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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

Israeli lawyers: Raid violates int'l law

The State will have to provide a legal justification to the High Court of Justice on Tuesday morning for its takeover by force of eight boats which were on their way to deliver humanitarian goods to the Gaza Strip.

On Monday, a group of lawyers including Avigdor Feldman, Yiftah Cohen, Itamar Mann and Omer Shatz petitioned the High Court, charging that Israel had violated the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea by capturing the boats in international waters.

The petitioners are demanding that the court rule that the sea operation was illegal, and that the passengers be released and allowed to return to their boats, which should be permitted to reach the Gaza Strip.

"To the degree that the State adheres to international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas, we see that this was an act of piracy, albeit by a state, but one which can be regarded as a robbery by sea of the passengers in the convoy, beginning with the takeover of the vessels, the seizing of the goods on board…and ending with the arrest and hijacking of the passengers and, apparently, the act of bringing them by force to Israeli territory."

Israel did not sign the convention.

The lawyers wrote that these acts constitute an international crime and that they establish the right to apply the principle of universal jurisdiction by any tribunal, especially by the courts of those countries whose flags were flown by the vessels that were attacked."

The petitioners also referred to other precedents in international law which, they argued, justified the demands of the petitioners. One was the so-called Lotus Case, in 1927, which involved a French ship which accidentally rammed a Turkish vessel in international waters, killing eight Turks. The French vessel was brought to Turkey and the captain was put on trial. France appealed the Turkish action, arguing that it (France) alone had jurisdiction on the high seas for its own vessels. However, the court ruled that sovereign states may act in anyway they please on the high seas as long as they do not violate an explicit prohibition.

The UN convention calls for freedom of navigation in international waters, states that the high seas shall be reserved for peaceful purposes and that no state my validly purport to subject any part of the high seas to its sovereignty.

The third source referred to by the petitioners, which they said was part of customary law and therefore binding on Israel, was the 1804 Murray vs. Charming Betsy case, in which the court ruled that even during wartime, the US army may not seize goods that are not for military use in international waters."

Robbie Sabel, the former legal adviser to the foreign ministry, told The Jerusalem Post that the state would almost certainly argue that the seizure of the vessels was an executive act with which the court was not authorized to intervene.

Sabel also said that Israel considered the Gaza Strip hostile territory which is engaged in armed conflict against it. The UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea did not deal with armed conflict.

Meanwhile, the laws of war recognized naval blockades as a legal and established part of the laws of armed conflict. There were many examples of countries that have maintained naval blockades in international waters and they have not been declared illegal, Sabel maintained.

He added that neither of the other arguments regarding the Lotus Case and Murray vs. Charming Betsy were relevant to the present situation.

Israeli lawyers: Raid violates int'l law
Emotions ran high at a protest in central London today where hundreds of people turned out to condemn the killing of pro-Palestinian activists by Israeli commandos.

A number of British people were among those on the flotilla bound for Gaza and many of the protesters in Whitehall were anxiously awaiting news of relatives, friends and colleagues.

Kate Hudson, chairwoman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, brushed aside tears as she expressed her concern for Sarah Colborne of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Kevin Ovenden of Viva Palestina, and Ismail Patel, chairman of the Palestinian rights group Friends of Al-Aqsa.

"It is devastating and deplorable that the Israeli forces have attacked civilians on the flotilla," she said.

"We have close friends on the boat on which people were killed and we are here waiting for news. We are trying to get through to them, but we are not getting any answers."

Hundreds of activists carrying flags and banners and shouting "Free Palestine" gathered outside Downing Street, blocking Whitehall, before marching to the Israeli embassy in Kensington.

Maha Rahwanji, 35, the daughter of Palestinian exiles, who lives in London and works in adult education, wept as she revealed she had joined the protest on the anniversary of her father's death.

"Instead of being at a memorial service, after he died 20 years ago for the cause, instead of being at his graveside to remember him, I am mourning the loss of another 20 people," she said. "What has happened to the flotilla is just heartbreaking."

Betty Hunter, general secretary of the PSC, one of the groups that organised the protest, called for the British government to "end all links with Israel until it ends its siege and occupation".

