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Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran

Well I do know that Israel had relations with arab nations and that it was kept under wraps. But I wasnt aware Egypt maintained diplomatic relations with Israel.
I would only be happy if Middle East calms down in coming days...which looks very unlikely right now.

@qamar1990 I am tagging you here because I think you need to read this.

From my experience traveling in the Arab world (I have been lucky to visit Morocco in the West and Oman in the East and many countries in between), living in the Arab world, having family there and relatives (in more than just 1 Arab country), speaking with Arabs in the diaspora in France, Denmark, USA etc. too the main obstacle for an open peace agreement/settlement with Israel and the Arab world is obviously bound in the Palestinian question and how to solve that.

I suggest that you read about Arab-Jewish and Jewish-Arab relations prior to the creation of Israel and the first mass migrations of Arab and European Jews into what was back then a British Mandate.

I don't feel in any way that there is a genuine hatred based on race let alone religion. At most only the Islamist segment/radical Jewish/Zionist segment are using this tired argument. Just like certain Arab regimes in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt (when ruled by so-called Arab nationalists) taught children in school books etc. that Jews were descendants of apes and monkeys and when local Syrians, Egyptians etc. saw the Israeli prisoners of war they realized that they looked just like other humans. Thus the state propaganda failed. Back then information was scarce for the average Syrian or Egyptian living in a village for instance outside of the radio and local clerics who followed the regime line like many do today if not most.

The younger generation that has access to information by just doing a few searches on the internet, who use social media, that communicate with the entire world like we do here on PDF know what is right and what is wrong mostly. I could write more about this but I will leave it at that.

It's a political crisis more than anything related to religion or race. It cannot be race as both Arabs and Jews are Semites nor religion as both Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic/Semitic religions. In theory it could but it would make both sides extremely idiotic.

I have high hopes of that ending one day when the Palestinian question has been resolved. The biggest obstacles as I see it are Islamists/radical Zionists/Orthodox Jews. Most others want to find a solution/settlement to this tiring conflict.

Yes, Egypt AND Jordan have official diplomatic relations with Israel and vice versa. As the only Arab states from what I remember.

Also if I recall (might be wrong here so better to google it if possible) then Morocco, Tunisia, Oman and Qatar have recognized Israel as a state but I don't believe that they have open official diplomatic relations with Israel. At most covert.

P.S. Those are my personal views based on interaction with the common man and woman in the Arab world and among the Arab diaspora, literature, television etc. Others might have different views but if you ask the random person on the street (especially the educated ones) then they would tell you pretty much the same.
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What will Pakistan do if the Saudis recognize Israel, setting aside the Israel-Arab conflict for the moment on the grounds that the "Palestinians" currently are divided, ask too much, and have terrible leadership?
What will Pakistan do if the Saudis recognize Israel, setting aside the Israel-Arab conflict for the moment on the grounds that the "Palestinians" currently are divided, ask too much, and have terrible leadership?
Well, that will not only leave the leadership of Pakistan in a vulnerable position; it would be a decisive blow to all the mullahs who love Saudi Arabia.

In any case, the answer to your question is not known as Saudi Arabia recognising Israel would be completely unpredictable and would certainly alter the politics of the Middle East.

It is most likely how the everyone must have felt when the United States started supporting Al Qaeeda in Libya.

Comes from a country killing Arabs in millions right now....
The causalities suffered in Syria range from 150,000 - 300,000. Not even close to a million and suggesting that Syria is killing "Arabs in millions" is an exaggeration and a pathetic way to get your point across.

why am i not surprised Arabs particularly people from state Al saud never learn
Maybe because they were created by the British and are protected by US

I do not care about what a Pakistani, Zimbabwean, Farsi or Surinamese has to say about Arab-Jewish relations. Israel as a state is a living proof that 90% of all Arabs and Jews have no problem with each other. They live together, study together, marry each other, work together, play together, eat together, party together, laugh together etc.

You can hate Israel and Jews for all I care. What has that to do with me? Nothing. I am even planning to visit Israel this summer.
You're absolutely right! Palestinians love Israel with their heart. They probably don't want to become too much of a burden for Israel though, which might be why Palestinians are always engaged in attempts to create their own free state.
If we have a relation with Lebanon with its Jesus worshippers' population and it twleve imam worshippers religion, then I dont't see why we dont have a relation with a neighboring country that has 20% Arab population and the rest are semetic monotheistic people who worship the one a d only GOD.
One says Oh Jesus, the other oh Hussain.

If we have a relation with Lebanon with its Jesus worshippers' population and it twleve imam worshippers religion, then I dont't see why we dont have a relation with a neighboring country that has 20% Arab population and the rest are semetic monotheistic people who worship the one a d only GOD.
To be honest, if you look at how China treats the Muslims of Xinyiang; then surely it would be much easier to accept that cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel can take place.

