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Did Syria Sink an Israeli Submarine?

The newly appointed GIP director is now mulling to step down over this issue :lol:

Yes, nuclear explosion, because I saw a flash!

Is there something fundamentally and/or congenitally flawed as far as your comprehension is concerned, or are you disputing that a nuclear explosion CANNOT be hidden and ergo cannot go unreported? Because if its the latter then I will leave you in the care of the Mods.

@Yzd Khalifa

Apparently KSA has been unable to identify a nuclear explosion in the region.

Enjoy! :enjoy:
The newly appointed GIP director is now mulling to step down over this issue :lol:

I believe that the "self evident flash THAT CAN ONLY BE CAUSED BY A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION" has now been retconned into an explosion resulting from the shoot down of an Israeli F-16, now this version is to be supported by the flash which is obviously and self evidently proof of said intercept.

Assad is probably beating his head into a wall somewhere, poor chap. :rofl:
Tactical Nuclear Weapons

From a practical standpoint, the advantage of a small nuclear bomb is that it can pack so much explosive force into such a small space. (See How Nuclear Bombs Work for details.) The B61-11 can carry a nuclear charge with anywhere between a 1-kiloton (1,000 tons of TNT) and a 300-kiloton yield. For comparison, the bomb used on Hiroshima had a yield of approximately 15 kilotons. The shock wave from such an intense underground explosion would cause damage deep in the earth and would presumably destroy even the most well-fortified bunker.

HowStuffWorks "Tactical Nuclear Weapons"


Another reason is the smell of gas in the air reported after the strike, people claiming it was like an earthquake, lightening in the cloud a few moments after the huge blast and the fact that the said target was a research facility which more than likely would have underground fortified bunkers.


Striking evidence of the use of American EPW (Earth Penetrating Weapons) nuclear weapons in Syria has come to light. Experts say the proof is irrefutable.

Submitted for analysis, the footage was compared with tests of the 37,000-pound MOB (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), designed by Boeing to be used against Iran’s underground facilities. There was no similarity whatsoever noted between the Syrian “event” and a conventional “bunker buster” including the GBU 57, the largest conventional weapon every to be used.

More Proof
Colonel James Hanke, former Defense Attaché and Liaison between the Pentagon and Netanyahu’s government , reviewed the footage.
He indicated that the GBU 57 is considered too high a risk for use because of its danger to the earth’s crust.

The Syrian/African fault line spreads into Israel. Were it to be subjected to this kind of explosive power, the threat of an earthquake doing significant damage in Israel is a reality. The nuclear bunker busters have far less penetrating power and, I am not saying that this was a nuclear device, not until more evidence is in, but the ‘event profile’ shows striking similarities.

The other problem with the GBU 57 is delivery. Only two aircraft are capable of delivering this weapon, the B-52 and B-2 Stealth Bomber. Israel does not have these aircraft.

PressTV - Was Syria 'nuked'?
when these people hear about nuclear weapon, a mushroom is the first thing which comes to their mind, so if they don't see that mushroom, they will deny everything, even thousands of Iraqi and afghan deformed children.
The video:

This is the Video:

Keep your insults for your face, and go browse the web.......................................................................................
Did you guys never seen a real nuclear explosion?

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