Wat is the truth??? Truth is Muslim world is not united. not only Pakistan and Turkey whole muslim world sitting in US lap. they rely on US for everything. It's not in hand of zaid hamid its in hand of your leaders. In dreams zaid hamid can make whole world into Pakistan. Sapno me jo merji kari jao. last night he came to delhi and erect pakistan flag on redfort.:cheesy::cheesy:

You are trolling , I am Saying about his above posted video in which he is saying Truth about Israel recent Attacks and you are still in Zaid Hamid's Complex.

  • He is saying 'Israel' is terrorist because he attcked inocents inside 'International Water''
If You don't Agree then you need to learn what is 'Humanity'
I was commenting on the video which shows Israeli commandos are attacked
Lolzz... and so you agree that you were doing so out of context.

No fore or background, cherry-pick the pieces and cut paste what suites you.

Guess what, i am not impressed.

i wont do anything to get a slap from others (ie I Avoid such situations),or i wont go to a place where i will be slapped.
Is it fear or something more understandable?


By your concepts, organizations like ICRC, Doctors Without Borders, International Rescue Committee etc etc could never had existed!!
Well brother its a good thing that your morality is still kicking in but don't quote me out of context, I never said all Jews are terrorists or bad people.

That is good, but make sure to be careful with the wordings otherwise there are some people who divert the whole attention from the crimes of israelis and turn it to an anti semitic issue, we have seen this before in a very large scale. instead of jewish, say zionists, that will be alot more effective.
That is good, but make sure to be careful with the wordings otherwise there are some people who divert the whole attention from the crimes of israelis and turn it to an anti semitic issue, we have seen this before in a very large scale. instead of jewish, say zionists, that will be alot more effective.

I wipe my *** with their antisemitism

Protests in london and other uk cities against the crimes of zionists:





WOW..... Zaid Hamid can really set the indian ***** on fire, u guys really start pissing in ur pants lol so funny. and some one here held Pakistani Army responsible for genocide... wonder if hundreds of thousands of indian soldiers in Kashmire have been distributing flowers to the civilians there. I hate Adolf Hitler for not completely wiping off these Zionist Jews. Holocast is just a larger then life kinda story to gain the sympathy of the west. Bloody Zionists.
And i dont understand why do Indains have to get into this discussion at all, Indian govt has expressed sorrow at Israil's use of force but the Indian members here are in complete support of Israiel. Don't bring on the bullshit about Zia's children, zaid hamid brainwashing bla bla bla even without all these people we would still have the same views about Israil. Palistine is a place which has been fought over for centuries, its a religious historic issue and the sentiments of the whole Muslim world are the same on this issue. Mohammad Ali Jinnah said that Israil will be a bastard state and we will not accept it even before Pakistan was born.
Defending Israel? Are you completely off your rocker? As an Indian, I think what the Israelis did was pathetic today. You don't attack an aid convoy - this is no different from Taliban attacking a NATO aid convoy. India has stood by the Palestinian cause through thick and thin unlike the Pakistanis who were gladly buying Israeli weapons to fight the Soviets and thus funding the killing of innocent Palestinians. While Pakistan and its CENTO allies were calling Yaseer Arafat a terrorist, India always supported him. Please don't shed crocodile tears for the poor Palestinians.
It is a terror act. .may innocent soul rip. .lets see what uncle sam says
We will welcome israel for war thousand time but problem is this if they remain till reach to just our boder, coz if in 1973, sixteen of PAF pilots in YOM KIPPUR WAR. During the coflict, when a secret attack was planed to attack Syrian Dumayr airbase, PAF intercept the Israeli air defence and shot coming aircraft from Israel in Israel soil air, It was MIRAGE IIICJ, shoted down by Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi using Mig29, Mig aircraft are new to PAF Pilots they didnt use it before, but still best flyed, pilot of downed Israeli Mirage was Capt. M. Lutz, who ejected and remaining Israeli fighter abort the mission. NUR KHAN, who was the wing commander, received praised from ISRAELI PERSIDENT EZER WEIZMAN, WHO WROTE IN HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY THAT: " HE WAS A FORMIDABLE FELLOW AND I WAS GLAD THAT HE WAS PAKISTANI NOT EGYPTIAN".
If they cant save them from us in 70's and If we can crush their airforce on their soil air in 70's, its 2010 you can think what we make of them now, specialy when they are in our soil for fight... Hahaa
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