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Israel carries out ground incursion into Lebanon

Look who is talking!!!
An Isreali about the Killing of innocent Muslims !!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yeah because Muslims never sent hundreds of rockets into Israel with the intention of killing innocent civilians right?

Get back to your madarsa.

EDIT: Just read the post where you mentioned our "Arab muslim brothers" LOL, You mean the same arab brothers who you have to beg just to get a visa to enter their countries? Or the same arab brothers who have employed millions of Indians in their lands? Better yet, the same arab brothers who have NOT ONCE talked about Kashmir in the UN for Pakistan.

I guess you mean the same arab brothers who are extremely racist and discriminatory against Pakistanis. I have been to Arabia. I have seen how you cant even open up a business in your name unless its 51% owned by a local. I have seen the discrimination.

I have also been to Israel and have seen how different the treatment is. How they respect you as a human and talk to you properly. I felt more at home with those people than anywhere in arabia. Same with Turkey. People actually get treated like humans in these countries.
Speaking of false flags I have spotted quite a few Israelis on this forum posing as Pakistanis. Whats the deal ?
Don't tell me Kal El you got that name from Superman's father

I was waiting for this. Surprised it took this long.

Apparently its hard for you to grasp the simple fact that some people actually have the ability to you know, think for themselves.

Doesn't make me any less or more of a Pakistani if I support Israel. You see, unlike 99% of the members here, I have actually traveled to these places that has allowed me to develop my own opinion.
Yeah because Muslims never sent hundreds of rockets into Israel with the intention of killing innocent civilians right?

Get back to your madarsa.

EDIT: Just read the post where you mentioned our "Arab muslim brothers" LOL, You mean the same arab brothers who you have to beg just to get a visa to enter their countries? Or the same arab brothers who have employed millions of Indians in their lands? Better yet, the same arab brothers who have NOT ONCE talked about Kashmir in the UN for Pakistan.

I guess you mean the same arab brothers who are extremely racist and discriminatory against Pakistanis. I have been to Arabia. I have seen how you cant even open up a business in your name unless its 51% owned by a local. I have seen the discrimination.

I have also been to Israel and have seen how different the treatment is. How they respect you as a human and talk to you properly. I felt more at home with those people than anywhere in arabia. Same with Turkey. People actually get treated like humans in these countries.

Dude You dont have any right to judge me
they r the same who equip indians to fight against, right.
Their arms were found in Karachi when Army had launched operation.
U have just read my one post but in the other one i have tried to explain how things really r n for whom n why they did it.(read post#73)
Moreover, mister i live in this country i know better then an outsider like u.
im sure yr even not a Pakistani because if yr a beholder of the Pakistani passport u cant enter Israel. Maybe u have a dual Nationality n u had entered there as a Turk i guess NOT AS A PAKISTANI!!!.

Just because i dont share/appreciate yr (individual,experience) point of view so im a Madarasa Student:lol:

Love yr Logic!!!
LOL here comes a non mulla :rofl:
Dude this country tried to destroy our Nuke facilities in 1983.
They r the country n reason why US wants to sabotage our nuclear assists!!!.
and u say they dont have anything to do against/ with us LOL how ignorant can one really become!!!
They r the one who r supporting indians against us in not just military technology but by deploying their troops in the battlefield against Pak Army with the indians when we wimp their backs in 1999 n Mumbai saga!!!

An Ambassador to india by them gave a interview a few years back in new dehli to their mag. that it was actually because of them that the ground situation in 1999 changed when the israeli marines were deployed in the battlefield. He was actually telling this very proudly when he was asked to answer the question by the journalist in that interview that 'How have these 2 countries have been cooperating n how will they be doing in the future'!!!!
And u still say they have nothing to do with us:rofl:
Best way to deal with this thread is to do the proxy wars against them with our Arab Muslim Brothers.

Dude You dont have any right to judge me
they r the same who equip indians to fight against, right.
Their arms were found in Karachi when Army had launched operation.
U have just read my one post but in the other one i have tried to explain how things really r n for whom n why they did it.(read post#73)
Moreover, mister i live in this country i know better then an outsider like u.
im sure yr even not a Pakistani because if yr a beholder of the Pakistani passport u cant enter Israel. Maybe u have a dual Nationality n u had entered there as a Turk i guess NOT AS A PAKISTANI!!!.

Just because i dont share/appreciate yr (individual,experience) point of view so im a Madarasa Student:lol:

Love yr Logic!!!

Ok I'm going to destroy your little argument now.

