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Israel carries out ground incursion into Lebanon

The ignorance of the over-excited mullah educated members in this thread is making my head hurt.

You people really need to read up on some history before talking about Israel.

Israel and Pakistan have nothing against each other except what the arabs propagate. This is not our fight. This is not our cause.

As for the arabs, how many indians work in arabia and send tens of billions of dollars back home? WHy doesnt arabia support our cause of Kashmir? When was the last time any arab country talked about kashmir in the UN? Had demonstrations on the streets for any pakistani cause like we so eagerly do for arab causes?

Uneducated people still wont get it.
The ignorance of the over-excited mullah educated members in this thread is making my head hurt.

You people really need to read up on some history before talking about Israel.

What history do you want us to study? That israel was not created by the British? That israel was not formed by a mass of imported Europen Jews? That israel has no desire to sabotage every single Muslim state in the world?

As for the arabs, how many indians work in arabia and send tens of billions of dollars back home? WHy doesnt arabia support our cause of Kashmir? When was the last time any arab country talked about kashmir in the UN? Had demonstrations on the streets for any pakistani cause like we so eagerly do for arab causes?

Uneducated people still wont get it.

Yes, it's true that the Arab despots do not care about the plight of the non-Arab Muslims but that is true for the Arab despots, not the ordinary Arabs. These Arab despots have secret deals with the zionist entity and their zionist masters forbid them to help the Kashmiris, do you know that part of the history?

What history do you want us to study? That israel was not created by the British? That israel was not formed by a mass of imported Europen Jews? That israel has no desire to sabotage every single Muslim state in the world?

Yes, it's true that the Arab despots do not care about the plight of the non-Arab Muslims but that is true for the Arab despots, not the ordinary Arabs. These Arab despots have secret deals with the zionist entity and their zionist masters forbid them to help the Kashmiris, do you know that part of the history?

So Israel is just like Pakistan then.

Israel has as much right to exist as any other country.

Dont act like Hamas is a peace loving organization. Even their charter calls for the destruction of Israel. The only difference is Israel does not sit back and allow its citizens to get slaughtered by terrorists like Pakistan does and actually defends itself against people who have sworn to destroy it.

Take of your tin foil hat and think.
Genius Jewish power, I didn't ask a "Yes or No" question to begin with.

Your 'Jewish might' needs some rest. :laugh:

Your message simply implies that you were not capable of understanding the answer to your question.

Allow me to dumb it down for you: "Please give my eyes the chance to read your precious opinion on this matter." - "No".

I hope you understand more clearly now.
Your message simply implies that you were not capable of understanding the answer to your question.

Allow me to dumb it down for you: "Please give my eyes the chance to read your precious opinion on this matter." - "No".

I hope you understand more clearly now.

You are one funny Israeli I've encountered.

Are you racist against Arabs?
You are one funny Israeli I've encountered.

Are you racist against Arabs?
I don't judge people by their skin color, just by their actions. I don't know what your race is but i have disdain for you.
I don't judge people by their skin color, just by their actions. I don't know what your race is but i have disdain for you.

Idiot , you haven't seen my "actions" and you are already making a judgement about me? and then you say you aren't some weird racist Israeli?

Yeah right ...
Idiot , you haven't seen my "actions" and you are already making a judgement about me? and then you say you aren't some weird racist Israeli?

Yeah right ...
I've seen your opinions and your immaturity. It's enough for me to pass judgement on you.
The Russians are not good at air-combat? In which reality are you living in?
Oh, yes. The Pakistani myth about the hundreds of Israeli jet's they've took down. I hear it was in the thousands even.

@Ptex Although i don't believe that Pakistan should have supported Arabs in the 67 and 73 wars since we have no enemity with Israel but Government at the time did send pilots, with Saiful Azam who took 3 kills, and Alvi Sattar took one. Saiful Azam was flying Jordanian and Iraqi Hunters ,here are the details from a neutral website ...6 day war Air Aces Homepage and in a normal skirmish Alvi Sattar shot down a Mirage flying a Syrian airforce plane Air Aces Homepage

Here is the main site which contains all the airforce aces of the world http://users.accesscomm.ca/magnusfamily/postw2mj.htm


An alarabya article talks about Saif ul Azam, the only pilot in the first 72 hours of 67 war, who got credited with 3 Israeli aircraft kills, After the breakup of Pakistan in 71 he joined Bangladesh Airforce since he was a Bengali.

More details am copying and pasting

"Within 72 hours, Saiful Azam became the only fighter-pilot in the world to hold the record of shooting down three confirmed kills of Israeli aircrafts in air-to-air combat, a record that still stands today."

"Pakistani air force states that all its volunteer pilots scored direct hits against Israeli aircrafts and suffered no losses. During the 1973 war, for example Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, flying a Syrian aircraft to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat. Similarly and on the Egyptian front, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif , flying an Egyptian MiG-21 shot down an Israeli F-4 phantom in an air combat. Pakistani Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft in any of the wars."

"It is rather strange that the Pakistani contribution to Arab militaries is never mentioned in Arab culture let alone in official Arab histories of the war. Pakistan had a contingent of at least 16 pilots who served as volunteers in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq in1967 and 1973 wars."

However Egypt rewarded us by blocking our arms shipment in 1971 in the Suez which we direly needed for 71 war with India, that's why I might be proud at the professionalism of my pilots but i believe sending the pilots to arab countries was a mistake, we have nothing to do with that conflict.
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