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Israel goes under radar detection of BARAV-373

Technically Bavar-373 proper only uses the Sayyad-4 missiles. Sayyad-2 and 3 are part of the lower tier systems which were initially part of the "Talash" air defence projects which ultimately cumulated to form the Khordad-15.
so you should fly a helicopter to destroy tor-m right?? i think helicopter in that case would be a target for bavar. don't you think so??
Helicopter can flow below radar u also can launch Spike NLOS from ground launcher from Hermon mountain.

what about SDB ? UCAVs can carry 8x SDBs to hit AD Systems like TOR-M
to hit even moving targets
When it comes to Damascus area there are so many plenty options.


Delilah - 250 km:


Extra - 150 km

extra IDF 2.jpg

SDB - 110 km:




In other parts it will be also easily destroyed but will require some effort. In Damascus area no effort even needed.
It can be compensated with ballistic missiles. Iran has established a Factory producing Syrian version of Fateh 110 missiles with an accuracy of below 10 meters. These missiles will cripple Israeli airforce moments after war is started. All of their airbases will be razed to Ground. The mentioned missile is M-600.
From wikipedia
It seems, as of 2008, that the Syrian M-600 is based on the second generation Fateh-110.[10] In 2010 the Israeli press claimed that Syria has given hundreds of M-600 missiles to Hezbollah.[11]

Syria is an sleeping Lion, when they be done with Takfiri headchoppers defending Israel, then they will march on Israel.

Sir respects and thanks for your explanation however we should keep sectarian hate out of discussion. The elements opposing Syrian Govt include Turkman and Wahabis also as ISIS has been almost wiped out. May be sane way is the dialogue between Syria, Iran, Turkey and Russia. It is a fact that due to sectarian fighting between KSA and Iran has made Israel more stronger.
Syrian Baath Military Personnels are deployed in Occupied Golan Heights along with the Iranian Soldiers !!!! Rockets were being fired inside Syria and Lebanon from the Occupied Golan Heights which resulted in Egyptian Air Force bombing in the Occupier Territories of Falastin !!!!

Seems CY-400 as well as Cy-400 are being deployed in the Occupier Territories in Falastin !!!!

Complete Transfer of Technology has been given by the Rus Federation to the Iranians !!!!

Bavar-373 seems like a version more than Cy-300 but lower than Cy-400 !!!! Radars are too so power as no country will Deploy the Best Equipment out of the Country Secured Borders !!!! Rus Federation Military planners are having worst experiences inside Balaad e Shaam and Maghrib !!!!!

All thanks to NethanYabu

If the Bavar-373 deployed in Damascus.
View attachment 650657

So officially Israel is fked :lol:

Smaller circle indicates missile range of Bavar-373 and the Bigger One shows the detection range of mentioned air defense system.

Radars can detect incoming threat by 40 Kms !!!! Incoming Enemy Ballistic Missile Hitting Ratio is Good at 25 Kms !!!!!

In Occupied Golan Heights, there is no Chance of External Radars !!!!! That Rus Federation Cy-400 or Cy-400 along with the Radars can be knocked down by Artillery Gun Fire !!!!

I dont think we will see Bavar in Syria. Surely not in Damascus area.

Be it Bavar 373 or Cy-400, Just paint and Alphabets is different !!!! Complete Transfer of Technology has been done by the Rus Federation to the Iranians !!!!!

All thanks to NethanYabu

If the Bavar-373 deployed in Damascus.
View attachment 650657

So officially Israel is fked :lol:

Smaller circle indicates missile range of Bavar-373 and the Bigger One shows the detection range of mentioned air defense system.

Radars deployed in Occupier Territories in Falastin have utterly failed !!!! Rus Federation Military Briefings have pointed out that after the Rus Federation Reconnaissance Aircraft was knocked down by the Syrian National Army !!!!
Syrian Baath Military Personnels are deployed in Occupied Golan Heights along with the Iranian Soldiers !!!! Rockets were being fired inside Syria and Lebanon from the Occupied Golan Heights which resulted in Egyptian Air Force bombing in the Occupier Territories of Falastin !!!!

Seems CY-400 as well as Cy-400 are being deployed in the Occupier Territories in Falastin !!!!

Complete Transfer of Technology has been given by the Rus Federation to the Iranians !!!!