First, Sources. Valid ones at that. Mere heresy that they are equipping Indians is nothing more than BS.

Second, arabs are the ones employing millions of Indians and doing businesses hundreds of billions of dollars with India.

And Ive lived in pakistan for 28 years of my life you silly troll. But I didnt just sit there and form my opinions of things I never saw. I traveled. I lived. I got educated. I have been to more countries than I can remember and that has improved my understnading of pretty much everything.

Israel is not our enemy. So instead of the typical mullah response of "Death to xxx" Try being friends with someone and see what happens. They are a threatened people. They live among animals who have written in their charter that they want to wipe israel off the map.

Third they have something most of Pakistan, including you dont. Its called Ghairat. You people see 15 year old girls getting gunned down in the street and do nothing. You see your soldiers die and say nothing but repetitive phrases and go back to bed. Who are you to talk about Israel when you cant protect your own people? . Matter of fact, who are you to talk about anything when you people have literally ran Pakistan into the ground. Instead of being what the Quaid wanted, where everyone was free to go to the place of their worship. Your claim to fame, your greatest achievement is being a blind mental and economical slave to arabia. Mission accomplished.

Fact is, Israel protects its civilians. Simple. They dont let their people get fired upon and do nothing. Just because our own country sits on their behinds and does nothing to protect its own people, doesnt mean everyone is like that.

Fourth, Go to Israel first, talk to their people, live among them and then talk. You cant form an opinion by hearing what some uneducated fool on the tv/in the newspaper told you. I have been to arabia and Israel. I have been to south and north america. I have been to Europe and Africa. I have never felt racism as what I felt in arabia. Its open. You dont get jobs because you are a Pakistani, and they want indians. You cant enter malls wearing shalwar kameez because it doenst suit their environment. The people, the arab brothers you are in love with so much, call you miskeen. Thats the reality of your arab brothers. Hell, name me one arab country where your 'arab brothers' give you their nationality.

In Israel i was respected. Both as a tourist and as a human being. They spoke to me politely. When I told them I was from Pakistan many helped me out even in the smallest of things. I felt like a person, not a sub-human like I got treated like in arabia.
Even the Israeli members here, look at the language they use and the language you use. They always start off politely until you trolls keep regurgitating the same rebutted arguments that you read in tabloids again and again.

Israel is a country that has caused us no harm, and even if they did in the past, it was because they were threatened. Imagine living in a house where all your neighbors are desperate to kill you and snatch your hard work, memories and life. Can you blame them for fighting back? Pakistan is a strong adversary militarily and when we regurgitate what our arab masters feed us, for sure Israel will be threatened. Nothing hidden, secret or conspiracy theory about that.

Israel and Pakistan have nothing against each other. There is no reason we cant have a beneficial relationship with them. We can benefit tremendously from their agricultural technology. Trade can boom. Do you have any idea the things Israel makes? The Intel chip in your computer right now is probably made in Israel. Are you going to throw your laptop outside the window in support of your arab brothers now?

So instead of crying, being a blind slave to what you read in the paper and what you got fed by your sponsored tv host. Open your mind. Think. It'll be hard at first but it works really well once you get used to it.
Oh, yes. The Pakistani myth about the hundreds of Israeli jet's they've took down. I hear it was in the thousands even.

Not a myth, PteX. The pilots who did so, are still alive to this day.

Watch this video from 6:00. ‫

That's a retired airforce officer of Pakistan talking about the event to Syrian students living in Pakistan.
Ok I'm going to destroy your little argument now.

First, Sources. Valid ones at that. Mere heresy that they are equipping Indians is nothing more than BS.

Second, arabs are the ones employing millions of Indians and doing businesses hundreds of billions of dollars with India.

And Ive lived in pakistan for 28 years of my life you silly troll. But I didnt just sit there and form my opinions of things I never saw. I traveled. I lived. I got educated. I have been to more countries than I can remember and that has improved my understnading of pretty much everything.

Israel is not our enemy. So instead of the typical mullah response of "Death to xxx" Try being friends with someone and see what happens. They are a threatened people. They live among animals who have written in their charter that they want to wipe israel off the map.

Third they have something most of Pakistan, including you dont. Its called Ghairat. You people see 15 year old girls getting gunned down in the street and do nothing. You see your soldiers die and say nothing but repetitive phrases and go back to bed. Who are you to talk about Israel when you cant protect your own people? . Matter of fact, who are you to talk about anything when you people have literally ran Pakistan into the ground. Instead of being what the Quaid wanted, where everyone was free to go to the place of their worship. Your claim to fame, your greatest achievement is being a blind mental and economical slave to arabia. Mission accomplished.

