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Israel goes under radar detection of BARAV-373

If this question is for trolling then yema sikimi godookh.

If not, then Israel will receive 10 punches for every misadventure.

The Israel intel network is very effective and one should not doubt their offensive capabilities, if Iran is providing Su300 like Bavr373 then it should be installed/operationalized with ultimate secrecy to avoid sabotage efforts by Israel.
On other hand it shall be interesting contest between technically superior IAF F15/16s\F35s and restriction free Bavr373. Other thing for Syria is that no SAM no matter how much capable can be effective on it's own until and unless it is part of the entire network also including capable fighter jets. Unfortunately the infighting in Syria has resulted in limited fighter jets operational.
The Israel intel network is very effective and one should not doubt their offensive capabilities, if Iran is providing Su300 like Bavr373 then it should be installed/operationalized with ultimate secrecy to avoid sabotage efforts by Israel.
On other hand it shall be interesting contest between technically superior IAF F15/16s\F35s and restriction free Bavr373. Other thing for Syria is that no SAM no matter how much capable can be effective on it's own until and unless it is part of the entire network also including capable fighter jets. Unfortunately the infighting in Syria has resulted in limited fighter jets operational.
Bavar-373 wont be sent alone my friend. It will be supported by Possibly 3rd Khordad and 15th Khordad ADs. Bavar is a Long range SAM and highly vulnerable against drones, cruise missiles and extensive SEAD attacks. We will create a network in Syria from scratch and will Integrate Syrian airdefense systems into it.
Bavar-373 wont be sent alone my friend. It will be supported by Possibly 3rd Khordad and 15th Khordad ADs. Bavar is a Long range SAM and highly vulnerable against drones, cruise missiles and extensive SEAD attacks. We will create a network in Syria from scratch and will Integrate Syrian airdefense systems into it.
Respected member if Iran and Russia really want to make Syrian AD capabilities effective then they should also rebuild Syrian Air Force. The AD capabilities even in absence of Bavr and other Iranian systems are there but they cannot be effective without support from fighter jets.
Respected member if Iran and Russia really want to make Syrian AD capabilities effective then they should also rebuild Syrian Air Force. The AD capabilities even in absence of Bavr and other Iranian systems are there but they cannot be effective without support from fighter jets.

What should they rebuild Assad's airforce with? the Iranians are flying lemons themselves.

If this question is for trolling then yema sikimi godookh.

If not, then Israel will receive 10 punches for every misadventure.

Really? So far we have only seen Israel giving you punch after punch. The only thing you've done has been to lick your wounds.
Respected member if Iran and Russia really want to make Syrian AD capabilities effective then they should also rebuild Syrian Air Force. The AD capabilities even in absence of Bavr and other Iranian systems are there but they cannot be effective without support from fighter jets.
It can be compensated with ballistic missiles. Iran has established a Factory producing Syrian version of Fateh 110 missiles with an accuracy of below 10 meters. These missiles will cripple Israeli airforce moments after war is started. All of their airbases will be razed to Ground. The mentioned missile is M-600.
From wikipedia
It seems, as of 2008, that the Syrian M-600 is based on the second generation Fateh-110.[10] In 2010 the Israeli press claimed that Syria has given hundreds of M-600 missiles to Hezbollah.[11]

Syria is an sleeping Lion, when they be done with Takfiri headchoppers defending Israel, then they will march on Israel.
Nobody should take OP seriously, the defense cooperation agreement between Iran and Syria doesn't necissate that Iran will deliver AD systems to Syria. Only one comment on Iranian media by Iranian general implied that but it is not seen anywhere in the agreement.

Syria AD already claims to shoot down most Israeli missiles but in reality they all land and hit their targets. They will continue claiming they shot down Israeli missiles and say damage is insignificant and Iranians on forum will use that evidence that their systems were delivered.

Iranian regime runs on rhetoric and Iranians like OP do same thing. We still need to find out if Iran will deploy such systems in Syria which has not been even spoke of in the media for much besides one press statement. Whether the system is effective or not isn't the point.

But, it's unlikely Iran will send it if it has no purpose to use it. And if it does send it and use it then we can see it's performance and we can see if it's being used as Israeli AF would have to make adjustments.

So better not to talk about imaginary scenarios. OP has already concluded that it was deployed and will shoot down Israeli Jets and afterwards Syria will war with Israel. He is playing movie out in his head and expect us to accept that as reality.

Reality is they not sending anything as of now and Syria will not fight with Israel.

Why not wait and see before making judgement.

The system might be effective , we not gonna make prejudgement on that. But there is no indication Iran plan to deploy the system in Syria. It will likely be manned by Iranian officers like Russian S-300 and they won't be allowed to engage Israeli AF. Which most of time operate over Lebanon. And that assuming they send it in first place.

Most likely they won't , the defense cooperation agreement is about providing man power, advisers, ammunition and equipment for Syrian army to fight rebels in Idlib. The Israelis strikes are not a big concern to them.

گسیل پدافند هوایی مدرن باور-373 به سوریه/ ایران اجازه زدن بدون هشدار قبلی هواپیماهای اسراییلی را در آسمان سوریه دریافت کرده است
The Source says that Iran will deliver Bavar to Syria and moreover Iran will not inform anyone when decides to down Israeli jets over Lebanese airspace. Under this outstanding contract Iran has all Rights to target Israeli fighter jets in Syrian, Lebanese and every where Israeli fighter jets try to Launch missiles against Syrian main land. And most importantly Russia is satisfied with this Delivery.

Really, so you not even gonna use it, assumming it is even deployed in first place. But you want forum audience to get excited about potential Syrian-Israeli clash. This is not going to happen and Russia is mediator between Syria/Iran and Israel. Syria is focused in Idlib and Eastern Kurdish parties they in no position to fight Israel. But you want people to think so so they support Iranian position in Syria.

I don't support Iranian approach to Syria and how they were one of contributors to preventing political process like Russia, US.
Iran and Hezbollah were more dangerous threat to Israel because of president OBAMA allowed Iran and Russia to enter Syria
Russian first had no plan to enter this war, it started when some wanted Chechen fighters appeared in ISIS columns in Syria. That's when Russian special forces step in and later Putin started the revival of alliance of its old allies, and Syria was always a front line including Libya and Iraq. Otherwise ISIS almost took half Iraq and half Syria. But the fast surge of ISIS in Iraq made Saudi Arabia also worried, because they did't wanted ISIS close to its borders. Later ISIS killed 1700 Iraqi in one day, change the whole situation.
Plus Iran jump in after ISIS hit the holy places and bomb the tomb of grand daughter of Holy Prophet. But during 8 years of Iran-Iraq war only Syria supported Iran. Rest of arab countries stand behind Saddam and financially supported this war.
Middle East politics is very complicated. Loyalties change overnight.

Five years on, still no justice for Iraq's Camp Speicher victims
Flawed trials and half-truths cannot bring justice for all those killed and forcefully disappeared at Camp Speicher.
Today marks five years since the Camp Speicher massacre, in which an estimated 1,700 unarmed cadets were executed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), and hundreds more were arrested and disappeared by Iraqi government forces. For the victims' families, today is a stark reminder of the Iraqi government's consistent and overwhelming failure to determine their loved ones' fates and whereabouts, and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
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