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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

The Holy Prophet (SA) said"

"Surely you will fight the jews. and surely you will kill them. And on that day even the stones will speak to muslims that O Muslim !! There's a jew hiding Behind Me. So come and Kill Him'

(sahih Bukhari)

If We study the history of Jews you will Come to know that they are waiting for their MESSAIH (to be Sent by ALLAH to them) who will liberate the Israel for them and will make them rule the world. But the True MESSIAH is Hazrat ISA (AS) who will return on this world for Muslims . So their MESSIAH According To Holy Prophet (SA) is DAJJAL or the FALSE MESSIAH...

They are doing all this to gain power so that their FALSE MESSIAH may come and rule...

The Israelis started to come to the Holy Land (Jerusalem) in early 1900s.... Then they create the State of Israel in 1948 ..... Now they are making steps to rule the world .. they have completed almost 60% of their 3rd objective, and when they will achieve it , DAJJAL WILL EMERGE and will say that he is the MESSIAH.

US is the Biggest supporter of Israel and have given it great weapons so that it may rule the world as the SUPER POWER .. And undoubtedly now its a very big power and can deal with the Middle east alone now..

Brothers and sisters ask any Islamic Scholar who have studied the Signs of Emergence of Imam al Mahdi , Dajjal and Hazrat Isa (SA) in detail.. He will tell you that WE ARE LIVING IN THE AGE OF DAJJAL.....

If you don't agree with me search on net the Lectures of late Dr Israr Ahmed (may Allah bless his Soul) and Maulana Imran Hosein (he is Sunni)......

You can see the lecture on Dajjal by Sheikh Imran Hosein at the following link:

Abaut dajjal

Believe me.. US will do nothing but say that we will investigate.... And after that they will support the Israelis and will support their claim that it was a self defense......
According to International Law, what Israel did today is an "act of war".

Lets hope that the Muslim countries grow some balls and take strict action against Israel.


There has been only one person in the Pakistan Media that has impressed me and that has been Talat Hussain. And i know many people will agree with me on this.

Lets hope that all the people/hostages come out of this unscathed.

i never knew that journalists represents their govts. Is that how journalism works in 'free' indian press?
And also does this precludes them from being Pakistani citizens?

Exactly so how has Israel "messed" with Pakistan???....When Daniel Pearl was killed ..was Pakistan messing with United states??

terrorists from Pakistan mock a bomb (even if one can call it a bomb at NYC) and Pakistan, its people and govt becomes responsible, but here inncoensts civilians (Pakistani-who in no way were armed) are killed and you suggest that it hs nothing to do with the country and its govt?

Yes and when Ppl like Faisal shazad or Ajmal Kasab do their deeds ..then Pakistan conveniently claims they were Non state actors and were not under the Writ of the state..so how is this situation any different??..or are you suggesting that Pak state regularly encourages its citizen to visit other countries without a Visa(May how ever Noble their cause be)??

Listen, dont overload your commonsense!

I ll rather not respond to your taunts ..goes out to show ..your argument is less on substance, more on emotions.
Turkey accuses Israel of 'state terror', recalls envoy over fleet raid

Turkey on Monday accused Israel of "state terror" and recalled its ambassador after a deadly raid on Gaza-bound aid ships by Israeli forces left at least nine dead, most of them Turkish nationals.

"It should be known that we will not stay silent and unresponsive in the face of this inhuman state terror," Erdogan said in live televised remarks ahead of his departure from Chile to Turkey, cutting short his Latin American tour.

"International law has been trampled underfoot," he added. "This attack has clearly shown once again that the Israeli government does not want peace in the region."

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc announced that the Turkish ambassador to Tel Aviv, Oguz Celikkol, was summoned back to Ankara and plans for three joint military exercises with Israel had also been scrapped.

Turkey has called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, where it holds a non-permanent seat, he added.

Erdogan said that his country had also also called for emergency NATO talks over the Israeli raid. An alliance spokesman said the meeting would take place Tuesday.

Turkey's strong reaction marked a new low in the once-flourishing bilateral ties with Israel and came as the Jewish State announced that most of the bloodshed ocurred on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish passenger ship carrying more than 600 people, and that most of the victims were Turkish.

"By targeting civilians, Israel has once again shown its disregard for human life and peaceful initiatives," a Turkish foreign ministry statement said.

"This deplorable incident, which took place in open seas and constitutes a flagrant breach of international law, may lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations.... Israel will have to bear the consequences of this behaviour," it said.

Turkish army chief Ilker Basbug, who cut short a visit to Egypt and returned to Turkey Monday, told his Israeli counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi in a telephone conversation that the use of military force against the aid ships was "grave and unacceptable", an army statement said.

Basbug also said that the Israeli raid "had led to very serious consequences", it added.

President Abdullah Gul said Turkey was demanding that Israel "swiftly carry out all necessary inquiries on the issue and punish those responsible."

Israeli ambassador Gabby Levy was summoned to the foreign ministry as thousands took to the streets across Turkey to protest the assault that came atop already deteriorating ties between the two former allies.

Turkey asked for a detailed report on the fate of all people who were aboard the vessels, a Turkish diplomat told AFP, adding that they included nationals from 33 countries.

Levy was also told that the Turkish passengers and the wounded should be repatriated to Turkey in the shortest possible time and the vessels released, he said.

Some 10,000 people gathered at the central Taksim square in the country's biggest city Istanbul, burning Israeli flags and calling for a boycott of Israeli goods, an AFP photographer said.

