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Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran

That will put uncle sam in to a strange position....

Believe me uncle sam is smarter than these 3 nations....
Whatever the hell is brewing in that part of the world, Pakistan better keep out!
Saudi "Arabia" is doing Israeli's dirty job, Israel has no need to fear Arabs anymore, their puppets are destroying the Arab world...

Its mistranslated.

Netanyahu says: we have lots of common interests.
Translation: the relationships with Saudi Arabia is good.

Iran is probably the sanest country in the ME
Mullah regime in Iran is no better than ISIS:

Atefeh Sahaaleh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




The only difference it is more hypocrite.
Makes sense considering Arabic and Hebrew are both Semitic languages plus Arabic is a state language in Israel everything in Israel has Arabic written on it.
That will put uncle sam in to a strange position....

Believe me uncle sam is smarter than these 3 nations....
Uncle Sam withdrew from ME before these countries locked horns. So yeah it's definitely smart.
Btw this article came out almost an year back hinting about Saudi-Israel-GCC's alliance(which for obvious reasons would not be revealed to the public or talked about in the open).

Israel and Saudi Arabia: A Changing Region, a Possible Partnership? | The National Interest
Israel and Saudi Arabia are thought to be bitter enemies. The two nations do not have any official diplomatic relations and Saudi school text books do not even acknowledge the existence of Israel. However, there have been unofficial military and intelligence contacts between the two governments for decades and that fact is well known among most governments in the world though not publicly discussed.

true... and the same logic is also for iran and israel... see how well they got on together against iraq and libya... one must also investigate the chahbahar port to see the hidden-in-plain-sight ties of iran government and nato.

please read below too.

Saudi "Arabia" is doing Israeli's dirty job, Israel has no need to fear Arabs anymore, their puppets are destroying the Arab world...

sometimes, saudia, iran and israel co-operate too... like in promoting morsi as president of egypt, and then supporting his ikhwaan group when the people of egypt rejected him.

i have nothing against common irani people... it is just their mullah government i reject.

by the way, kaif al haal.......................................... i think the only arabi expression i know. :D

time to recognize Israel

indeed, and the best solution would be a unity state of israel with palestine.
Great news.

KSA and the GCC and eventually the Arab world should establish ties with Israel. Not only is it a neighboring country where 21% of the population are Arabs but 66% of all the Jewish Israelis are Arab Jews or have partial Arab Jewish ancestry. We are cousins too and relations before the creation of Israel were largely cordial and much, much more peaceful than those between the Jews and Europeans (Christians as a whole).

Israel is also the most technologically advanced country in the ME and working alongside them would be a blessing for all ME/Muslim countries.

We either do that above or continue to have pointless conflicts, propaganda etc.

All the Jews I know in person I consider as good people and some are even close friends. In fact my current doctor is a Polish Jew.

I don't care what people say. Relations with Israel would be a good thing on most fronts. I don't recall the grandfathers or great-grandfathers of the Arab people having much trouble/being in conflict with the millions of Jews that once lived in the Arab world from Morocco in the West to Yemen.

All it would take would be for Israel and Palestine to sort their shit out. Because for some reason the Arab world cannot do that before this happens.

Our so-called Farsi "Muslim" brothers and sisters have contributed to killing 10 times as many Arabs as Israel have and ever will kill just in Syria alone. Somehow certain Muslims and even Arabs forget that. Jews are by no means our enemies at all.

Salam/Shalom to all. My two cents.


I watched a very interesting documentary called "The last Jew of Cairo". It was quite sad to watch actually. Here is an interesting article about the Jews of Egypt or at least the few that are left.

The Last Jews of Cairo by Josh Weil - Guernica / A Magazine of Art & Politics

If anything most Arabs/Muslims have a problem with Zionism and some of the conduct of the Israeli regime (s) but this has sadly for SOME evolved into a hatred for anything Jewish/Israeli/Judaism which in my opinion is very wrong and a big, big mistake and misunderstanding. Nothing to do with Islam, Arab culture or anything. It's just illiterate retards propagandizing such views. The same type of people hate everyone but themselves and consider themselves to be perfect by large.
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Great news.

KSA and the GCC and eventually the Arab world should establish ties with Israel. Not only is it a neighboring country where 21% of the population are Arabs but 66% of all the Jewish Israelis are Arab Jews or have partial Arab Jewish ancestry. We are cousins too and relations before the creation of Israel were largely cordial and much, much more peaceful than those between the Jews and Europeans (Christians as a whole).

Israel is also the most technologically advanced country in the ME and working alongside them would be a blessing for all ME/Muslim countries.

We either do that above or continue to have pointless conflicts, propaganda etc.

All the Jews I know in person I consider as good people and some are even close friends. In fact my current doctor is a Polish Jew.

I don't care what people say. Relations with Israel would be a good thing on most fronts. I don't recall the grandfathers or great-grandfathers of the Arab people having much trouble/being in conflict with the millions of Jews that once lived in the Arab world from Morocco in the West to Yemen.

All it would take would be for Israel and Palestine to sort their shit out. Because for some reason the Arab world cannot do that before this happens.

Our so-called Farsi "Muslim" brothers and sisters have contributed to killing 10 times as many Arabs as Israel have and ever will kill just in Syria alone. Somehow certain Muslims and even Arabs forget that. Jews are by no means our enemies at all.

Salam/Shalom to all. My two cents.


I watched a very interesting documentary called "The last Jew of Cairo". It was quite sad to watch actually. Here is an interesting article about the Jews of Egypt or at least the few that are left.

The Last Jews of Cairo by Josh Weil - Guernica / A Magazine of Art & Politics

If anything most Arabs/Muslims have a problem with Zionism and some of the conduct of the Israeli regime (s) but this has sadly for SOME evolved into a hatred for anything Jewish/Israeli/Judaism which in my opinion is very wrong and a big, big mistake and misunderstanding. Nothing to do with Islam, Arab culture or anything. It's just illiterate retards propagandizing such views. The same type of people hate everyone but themselves and consider themselves to be perfect by large.
why am i not surprised Arabs particularly people from state Al saud never learn
why am i not surprised Arabs particularly people from state Al saud never learn


I do not care about what a Pakistani, Zimbabwean, Farsi or Surinamese has to say about Arab-Jewish relations. Israel as a state is a living proof that 90% of all Arabs and Jews have no problem with each other. They live together, study together, marry each other, work together, play together, eat together, party together, laugh together etc.

You can hate Israel and Jews for all I care. What has that to do with me? Nothing. I am even planning to visit Israel this summer.
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