Arab Israelis, who held rallies and waved PLO flags across the nation. Two police officers sustained light wounds in Umm al-Fahm, in northern Israel, after being stoned by locals.
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Oh i know that about Palestine, the religious historic fight. Any perceived muslim sense of injustice howsoever removed from the Middle East can be and is conveniently pegged to Palestinians, such an easy explanation. Small mercy that Turkey hasnt called it a genocide (you know 1 muslim killed -> genocide, hundreds of thousands of armenians killed by Turks -> not a genocide) the irony is delicious especially in light of what they have done to the Kurds of their own country:

KurdishMedia.com: News about Kurds and Kurdistan

The Palestanian struggle is significant not only because its a freedom struggle but also because Jerusolam houses the holy sites of Jews Christian and Muslims. The struggle is not only to free Palistenians but also liberate the Holy sites which are close to every Muslims heart.

I have gone through the link you provided, an ugly picture it paints. It should be taken up with the relevant authorities but i guess someone from Turkey will be in a better position to reply. Also i think if one starts digging up the past no nation can come out clean, we all have skeletons in the closet.
Please restrain from these kinds of language ... Talk in a civilized manner .
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