Fact is, Israel protects its civilians. Simple. They dont let their people get fired upon and do nothing. Just because our own country sits on their behinds and does nothing to protect its own people, doesnt mean everyone is like that.

Fourth, Go to Israel first, talk to their people, live among them and then talk. You cant form an opinion by hearing what some uneducated fool on the tv/in the newspaper told you. I have been to arabia and Israel. I have been to south and north america. I have been to Europe and Africa. I have never felt racism as what I felt in arabia. Its open. You dont get jobs because you are a Pakistani, and they want indians. You cant enter malls wearing shalwar kameez because it doenst suit their environment. The people, the arab brothers you are in love with so much, call you miskeen. Thats the reality of your arab brothers. Hell, name me one arab country where your 'arab brothers' give you their nationality.

In israel i was respected. Both as a tourist and as a human being. They spoke to me politely. When I told them I was from pakistan many helped me out even in the smallest of things. I felt like a person, not a sub-human like I got treated like in arabia.
Even the Israeli members here, look at the language they use and the language you use. They always start of politely until you trolls keep regurgitating the same rebutted arguments that you read in tabloids again and again.

Israel is a country that has caused us no harm, and even if they did in the past, it was because they were threatened. Imagine living in a house where all your neighbors are desperate to kill you and snatch your hard work, memories and life. Can you blame them for fighting back? Pakistan is a strong adversary militarily and when we regurgitate what our arab masters feed us, for sure Israel will be threatened. Nothing hidden, secret or conspiracy theory about that.

Israel and Pakistan have nothing against each other. There is no reason we cant have a beneficial relationship with them. We can benefit tremendously from their agricultural technology. Trade can boom. Do you have any idea the things israel makes? The Intel chip in your computer right now is probably made in Israel. Are you going to throw your laptop outside the window in support of your arab brothers now?

So instead of crying, being a blind slave to what you read in the paper and what you got fed by your sponsored tv host. Open your mind. Think. It'll be hard at first but it works really well once you get used to it.

Dude like i said read my post #73

I have talked in detail.
Damn i cant reveal u my real identity for personal/security reasons, but if did then u will really be sorry!!!

after reading yr posts i thought that u think im a average Pakistani with a very poor background who knows nothing about International relations and out side world!.

But as i know things that my fellow Pakistanis may not be knowing including u(if u r really from Pakistan).
I know that too and agree with it that Arab attitude with us is not best specially their elites not a common man friend!.
The Countries yr talking about will be the GCC countries. As those countries, their environment, their needs r different from that of ours. Yes they do give priority to the Indians but have u ever bothered to which indians do they give priority!!! they give them because they r producing more PhDs then Pak their IT students r given internship in their Firms because they serve them well in the field of IT because they give them cheap labor as compared to Pak IT students who dont agree to work on a low pay that they can afford and still sell their products in profit with respect to their market.Yes its not right to work like that but in simple words its business my Friend!!! in business even in our country we dont even respect our own Father/brother and u talk about others!.
Even this attitude is shown towards us by Europeans, Turks and even the Chinese and Iranis so now based on yr argument should we consider them also our enemies!!!! or not friendly. It has to do with our image not like they dont like us naturally.
I bet u even israelis will do the same if we start working with them too.
Look at Turks they were also their best friends in the muslim world but now look at the situation.

Yes i do agree in that concept that we should not make more enemies but friends, but its again we need to have friends not a wolf in the skin of a Sheep.We have made it clear to the diplomatically that Recognize Palestine and go back to the pre 1967 war position if they do then we will recognize them n them we can talk about Goodies like what they make or what we make etc.

right now we dont recognize them so yr wet dreams on yr personal experience dont contain any value when talking about overall environment of our country n theirs including Gov of Pak n theirs.

They r equipping the Indian army n supping them the tech, arms , ammo and they even deploy their troops against us in the battlefield that i have talked before, like i said i know better then others as im part of those things which u will never know as u live outside and you r talking about Pakistan from a outside world u have NO idea about that is going inside Pak as your not here to experience it in the first hand manner.

Rest of yr post is just laughable at its best!!!!
Ok I'm going to destroy your little argument now.

First, Sources. Valid ones at that. Mere heresy that they are equipping Indians is nothing more than BS.