Bavar-373 seems like a version more than Cy-300 but lower than Cy-400 !!!! Radars are too so power as no country will Deploy the Best Equipment out of the Country Secured Borders !!!! Rus Federation Military planners are having worst experiences inside Balaad e Shaam and Maghrib !!!!!

Radars can detect incoming threat by 40 Kms !!!! Incoming Enemy Ballistic Missile Hitting Ratio is Good at 25 Kms !!!!!

In Occupied Golan Heights, there is no Chance of External Radars !!!!! That Rus Federation Cy-400 or Cy-400 along with the Radars can be knocked down by Artillery Gun Fire !!!!

Be it Bavar 373 or Cy-400, Just paint and Alphabets is different !!!! Complete Transfer of Technology has been done by the Rus Federation to the Iranians !!!!!

Radars deployed in Occupier Territories in Falastin have utterly failed !!!! Rus Federation Military Briefings have pointed out that after the Rus Federation Reconnaissance Aircraft was knocked down by the Syrian National Army !!!!
The Russian system is cold launched while Bavar is a hotlaunched system. How on earth you were convinced that it has Russian technology.
Helicopter can flow below radar u also can launch Spike NLOS from ground launcher from Hermon mountain.

When it comes to Damascus area there are so many plenty options.

View attachment 651128

In other parts it will be also easily destroyed but will require some effort. In Damascus area no effort even needed.

All these equipment are within the Range of Artillery Gun fire of the Arab League Forces !!!

The Russian system is cold launched while Bavar is a hotlaunched system. How on earth you were convinced that it has Russian technology.

These are Quite Old Talks !!! Rus Federation has transferred complete Technology of Cy300 to the Iranian Military !!!

Iranian Military Parades !!!
Be it Bavar 373 or Cy-400, Just paint and Alphabets is different !!!! Complete Transfer of Technology has been done by the Rus Federation to the Iranians !!!!!

Few points to note, Bavar and the S300/400 are completely different different systems in many aspects. The only thing they really share is the the fact they are both long range air defence. Moreover, no sane person believes the Russians or any major technology nations would just give transfer of technology of such strategic systems.
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different air defenses use similar missiles. s-350 and s-400 both use 9m96 missiles. khordad 15 uses sayyad-2/3 while bavar-373 uses sayyad-2/3/4 missiles.

More or less, Components of Rus Federation Ballistic Missile Shield !!!!

Refrain from posting such satirical misinformation. Few points to note, Bavar and the S300/400 are completely different different systems in many aspects. The only thing they really share is the the fact they are both long range air defence. Moreover, no sane person believes the Russians or any major technology nations would just give transfer of technology of such strategic systems.

Press Tv and Itar Tass !!!! Quite old Talks !!!!
I am capable of doing my own research. I have even written an article on the topic:

Iranian Bavar-373 long range air defence system- A quantum leap in Iran's air defence capability
I suggest you do not comment on topics that are clearly beyond your knowledge.


You are most welcome to do the Research !!!! Indian Armed Forces - Intelligence Bureau and the Indian Space Research Organisation - Satellites will not be used to convince any Researcher !!!!
You are most welcome to do the Research !!!! Indian Armed Forces - Intelligence Bureau and the Indian Space Research Organisation - Satellites will not be used to convince any Researcher !!!!

You were given a link to an in-depth article on the matter which you clearly did not read given the promptness to which you replied. Now, engage using substance. Edit: Here is the link to the article again:

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This is significant offer to Syria, if true.


Bavar-373 is not an exact copy of an existing defense system of another country but an interesting blend of concepts of American, Chinese, and Russian defense applications; Iran have had access to older technologies of these countries. Comparisons to Russian S-300 defense system are rather ill-informed.

This seems to be Iranian indigenous effort, and a significant one at that.

Launching station of Bavar 373 is similar to American M901 launching station - both employ a hot launch technique instead of Russian cold ejection model.


Miraj 4 radar system of Bavar-373 look similar to Chinese JYL-1 radar system.


There might be amendments in it.

Bavar-373 is equipped with another radar system as well which look indigenous. Although design is similar to American AN/TPS radar system types.

Sayyid-4 is an extrapolation of American RIM-66 with elements of Russian 48N6E in the mix. Interesting design and achievement.

Impressive output and effort to say the least.
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