"Damn Israel!", "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, revenge, revenge!" chanted the protestors, carrying Turkish and Palestinian flags.

A crowd of some 1,000 people protested outside Levy's residence in Ankara, shouting "Damn Israel" and reciting prayers.

The Israeli navy stormed the flotilla of six vessels as it sailed to Gaza in a bid to break the blockade of the impoverished enclave, in place since 2007, and deliver some 10,000 tonnes of supplies.

The Israeli army initially said more than 10 passengers were killed but then revised the death toll down to nine.

Israeli military and commandos involved in the operation also said they had only responded with force after being attacked with knives, clubs and even live fire, an allegation that the Turkish prime minister denied as baseless.

Muslim-majority Turkey has been a close ally of Israel since 1996 but relations between the two countries have taken a sharp downturn since Israel's devastating war on Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009, which Turkey has vehemently criticised.
total arieal encounter gose to 15 of Israel Air Force (IAF) and 0 of Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Pakistan is only country which just not fight with once super power USSR but defeat them and covert it into 20 new states

this is the lamest statement i ever heard,pakistan disintegrated ussr
What a shame, where are the Arab leaders? Props to Turkey for speaking up against these Zionists! Shame indeed that these zionists didn't even allow a aid convoy to help the Palestinians :angry:

And all these indians here who are supporting zionists don't even bother sympathizing with the Palestinians.

sirf mathlab ke dost hain ye indians
You are speaking of Turkish 'genocide' of Armenians and Kurds in the same topic as we are talking about the Israeli aggression against the Flotilla. Perhaps subconsciously you recognize a 'connection' here? I have seen plenty of Israeli bloggers--when cornered at Haaretz--start attacking Turkey over Armenia and Kurds.
Enjoy your little deluded world. But you'd better hope that the Turkish army Generals don't come in the way of the strong Turkish response the nation of Turkey wants against Israel. Trust me: Turkey is even more important to you than your far off friends despite your claims to be part of 'the West'.
Exactly so how has Israel "messed" with Pakistan???....When Daniel Pearl was killed ..was Pakistan messing with United states??

Yes and when Ppl like Faisal shazad or Ajmal Kasab do their deeds ..then Pakistan conveniently claims they were Non state actors and were not under the Writ of the state..so how is this situation any different??..or are you suggesting that Pak state regularly encourages its citizen to visit other countries without a Visa(May how ever Noble their cause be)??

I ll rather not respond to your taunts ..goes out to show ..your argument is less on substance, more on emotions.

It was not me who said they had messed with Pakistan.

My arguments was only a counter to yours where you (failingly) tried to advocate that even if those 3 Pakistanis were killed, Pakistan should even raise an eyebrow as they wrote something on a chit of paper.

So dont extrapolate my comments and dont feed me BS!

BTW, i never knew renouncing Pakistani nationality was so easy..:lol:
it seems like Israel is surely up to something. first there were news of Israel might attack Iran.

I think Israel is ready to invade it's neighbors, but can't get enough support!!!
Obama tells Netanyahu on phone: We need raid 'facts' ASAP

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Monday after the latter cancelled a planned Oval Office meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

During their 15-minute conversation, Obama conveyed his understanding for Netanyahu’s decision to return immediately to Israel from Canada and not stop in Washington following the deadly clash between the IDF and activists trying to break the Gaza blockade earlier in the day.

The two leaders also agreed to reschedule their meeting at the first opportunity. “The president expressed deep regret at the loss of life in today's incident, and concern for the wounded, many of whom are being treated in Israeli hospitals,” a statement put out by the White House read. “The president also expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances around this morning's tragic events as soon as possible.”

The visit had been expected to reaffirm the strong US-Israel relationship after weeks of tension and provide a public welcome to Netanyahu after his nighttime White House visit in March was conducted under a total media blackout. It was to come in the midst of nascent proximity talks between Israelis and Palestinians as the US sought to build momentum to move to direct negotiations and ahead of a high-profile visit of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House next Tuesday.

“It shows how hard it is to purposefully change the momentum” in Middle East peace-making, Jonathan Alterman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies noted. “Even when you try to build small steps to change things, the waves come crashing down.”

He also assessed that in contrast to the Europeans, who already were using the incident Monday to reinforce calls for an end to the Gaza blockade, the Americans would want to have a fuller grasp of the situation before reviewing Gaza policy.

“On the American side there’s going to be a real desire to understand what happened,” he said.

Obama tells Netanyahu on phone: We need raid 'facts' ASAP
According to International Law, what Israel did today is an "act of war".

Lets hope that the Muslim countries grow some balls and take strict action against Israel.


There has been only one person in the Pakistan Media that has impressed me and that has been Talat Hussain. And i know many people will agree with me on this.

Lets hope that all the people/hostages come out of this unscathed.


Brother well said.. lets pray for safe return of everyone who was on that ship.... I will agree with you about Talat Hussain...

I think Muslim world should have a strong response towards this ... Israel is in the mood of war .. But in front of the world it is pretending that its only defending itself.....

Muslims should really wake up now ..... Its my expectation that Israel will wage a big war on the arab world before 2020 (Allah knows best. i am just making an expectation).. All the signs are going in that directions.....
utter nonsense, nothing else. Channel could of had called better people instead of this goon.

I want my wasted time back watching these clips of ZAHIL showing his stupidity.
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