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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

and where is the Terrorist states of America in this whole episode. American terrorists aren't tired of barking terrorism, islamic terrorism, pak terrorism, Why they don't speak now , why they keeping their ****** mouth shut~ Ah' how can one terrorist state speak against the other...

Ca'mon, now where does America come from on this event? America itself want to maintain peace between Israel and Palestine.

don't keep digging into past and see present situation.
Rehman Malik Tweeted:

So far no Pak casualties on Israeli waters. I'm lookng 4ward 2 Talat comng home safely.I met his young daughtr&son who were missng him 2much
Israeli PM 'regrets' deaths as troops storm aid ships

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed regret after at least nine people died when troops stormed ships trying to break the Gaza blockade.

But he said soldiers had been defending themselves after they were "clubbed, beaten and stabbed".

Pro-Palestinian campaigners say the soldiers opened fire unprovoked when they landed on the aid-carrying ships.

There has been international condemnation of the loss of life, and the UN is holding an emergency session.

As the meeting of the UN Security Council got under way in New York, diplomats said the draft text of a resolution called for condemnation of the operation, the immediate release of the impounded ships and for an international inquiry.

Mr Netanyahu cut short a visit to Canada to deal with the growing crisis and cancelled a scheduled meeting in Washington with US President Barack Obama on Tuesday.
'Defend themselves'

Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip after the Islamist movement Hamas took power there in 2007.

The six-ship convoy had set out to carry 10,000 tonnes of aid from Cyprus to Gaza, despite repeated Israeli warnings that it would not be allowed to reach the territory.

In a statement, Mr Netanyahu defended the Israeli operation, saying troops were attacked when they landed on the largest of the six ships in the flotilla.

BBC News - Israeli PM 'regrets' deaths as troops storm aid ships

Crocodile tears.
It was not me who said they had messed with Pakistan.

My arguments was only a counter to yours where you (failingly) tried to advocate that even if those 3 Pakistanis were killed, Pakistan should even raise an eyebrow as they wrote something on a chit of paper.

So dont extrapolate my comments and dont feed me BS!

BTW, i never knew renouncing Pakistani nationality was so easy..:lol:

So you barged into the argument just for sake of it??

Plz do not distort my comments..I never advocated any of the above??...My question still stands how has the state of Israel "messed" with the state of Pakistan??

or does the the action of an individual...represent the will of the entire nation?
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Surprisingly the only nation actively protesting is the one with the most ties to Israel and Iran.
The others seem to have lost their tongue.
total arieal encounter gose to 15 of Israel Air Force (IAF) and 0 of Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Pakistan is only country which just not fight with once super power USSR but defeat them and covert it into 20 new states


You beat even zaid hamid!!! :lol:
It is entirely understandable that armies of countries which have committed genocide i.e, Nazi Germany and Pakistani Army will condemn the Zionists..

The post typical from a Zionist mind set. The never ending cry about so called holocausts of Europe and south asia.

Zionism is getting stronger in India.
Just watched the Foreign Minister of Turkey speaking Urgent UN Council ...

I just Salute him ....

& Where are that ARABS bastard ?? & Where are our Hijre Leaders ??

not even condemn it ... :hitwall:

where else the Hijras cud be, you know that .....
According to my expectation,Israel is planning to wage a big war on muslims within next 5 to 10 years.... that is why its supporters are pointing at the security issues over our nuclear weapons under the shield that they might go in the hands of of terrorists..

US is not our friend... its the friend of Israel and will, in the end, tell Pakistan to dismantle its nuclear weapons so that Israel may wage that big war..... It has brought their war on Pakistan just to increase terrorism in Pakistan so that the world may say that Pakistan Nuclear weapons are not safe....
"We succeeded in doing this peacefully with five of the six ships. The sixth ship, the largest, which had hundreds of people on it, not only did not cooperate in this effort peacefully, they deliberately attacked the first soldiers who came on the ship. They were mobbed, they were clubbed, they were beaten, stabbed, there was even a report of gunfire. And our soldiers had to defend themselves, defend their lives, or they would have been killed.

killed with what? pots and pans? this is BullSh*t

"And regrettably in this exchange at least 10 people died. We regret this loss of life. We regret any of the violence that was there. We would like -- I would like to wish speedy recovery to the wounded, including to four of our own soldiers.

BS!, does he expect his apology to bring back the 10 dead activist to life?

you indians are showing your true colors by sympathizing with these zionists and their criminal activities!
America is a whore and Israel is it's illegitimate child. America does come into each and every occassion when it comes to terrorist israel, it's Terrorist State of America which vetos each and every resolution against israel in UN.

My question is simple, Why we don't see america barking now over the state terrorism of israel?

ca'mon i am saying again and again, don't stay in the past.

America itself is victim of terrorism NOW.

Israel is America alley, but that does not mean America is supporting Israel in all way.

And why America is not saying anything?

well, we got to wait to see that.
Who told you that Indians realize. How one Zionist can condemn other.


well at least the one who r humans

any way abt holocaust well germans did that not muslims and pakistan never did jewish jenocide then i guss ita all zionoism speaking not humanity
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