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Israel fifth Dolphin-class submarine


Oct 14, 2010
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Meet the new Israel fifth Dolphin-class submarine "INS RAHAV"






HDW factory in hamburg

Israel already received 4th German-made dolphin class submarine

Israel signs for six subs
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Based at Haifa, the Israeli Navy (IN) currently operates four modern, diesel-electric, Dolphin-class submarines designed and constructed by Germany's Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW). The first three were commissioned between 1999 and 2000; two were donated by Germany and the cost of the third was split between Germany and Israel. The fourth and fifth submarines, agreed to in 2006, will be advanced Dolphin-class vessels equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP); one was delivered to the Israeli Navy in May 2012 and the other is expected in 2013.[1] Germany and Israel also agreed to a sixth Dolphin submarine with AIP technology in February 2012.[2]

Submarine Tables for Israel

Israel Active Duty Submarines
Gal (Type 540)
Before obtaining the Dolphins, the IN depended upon three Gal-class submarines, designed by Germany for Israel, and constructed at the Vickers Shipyard in the United Kingdom between 1973 and 1977. The Gal-class is a modified Type 206A coastal submarine. The Gals were decommissioned when the Dolphins were commissioned into the Israeli Navy, and Israel had planned to sell the vessels. However, no buyer was found and one of the boats was returned to Israel, where it is currently exhibited at the Haifa Naval Museum.[3]

As previous conflicts involving Israel began with naval blockades, Israel views its submarine force as critical to national security. Israel's submarines are also intended to exercise sea control over the Eastern Mediterranean and secure sea lines of communication; Israel is dependent on imports of grain, crude oil, and raw materials.[4] There has been consistent speculation that Israel's submarines could be refitted to carry missiles armed with nuclear weapons in order for the country to maintain a survivable second-strike option. Acknowledging Israel's lack of strategic depth, officials have asserted that only submarines can provide a secure weapons platform in the future.[5]

The arming of Israel's submarines has received a great deal of attention. While HDW has stated that Israel's Dolphin-class submarines were equipped with weapon systems similar to those installed on other diesel-electric submarines, various sources have alleged that upon their arrival in Israel, the submarines were modified, and fitted with cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads.[6] The three initial Dolphin-class submarines were designed in accordance with Israeli demands, and include a "wet and dry" compartment for special operations, as well as four 650mm torpedo tubes, which could be used for Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs).[7] The German Defense Ministry has stated that these larger tubes were intended to fire Harpoons; upon delivery to Israel, liners were to be fitted to decrease the diameter of the tubes to accommodate the 533mm Harpoon containers. However, the Dolphin-class is equipped with six 533mm torpedo tubes as well, which are capable of launching Harpoons.[8] It seems possible, therefore, that the 650mm tubes might have been designed to accommodate indigenously built, long-range SLCMs. The German government has stated that it does not have information on whether Israel installed different equipment on the submarines after delivery, although former German officials have acknowledged that they assumed that Israel intended to equip the submarines with nuclear weapons. [9]

Some reports suggest that Israel has adapted Harpoon cruise missiles, which have a range of 130 kilometers, to carry an indigenously developed nuclear warhead and guidance system, though other experts argue that such modifications to a Harpoon missile are not feasible.[10] Others believe that Israel has developed an indigenous cruise missile with a range of 320 kilometers that could be a version of Rafael Armament Development Authority's Popeye turbo cruise missile.[11] Still others believe that the missile may be a version of the Gabriel 4LR produced by Israel Aircraft Industries, which could be launched in 533mm torpedo tubes similar to the Harpoon.[12] Such speculation was further fueled by an unconfirmed test of a nuclear-capable, submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) in the Indian Ocean in 2000. Some reports claimed targets 1,500 kilometers away were hit.[13] Such a range, however, implies an entirely new type of missile.[14] In June 2002, former State Department and Pentagon officials confirmed that the U.S. Navy observed Israeli missile tests in the Indian Ocean in 2000, and that the Dolphin-class vessels have been fitted with nuclear-capable cruise missiles of a new design.[15] However, the Israeli Defense Forces have consistently denied any such missile tests.[16]

