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Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran

I do not care about what a Pakistani, Zimbabwean, Farsi or Surinamese has to say about Arab-Jewish relations. Israel as a state is a living proof that 90% of all Arabs and Jews have no problem with each other. They live among each other, study together, marry each other, work together, play together, eat together, party together, laugh together etc.

You can hate Israel and Jews for all I care. What has that to do with me? Nothing.
It has got to do all with your low and slavish mentality.

By the way I am still expecting your reply from the another thread
It has got to do all with your low and slavish mentality.

By the way I am still expecting your reply from the another thread


People of the Arabian Peninsula and especially what is now KSA were never the slaves of anyone. In fact the reality was a totally different reality and worked against Africans, Europeans, Central Asians and dozens of other Asians. Some argue that this is still ongoing to this very day. I think you know what I am talking about here. You almost wrote the word. Some say that it not only occurred physically but culturally, linguistically, religiously etc. A few honest authors that are not as politically correct as some cry babies would want them to be describe all this very well. Let's leave it at that.

As I told what is Arab-Jewish relations to you?

I don't know what post you are talking about nor am I forced to reply to anything. I am here on PDF to waste some time, have a few laughs etc. before dinner.

I don't consider Jews as enemies rather the opposite. If you have a problem with that then there is not much that I can do really. Whether you like them, hate them or are neutral is not my business either.
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People of the Arabian Peninsula and especially what is now KSA were never the slaves of anyone. In fact the reality was a totally different reality and worked against Africans, Europeans, Central Asians and dozens of other Asians. Some argue that this is still ongoing to this very day. I think you know what I am talking about here. You almost wrote the word. Some say that it not only occurred physically but culturally, linguistically, religiously etc. A few honest authors that are not as politically correct as some cry babies would want to describe all this very well. Let's leave it at that.

As I told what is Arab-Jewish relations to you?

I don't know what post you are talking about nor am I forced to reply to anything. I am here on PDF to waste some time, have a few laughs etc. before dinner.
Thanks for clarifying my doubts as it is apparent from your post that you have got enough time to waste,
while your here to waste your time ( thats what you people have been doing for past 100) most of us are here to lean and contribute. But then again who am i kidding
Thanks for clarifying my doubts as it is apparent from your post that you have got enough time to waste,
while your here to waste your time ( thats what you people have been doing for past 100) most of us are here to lean and contribute. But then again who am i kidding


Nobody forces you to read my posts and apparently 3 users that read my post agreed with me since they thanked the post I wrote 15 minutes ago. I am not here to write doctorates. People can read my posts or not. If I go overboard the moderators can ban me too.

I speak for myself and don't care what other users say as none of them are family/relatives/friends (from what I know at least, lol).

Anyway your posts in this thread were really interesting in comparison.:enjoy:

Nobody forces you to read my posts and apparently 3 users that read my post agreed with me since they thanked the post I wrote 15 minutes ago. I am not here to write doctorates. People can read my posts or not. If I go overboard the moderators can ban me too.

Anyway your posts in this thread were really interesting in comparison.:enjoy:

Glad that you find em interesting,
If you see something wrong change it with your hands if you cannot, change it with you mouth. If you cannot then just consider wrong in your heart. The sign of weak.... you know it better

Glad that you find em interesting,
If you see something wrong change it with your hands if you cannot, change it with you mouth. If you cannot then just consider wrong in your heart. The sign of weak.... you know it better


I am not in the mood for philosophical platitudes. I don't know what you are referring to nor have I anything do with all the troubles of the ME and the world. Nor am I a spokesman of anyone. I have had plenty of discussions with Arab users here based on disagreements. Everyone of us have different opinions and that's fine.

As I said what is Arab-Jewish relations to you? Why am I supposed to hate Israelis and Jews? I trace my paternal ancestry to Prophet Ibrahim (AS). All Jews that I have encountered ver friendly people and I consider some of them as friends. My current doctor is a Polish Jew whom I have had many interesting discussions with.

You have probably never met an Arab or Jew in your life. At least this would not surprise me.

I am not in the mood for philosophical platitudes. I don't know what you are referring to nor have I anything do with all the troubles of the ME and the world. Nor am I a spokesman of anyone. I have had plenty of discussions with Arab users here based on disagreements. Everyone of us have different opinions and that's fine.

As I said what is Arab-Jewish relations to you? Why am I supposed to hate Israelis and Jews?
Then i Gues sthere is no pointing wasting time with you as for the relation like i said a mind with slavish mentality wont understand
Son I have spend entire life visiting saudia making bsuiness deals with them and Ihave also provided conusltanct to Kenshoo an israeli based IT company
Then i Gues sthere is no pointing wasting time with you as for the relation like i said a mind with slavish mentality wont understand


I don't think that you should talk about contribution when that's the best that you can come up with. Anyway run long.
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read the updated post and keep your pathetic arrogance to yourself


I am a humble shepherd surrounded by wolfs and a few dogs with rabies here on PDF.

Not sure what your little update has anything to do with what I have written here in this thread. You clearly have a problem or two for some inexplicable reason (s). Not my struggle.

I am a humble shepherd surrounded by wolfs and a few dogs with rabies here on PDF.

Not sure what your little update has anything to do with what I have written here in this thread. You clearly have a problem or two for some inexplicable reason (s). Not my struggle.
if only you had the brains to comprehend but then youre here to waste your time right ?
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