Second, arabs are the ones employing millions of Indians and doing businesses hundreds of billions of dollars with India.

And Ive lived in pakistan for 28 years of my life you silly troll. But I didnt just sit there and form my opinions of things I never saw. I traveled. I lived. I got educated. I have been to more countries than I can remember and that has improved my understnading of pretty much everything.

Israel is not our enemy. So instead of the typical mullah response of "Death to xxx" Try being friends with someone and see what happens. They are a threatened people. They live among animals who have written in their charter that they want to wipe israel off the map.

Third they have something most of Pakistan, including you dont. Its called Ghairat. You people see 15 year old girls getting gunned down in the street and do nothing. You see your soldiers die and say nothing but repetitive phrases and go back to bed. Who are you to talk about Israel when you cant protect your own people? . Matter of fact, who are you to talk about anything when you people have literally ran Pakistan into the ground. Instead of being what the Quaid wanted, where everyone was free to go to the place of their worship. Your claim to fame, your greatest achievement is being a blind mental and economical slave to arabia. Mission accomplished.

Fact is, Israel protects its civilians. Simple. They dont let their people get fired upon and do nothing. Just because our own country sits on their behinds and does nothing to protect its own people, doesnt mean everyone is like that.

Fourth, Go to Israel first, talk to their people, live among them and then talk. You cant form an opinion by hearing what some uneducated fool on the tv/in the newspaper told you. I have been to arabia and Israel. I have been to south and north america. I have been to Europe and Africa. I have never felt racism as what I felt in arabia. Its open. You dont get jobs because you are a Pakistani, and they want indians. You cant enter malls wearing shalwar kameez because it doenst suit their environment. The people, the arab brothers you are in love with so much, call you miskeen. Thats the reality of your arab brothers. Hell, name me one arab country where your 'arab brothers' give you their nationality.

In israel i was respected. Both as a tourist and as a human being. They spoke to me politely. When I told them I was from pakistan many helped me out even in the smallest of things. I felt like a person, not a sub-human like I got treated like in arabia.
Even the Israeli members here, look at the language they use and the language you use. They always start of politely until you trolls keep regurgitating the same rebutted arguments that you read in tabloids again and again.

Israel is a country that has caused us no harm, and even if they did in the past, it was because they were threatened. Imagine living in a house where all your neighbors are desperate to kill you and snatch your hard work, memories and life. Can you blame them for fighting back? Pakistan is a strong adversary militarily and when we regurgitate what our arab masters feed us, for sure Israel will be threatened. Nothing hidden, secret or conspiracy theory about that.

Israel and Pakistan have nothing against each other. There is no reason we cant have a beneficial relationship with them. We can benefit tremendously from their agricultural technology. Trade can boom. Do you have any idea the things israel makes? The Intel chip in your computer right now is probably made in Israel. Are you going to throw your laptop outside the window in support of your arab brothers now?

So instead of crying, being a blind slave to what you read in the paper and what you got fed by your sponsored tv host. Open your mind. Think. It'll be hard at first but it works really well once you get used to it.

Dude like i said read my post #73

I have talked in detail.
Damn i cant reveal u my real identity for personal reasons, but if did then u will really be sorry!!!

after reading yr posts i thought that u think im a average Pakistani will a very poor background who knows nothing about International relations and out side world!.

But as i know things that my fellow Pakistanis may not be knowing including u(if u r really from Pakistan).
I know that too and agree with it that Arab attitude with us is not best specially their elites not a common man friend!.
The Countries yr talking about will be the GCC countries. As those countries, their environment, their needs r different from that of ours. Yes they do give priority to the Indians but have u ever bothered to which indians do they give priority!!! they give them because they r producing more PhDs then Pak their IT students r given internship in their Firms because they serve them well in the field of IT because they give them cheap labor as compared to Pak IT students who dont agree to work on a low pay that they can afford and still sell their products in profit with respect to their market.Yes its not right to work like that but in simple words its business my Friend!!! in business even in our country we dont even respect our own Father/brother and u talk about others!.
Even this attitude is shown towards us by Europeans, Turks and even the Chinese and Iranis so now based on yr argument should we consider them also our enemies!!!! or not friendly. It has to do with our image not like they dont like us naturally.
I bet u even israelis will do the same if we start working with them too.
Look at Turks they were also their best friends in the muslim world but now look at the situation.