In October 2003, unidentified senior U.S. and Israeli officials were quoted as saying that Israel had successfully modified nuclear warheads to fit its Harpoon missiles.[17] Whatever the missile currently arming Israel's Dolphin-class submarines, it seems clear that Israel is interested in the acquisition of new cruise missiles. Its request for U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles was rejected by the Clinton administration in 2000, since such a sale would have violated the Missile Technology Control Regime, which prohibits the transfer of missiles with a range exceeding 300 kilometers.[18]

The modernized Dolphin-class combines a conventional diesel led-acid battery system and an air-independent propulsion system (AIP) which makes the vessel extremely quiet and allows it to remain submerged for up to a week without surfacing. [19] It is said to have a maximum speed of 20 knots, and a range of 4,500km. [20] The new boats will be equipped with 650mm torpedo tubes—again leading to much speculation that the Israelis intend to outfit the submarines with nuclear-armed cruise missiles.[21]
Really Indonesia and Malaysia which seems to be interested in developing technology even of military level should have done some JVs with Italy, France and Germany along with Sweden. Like these countries could have done JV with Germans on U-212 and carry on with newer models and inducted 3-5 Subs of each models in their Navies as Submarines are the real force....
Israel launches new submarine

Defense Ministry and the IDF inaugurated Israel's fifth submarine, "Rahav," in the German city of Kiel.

The ceremony was attended by Defense Ministry Director Udi Shani, Navy Commander Gen. Ram Rotenberg and other Israeli officials, along with their German counterparts.


Fünftes U-Boot für Israel getauft Kiel Lokales / KN - Kieler Nachrichten

Israel's 5th Dolphin submarine unveiled in Germany

INS Rahav set to undertake long-range classified missions, can carry missiles armed with nuclear warheads, foreign sources say.

Israel and Germany unveiled the Israel Navy's fifth Dolphin-class submarine on Monday, at a ceremony at the German port of Kiel.

The submarine, called the INS Rahav, is the most expensive defense platform purchased by Israel. It is set to undertake long-range classified missions that are critical for Israel's security.

J’lem and Berlin sign contract for sixth submarine
Israel takes delivery of 4th submarine in Germany
The submarine is seen by the navy as a significant "force multiplier" that will enable Israel to cope with threats in the increasingly unstable Middle East region.

According to foreign reports, the Navy's submarines also allow Israel a nuclear second strike capability, as they can travel far from Israel's territorial waters and, reportedly, are able to carry long-range cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads.

Some defense analysts consider the submarines to be crucial aspect of Israeli nuclear deterrence against Iran.

Among their many capabilities, submarines can launch conventional missile attacks on near and distant targets, fire torpedoes, and gather intelligence.

The latest Dolphin-class subs can remain submerged for longer than their predecessors.

The INS Rahav, together with the INS Tanin - the fourth Dolphine submarine delivered to Israel in 2012 - and the sixth Dolphon, still being manufactured, will cost a total of some 1.4 billion Euro (1.8 billion dollars). The German government is reportedly covering a third of the cost.

Monday's ceremony was attended by Navy chief, Adm. Ram Rothberg, Defense Ministry Director-General Cmdr. (rets) Udi Shani, and senior German officials.

The ceremony followed years of development, and the submarine is expected to arrive at an Israeli port over the coming year. It must undergo further work before it can become operational, the navy said.

"The INS Rahav is one of the most advanced submarines in the world," the Ministry of Defense said in a statement Monday. "It is a versatile platform, which can adapt to many and varied missions. The fleet of submarines forms a long arm for the navy, the IDF, and the state of Israel," the ministry added.

All year round, Israel's submarines in engage in vital operations near and far from Israel, under a fog of secrecy, the ministry said.

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