The reason this all seems 'suprising and yet expected' is because we would usually hear this stuff from conspiracy theorists.

I wonder how the people of Saudi Arabia feel about this. Just a year ago, this was the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Saudi Scholar: Sesame Street is a Jewish Plot | Jerusalem Post
From my experience traveling in the Arab world (I have been lucky to visit Morocco in the West and Oman in the East and many countries in between), living in the Arab world, having family there and relatives (in more than just 1 Arab country), speaking with Arabs in the diaspora in France, Denmark, USA etc. too the main obstacle for an open peace agreement/settlement with Israel and the Arab world is obviously bound in the Palestinian question and how to solve that.

I suggest that you read about Arab-Jewish and Jewish-Arab relations prior to the creation of Israel and the first mass migrations of Arab and European Jews into what was back then a British Mandate.

I don't feel in any way that there is a genuine hatred based on race let alone religion. At most only the Islamist segment/radical Jewish/Zionist segment are using this tired argument. Just like certain Arab regimes in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt (when ruled by so-called Arab nationalists) taught children in school books etc. that Jews were descendants of apes and monkeys and when local Syrians, Egyptians etc. saw the Israeli prisoners of war they realized that they looked just like other humans. Thus the state propaganda failed. Back then information was scarce for the average Syrian or Egyptian living in a village for instance outside of the radio and local clerics who followed the regime line like many do today if not most.

The younger generation that has access to information by just doing a few searches on the internet, who use social media, that communicate with the entire world like we do here on PDF know what is right and what is wrong mostly. I could write more about this but I will leave it at that.

It's a political crisis more than anything related to religion or race. It cannot be race as both Arabs and Jews are Semites nor religion as both Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic/Semitic religions. In theory it could but it would make both sides extremely idiotic.

I have high hopes of that ending one day when the Palestinian question has been resolved. The biggest obstacles as I see it are Islamists/radical Zionists/Orthodox Jews. Most others want to find a solution/settlement to this tiring conflict.

Yes, Egypt AND Jordan have official diplomatic relations with Israel and vice versa. As the only Arab states from what I remember.

Also if I recall (might be wrong here so better to google it if possible) then Morocco, Tunisia, Oman and Qatar have recognized Israel as a state but I don't believe that they have open official diplomatic relations with Israel. At most covert.

P.S. Those are my personal views based on interaction with the common man and woman in the Arab world and among the Arab diaspora, literature, television etc. Others might have different views but if you ask the random person on the street (especially the educated ones) then they would tell you pretty much the same.
I for one always felt that Israel was a taboo subject in the country that I live, and ergo never discussed about it with anyone, nor do i remember anyone bringing up the topic during a discussion.My interaction with Jews is also limited, I've just one Jew friend.
But I'm glad my assumption was proven wrong. :)
Why go to all this trouble. Usrael can provide KSA with nuclear bombs, instead of putting it on the Pakistani back.
All in all a very bad taste, wishful thinking and day dreaming article by some Hasbara.
Yeah, that exist, but not rampant.

The problem is that some people here resort to the conspiracy explanation whenever something goes bad due to lack of education/knowledge of how things in life actually work.

The bigger problem is when Religious scholars try to explain complicated things, as those scholars are MANLY trained in that discipline (morals, ethics, everyday life tasks, religious rituals) they lack the proper tools to tackle other fields, so unlike with normal people, when a scholar addresses an issue outside of his field, it immediately get shrouded with a Holistic "force field" that you be damned if you try to touch. And regular people are generally gullible so they fully trust anyone who appears on TV and call himself a scholar.

I mean most of them really believe they're qualified to answer questions in all fields, from Astronautics and Biology to Gynecology and women health. And they're not afraid to show it.

When did we ever had that in our history?

People in Saudi Arabia are starting to lose patience with those guys anyway.

I for one always felt that Israel was a taboo subject in the country that I live, and ergo never discussed about it with anyone, nor do i remember anyone bringing up the topic during a discussion.My interaction with Jews is also limited, I've just one Jew friend.
But I'm glad my assumption was proven wrong. :)

I had my own bias and prejudice before I met Jews or Israelis in the U.S., I studied and traveled with them, they're some of nicest and most genuine people. They're really fed up with their situation but they kept a really optimistic view of life and future of the region. Compared to us Saudis, who have a relatively good and secure life with no immediate threat, we're inexplicably pessimistic.

The whole situation is fk'ed up.
I had my own bias and prejudice before I met Jews or Israelis in the U.S., I studied and traveled with them, they're some of nicest and most genuine people. They're really fed up with their situation but they kept a really optimistic view of life and future of the region. Compared to us Saudis, who have a relatively good and secure life with no immediate threat, we're inexplicably pessimistic.

The whole situation is fk'ed up.
The whole logic behind "All Jews are evil" makes absolutely no sense. It is the same as suggesting that all Muslims are terrorists.
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