Yes i do agree in that concept that we should not make more enemies but friends, but its again we need to have friends not a wolf in the skin of a Sheep.We have made it clear to the diplomatically that Recognize Palestine and go back to the pre 1967 war position if they do then we will recognize them n them we can talk about Goodies like what they make or what we make etc.

right now we dont recognize them so yr wet dreams on yr personal experience dont contain any value when talking about overall environment of our country n theirs including Gov of Pak n theirs.

They r equipping the Indian army n supping them the tech, arms , ammo and they even deploy their troops against us in the battlefield that i have talked before, like i said i know better then others as im part of those things which u will never know as u live outside and you r talking about Pakistan from a outside world u have NO idea about that is going inside Pak as your not here to experience it in the first hand manner.

Rest of yr post is just laughable at its best!!!!
Dude like i said read my post #73

I have talked in detail.
Damn i cant reveal u my real identity for personal/security reasons, but if di then u will really be sorry!!!

after reading yr posts i thought that u think im a average Pakistan will a very poor background who knows nothing about International relations and out side world!.

But as i know things that my fellow Pakistanis may not be knowing including u(if u r really from Pakistan).
I know that too and agree with it that Arab attitude with us is not best specially their elites not a common man friend!.
The Countries yr talking about will be the GCC countries. As those countries, their environment, their needs r different from that of ours. Yes they do give priority to the Indians but have u ever bothered to which indians do they give priority!!! they give them because they r producing more PhDs then Pak their IT students r given internship in their Firms because they serve them well in the field of IT because they give them cheap labor as compared to Pak IT students who dont agree to work on a low pay that they can afford and still sell their products in profit with respect to their market.Yes its not right to work like that but in simple words its business my Friend!!! in business even in our country we dont even respect our own Father/brother and u talk about others!.
Even this attitude is shown towards us by Europeans, Turks and even the Chinese and Iranis so now based on yr argument should we consider them also our enemies!!!! or not friendly. It has to do with our image not like they dont like us naturally.
I bet u even israelis will do the same if we start working with them too.
Look at Turks they were also their best friends in the muslim world but now look at the situation.

Yes i do agree in that concept that we should not make more enemies but friends, but its again we need to have friends not a wolf in the skin of a Sheep.We have made it clear to the diplomatically that Recognize Palestine and go back to the pre 1967 war position if they do then we will recognize them n them we can talk about Goodies like what they make or what we make etc.

right now we dont recognize them so yr wet dreams on yr personal experience dont contain any value when talking about overall environment of our country n theirs including Gov of Pak n theirs.

They r equipping the Indian army n supping them the tech, arms , ammo and they even deploy their troops against us in the battlefield that i have talked before, like i said i know better then others as im part of those things which u will never know as u live outside and you r talking about Pakistan from a outside world u have NO idea about that is going inside Pak as your not here to experience it in the first hand manner.

Rest of yr post is just laughable at its best!!!!

The common man excuse is getting old. Come up with something new already. Arabs have chosen their leaders who dont care about Pakistan. We have no reason to care about arabs. Period.

Second, Sources. You can claim to be bill gates for all I know. Doesn't make it true.

Till you cite valid, reliable sources, Im not going to take you seriously.

And lol @ pre 67 borders. Palestinians should go to the land they got after the British mandate. You know, the land called Jordan.
Not a myth, PteX. The pilots who did so, are still alive to this day.

Watch this video from 6:00. ‫

That's a retired airforce officer of Pakistan talking about the event to Syrian students living in Pakistan.
Let it go friend they r brainwashed to their cores, they will still not except the facts and reality!!!
The common man excuse is getting old. Come up with something new already. Arabs have chosen their leaders who dont care about Pakistan. We have no reason to care about arabs. Period.

Second, Sources. You can claim to be bill gates for all I know. Doesn't make it true.

Till you cite valid, reliable sources, Im not going to take you seriously.

And lol @ pre 67 borders. Palestinians should go to the land they got after the British mandate. You know, the land called Jordan.

Also thanks for clarifying that your "arab muslim brothers" will prefer saving some money over helping Pakistanis.
The common man excuse is getting old. Come up with something new already. Arabs have chosen their leaders who dont care about Pakistan. We have no reason to care about arabs. Period.

Second, Sources. You can claim to be bill gates for all I know. Doesn't make it true.

Till you cite valid, reliable sources, Im not going to take you seriously.

And lol @ pre 67 borders. Palestinians should go to the land they got after the British mandate. You know, the land called Jordan.

like i said in the post#84 u israelis r brainwashed to the core so its pointless to talk with u and give u sources.

