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Israel carries out ground incursion into Lebanon

You cant seen to understand. Why should we support someone elses issue when they are not supporting ours? As far as I know thats called chamcha-giri

Pakistan shouldnt concern itself with palestine. What happens there is none of our problem. We should care about Pakistan and how we can benefit it. Not arabs, not palestine or anything else.

I agree with the bold part totally.
But still i have to repeat there r some concerns of Pak that must be respected sir as we r also answerable to the 180 million Pakistanis.
Also lets not forget the fact that Palestine's Land is beholder of the Most Holly Sights in Islam after Makkah and Madina!!!
Also there r some classified reasons that i told before who r most most important here then anything else.

But again Isreal's gov had rejected our conditions and those classified reasons.
So again its not us who r to blame in the end of the day as we agreed to move on!!!
Those classified reasons were only reasons/concerns for People of our Country only!!! not Arab Muslims not even Palestinians.
Not a myth, PteX. The pilots who did so, are still alive to this day.

Watch this video from 6:00. ‫

That's a retired airforce officer of Pakistan talking about the event to Syrian students living in Pakistan.
During The Six day war 1967 a group of 8 Israeli planes was sent to attack the Iraqi airfield. On the way to airfield they had to cross Jordan. They were spotted by Jordanian radar and as result Iraqis prepared an ambush for them. Israeli planes were loaded with bombs and fuel so could not react fast. As result 3 of them were shot down, including 2 by Pakistani pilot Saifur Azam. Israelis shot down 2. Thats the only confirmed case when Pakistani pilots shot down the Israeli planes. There is also another unconfirmed by same pilot. Rest are pure fantasy.

Ḥashshāshīn;3671938 said:
Israel planned to bomb Pakistani nuclear reactors (PAF deterred them).
Thats just someones wild fantasy.
I also agree here, apart from "Palestine was never a country". Care to explain what that land was before the 40s?
It was a British Mandate. Arabs themselves considered "Palestine" as British/Zionist invention and called this land "Southern Syria".
I was waiting for this. Surprised it took this long.

I was referring to your user ID. Kal El is a semitic name

Apparently its hard for you to grasp the simple fact that some people actually have the ability to you know, think for themselves.

Yes I have a good grasp how some people change their views so they can 'fit in'

Doesn't make me any less or more of a Pakistani if I support Israel. .....

Does it make someone less of an American, Canadian or European if he is against Zionism? Ask that from your Israeli friends
Whole Arab cant do anything to Israel because of their technology and support from US and west. Why cant Arab cant understand that....:hitwall:

because they don't lick their a$$$ like you are doing for sometime now, indians not supporting israel is like a night without darkness....i have seen how you guys have been pampering them in israeli defence forums ...

It makes me feel the misery ,instead of such a large nation and defence budget plus tech plus many suppliers you still have to pamper and lick a$$ of a 100s of times smaller nation ...speaks thousands about your guts

Thats why israel says "we will save you " then you guys gets burned a$$
I was referring to your user ID. Kal El is a semitic name

So superman was Jewish. News to me.

Yes I have a good grasp how some people change their views so they can 'fit in'

Not trying to fit in so thats just part of your imagination again. I have formed my own opinions by travelling and seeing things first hand.

Does it make someone less of an American, Canadian or European if he is against Zionism? Ask that from your Israeli friends

Does make them less of a tolerant human being though.

Israel is protecting itself. Simple. You probably wont get it because a country using its army to protect its citizens is a strange concept in Pakistan, but some people actually use their army as more than a showpiece.
So superman was Jewish. News to me.

Not trying to fit in so thats just part of your imagination again. I have formed my own opinions by travelling and seeing things first hand.

Does make them less of a tolerant human being though.

Israel is protecting itself. Simple. You probably wont get it because a country using its army to protect its citizens is a strange concept in Pakistan, but some people actually use their army as more than a showpiece.

You're a zionazi serpent, living, eating of the Muslim soil and then using your venomous tongue against the Muslims. You're the worst enemy of the Muslims.
The Russians are not good at air-combat? In which reality are you living in?
Oh, yes. The Pakistani myth about the hundreds of Israeli jet's they've took down. I hear it was in the thousands even.
Bird's in flames don't lie!

The Russians are not good at air-combat? In which reality are you living in?
Oh, yes. The Pakistani myth about the hundreds of Israeli jet's they've took down. I hear it was in the thousands even.
Bird's in flames don't lie!
I was waiting for this. Surprised it took this long.

Apparently its hard for you to grasp the simple fact that some people actually have the ability to you know, think for themselves.

Doesn't make me any less or more of a Pakistani if I support Israel. You see, unlike 99% of the members here, I have actually traveled to these places that has allowed me to develop my own opinion.

Dude, this is the point is a debate, when one of the debater starts to get personal ..this means they have lost the facts to debate anymore....may God protect this forum from people like these. Btw if this person thinks I am an Israeli posing as a Pakistani here, let me tell him, that I have been on this forum since 2007 when I was doing Alevels in Pakistan, from Aitchison College Lahore...and that if he wants i can give him my contact info..and we can have a face-face debate !!!

Btw....I second your opinion...on the discriminatory attitude of Arabs and how different are the Israelis (as people from them)...I have had a few Israeli friends and i can tell that from the experience...They are much more humanistic as compared to many Arabs (especially from the Gulf) ...I absolutely agree with you.
So superman was Jewish. News to me.

Not trying to fit in so thats just part of your imagination again. I have formed my own opinions by travelling and seeing things first hand.

Does make them less of a tolerant human being though.

Israel is protecting itself. Simple. You probably wont get it because a country using its army to protect its citizens is a strange concept in Pakistan, but some people actually use their army as more than a showpiece.

Israel reacted just the way Pakistan reacted when TTP started doing terrorist acts in our cities...we moved into Swat and South Waziristan to neutralize them, hundreds and thousands of people became refugees (much more than palestine) so it is part of the game when they fire rockets at a country...what do they expect ..."flowers" in return.
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