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Israel goes under radar detection of BARAV-373

Is Herz-9, and Misagh-3 combo not capable enough to fire on cruise, and other A2G missiles?
they are capable but tor-m is better in countering swarm of drones and missiles.

here is what happened to another Russian short range system

tor-m was successful in 80 percent of engagements in Syria.

Damascus area is observed by Israel from Hermon mountain. Setting SAM there is pure suicide.

what about SDB ? UCAVs can carry 8x SDBs to hit AD Systems like TOR-M
to hit even moving targets
So now they officially admit Israel was behind the attacks ?

Damascus area is observed by Israel from Hermon mountain. Setting SAM there is pure suicide.
so you should fly a helicopter to destroy tor-m right?? i think helicopter in that case would be a target for bavar. don't you think so??
How can we provide air cover to the convoys to deploy the AD systems in Syria? They have no active AD at the moment, so the convoys will be easy targets
Air defence SAMS can only do so much. Iran needs to start rebuilding its airforce. Russia/China would be more than willing to sell Iran fighter jets. I read years ago Iran was going to buy 200 Su-30s but eventually backed off.

During the 60s-70s the SHAH was on track to make IIAF one of the worlds largest and strongest air forces. They had over 200+ F-4, F-5 and placed an order for 150+F-14s. The Shah was also interested in the F-16 and was going to order 300+ of their own variants before he was overthrown.

I remember back in 2005 IIAF was much better equipped compared to the PAF. They had a fleet of close to 60 BVR capable F-14s, 30 Mig-29's, 15 Mirage F1s while PAF had none (42 F-16s back then were not BVR and only basic non-mlu A/B variants). Today apparently most of these jets have been balkanized and IIAF prob has less than half operational. In the same time period PAF went from no BVR capable fighters to having over 220+ BVR capable F-16s/JF-17s with AIM-120C and SD-10B and large force of AWACS (12) relative to the size of the PAF.

IIAF with a fleet of JF-17s/J-10s would be a deadly threat.
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Like mentioned previously, "Sevome Khordad" is a better option for the Syrians. It is a very mobile, low footprint system that can function in a passive mode too. Such a system can be delivered in the Syrian theater without the completion of an integrated air defence network. It is unlikely we will see Babar in Syria anytime soon. In terms of what SHORAD will protect these HIMAD systems, that will come in the form of the upcoming Iranian "Oghab" system.

Sevome Khordad:

It doesn't exist. They only made a few propaganda appearances and that's it.

Sure, it "does not exist":

Iranian Bavar-373 long range air defence system- A quantum leap in Iran's air defence capability


Either contribute to the thread in a constructive manner or refrain from polluting it.

Khordad 15 is the actual SAM and Israel bombed it even before it was deployed.

According to your hallucinations?
According to it being deployed and using the missile meant for Bavar-373. While both systems look exactly similar.

Khordad-15 is a completely different system that is not similar to the Bavar-373 in any major way nor do they use the same missiles. At least do a basic level research before making these satirical claims. Moreover, Khordad-15 nor any major Iranian air defence have been employed outside of Iran till date.
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