But like i said i do agree in some of yr points but again let them also do some affort to be called 'friend of Pakistan'.By recognizing Palestine and going back to the pre 1967 war position and its not only us who r saying this but the entire world says that. So what do u think, the world dont know about this fact that u have mentioned!! there will defiantly be some plan about that in the World's or Palestinian minds!!!.

Moreover the countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon dont do these discrimination or atleast they r not known to have done that to us and they r directly being effected. Not the GCC countries as the situation is very different there.

As i do agree that we cant effort hostilities with any country forever but still we cant afford ''a wolf in the skin of a Sheep''
We also have our concerns n insecurities that need to be looked after.

The only reason i told u about myself a little is because u were treating me like a kid or a person who know nothing about the outside world. So i told u about it just to calm u down a little in yr attitude.

Those countries have just gone through a revolution so give their new Governments a little time to settle down atleast.

Also thanks for clarifying that your "arab muslim brothers" will prefer saving some money over helping Pakistanis.
Everbody now a days do that even Chinese, Indians,Israelis n Iranis do that too.
Why r u so obsessed with these Words.

This is just Fraze!
Why is recognizing palestine (which was never a country btw) a pre-condition to being a friend of Pakistan? What does palestine have to do with Pakistan.

And when has any arab country ever recognized kashmir as part of pakistan or talked about the kashmir issue in the UN?
Why is recognizing palestine (which was never a country btw) a pre-condition to being a friend of Pakistan? What does palestine have to do with Pakistan.

And when has any arab country ever recognized kashmir as part of pakistan or talked about the kashmir issue in the UN?

Son ur again revolving in the Circles about Kashmir issue.
Its not a concern or has to do with the fact of Palestine being an independent state.
BTW Palestine was a Country before the Israel came into being.
These r very big n important reasons why Pak as done that about Palestine's recolonization but they r classified things that i will not like to reveal in an international forum.
But in 2007 when the foreign ministers of two countries met in Turkey for the first time even in the history then we had told israel's gov about that classified reasons n told them our conditions to recognize them!!!

But they refused!!! we in the other hand were willing to move on........
@kal el, I agree with what most of your post is saying. But to simply say "All Israelis are polite, all Arabs are not" is over generalizing. I agree, Arabs do seem to think they are better than everyone, but most Israelis believe that as well.

Anyway, to your second point "Israel is not Pakistan's enemy" Again, Israeli weapons have been found in Karachi. Israel supplies weapons to India. Israel planned to bomb Pakistani nuclear reactors (PAF deterred them).

Why is recognizing palestine (which was never a country btw) a pre-condition to being a friend of Pakistan? What does palestine have to do with Pakistan.

And when has any arab country ever recognized kashmir as part of pakistan or talked about the kashmir issue in the UN?
I also agree here, apart from "Palestine was never a country". Care to explain what that land was before the 40s?
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Ḥashshāshīn;3671938 said:
@kal el, I agree with what most of your post is saying. But to simply say "All Israelis are polite, all Arabs are not" is over generalizing. I agree, Arabs do seem to think they are better than everyone, but most Israelis believe that as well.

Anyway, to your second point "Israel is not Pakistan's enemy" Again, Israeli weapons have been found in Karachi. Israel supplies weapons to India. Israel planned to bomb Pakistani nuclear reactors (PAF deterred them).

I also agree here, apart from "Palestine was never a country". Care to explain what that land was before the 40s?

So if I manage to buy an Uzi in Canada its a secret Israeli plot? Nice logic.

And paf cant deter a bunch of deluded farmers with guns from shooting a 15 year old girl. You expect me to believe that they somehow managed to deter a great israeli master plan? lol

And ill tell you right after you name five palestenian leaders before arafat.

Son ur again revolving in the Circles about Kashmir issue.
Its not a concern or has to do with the fact of Palestine being an independent state.
BTW Palestine was a Country before the Israel came into being.
These r very big n important reasons why Pak as done that about Palestine's recolonization but they r classified things that i will not like to reveal in an international forum.
But in 2007 when the foreign ministers of two countries met in Turkey for the first time even in the history then we had told israel's gov about that classified reasons n told them our conditions to recognize them!!!

But they refused!!! we in the other hand were willing to move on........

You cant seen to understand. Why should we support someone elses issue when they are not supporting ours? As far as I know thats called chamcha-giri

Pakistan shouldnt concern itself with palestine. What happens there is none of our problem. We should care about Pakistan and how we can benefit it. Not arabs, not palestine or anything else.
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