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Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran

Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran

The Sunday Times reported in London Nov 17 one of the worst kept secrets in diplomatic, military and intelligence circles across the Middle East, Europe, Russia and in Washington; thatIsrael and Saudi Arabia have formed an alliancein all but name to thwart the Islamic Republic ofIranfrom developing a nuclear bomb.

Riyadh is reported to have agreed to opening up Saudi airspace and Saudi air bases for an Israeli operation to take out Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. The cooperation would also involve theuse of Saudi airbasesby Israeli drones, aerial tankers and rescue helicopters. The helicopters would be used for plucking downed Israeli pilots out of the Persian Gulf and/or incursions into Iran to rescue downed Israeli pilots inside Iran.

Both nations’ governments have been sounding warnings to both Washington and the UN Security Council (UNSC), that Iran has been feigning peaceful intentions for its nuclear program and is simply stalling for time with negotiations in order to process as much weapons grade uranium for multiple nuclear warheads.

The disagreement on Iran between Washington and Israelhas been well known and has burst out in the open on more than one occasion. However, little noticed until recently was the looming rift between Riyadh and Washington over Pres. Barack Obama's appeasement of Syria and Iran which has finally manifested itself in a nearly complete severance of relations.

The Saudi government like that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has come to the realization that Pres. Obama has no intentions of thwarting Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions and in fact, seems determined that Iran achieve those ambitions when Obama's actions are assessed over his words.

For example,Obama quietly lifted sanctions on Iran via executive actions not long after the election of so called moderate Iranian Pres. Hassan Rouhani in June 2013. General Motors also recently was caught red handed negotiating car sales in the Islamic Republic, though GM denies any such meeting took place. Four newly built Chevrolet Camaros were however, flown to Tehran.

Considering the$95 billion personal fortune of Iran’s Ayatollah Khameni, it’s not hard to conclude these cars were delivered to his inner circle or perhaps to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family who are thought to be in Tehran and known for high affluent tastes in western luxury products.

One week ago, it appeared that Pres. Obama was all set to unconditionally surrender and allow Iran to proceed full steam with nuclear weapons development while also lifting sanctions entirely. That surrender was thwarted by the government of France after French legislator Meyer Habib told France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius 'Israel will attack Iran if you sign the deal'.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are thought to be bitter enemies. The two nations do not have any official diplomatic relations and Saudi school text books do not even acknowledge the existence of Israel. However, there have been unofficial military and intelligence contacts between the two governments for decades and that fact is well known among most governments in the world though not publicly discussed.

Maintaining such secrecy works out well for both nations security concerns and the Saudi royal family has never been keen on stirring the pot of Shiite radicalism within the Kingdom by pouring ‘gas’ on the centerpiece of their Islamist narrative, genocidal anti-Semitism.

Obama’s maneuvering with Iran are seen in Riyadh as against Saudi national interests and have forced the hand of 'House Saud'. Aside from the obvious differences between Shiite ruled Iran and Sunni ruled Saudi Arabia there is also an ethnic divide and nationalism at work.

Iranians are ethnic Persian and Iran was once called, Persia. Saudis are Arabs who are far more aware of their ancient history apparently than any of the ‘alleged’ U.S. State Department Middle East experts. The Saudis are well aware that ancient Persia achieved the conquest and subjugation of the Middle East before moving far to the west of the Suez; and that Iran’s Islamist Mullahs seek to be the successors to their Persian ancestors.

For Israel, the national interest is crystal clear. Thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons program or risk annihilation. Pres. Obama has acted as an obstacle to Israel in this regard as part of his informal alliance with Iran, the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and the terrorist army of Hezbollah to Israel’s north with Israel being the prime target in the cross hairs of this alliance.

With Israel having previously needed to rely on Washington to coax Turkey or perhaps Iraq to allow Israeli over flight for an Iran strike, Pres. Obama wielded the ability to block such a strike. Saudi Arabia breaking with Washington and forming an alliance with Israel officially or unofficially alters entirely, the Iran equation. Never mind having produced the most ironic if not most major geopolitical 'tectonic shifts' in
sounds like a bunch of nullshit tbh
If anything most Arabs/Muslims have a problem with Zionism and some of the conduct of the Israeli regime (s) but this has sadly for SOME evolved into a hatred for anything Jewish/Israeli/Judaism which in my opinion is very wrong and a big, big mistake and misunderstanding. Nothing to do with Islam, Arab culture or anything. It's just illiterate retards propagandizing such views. The same type of people hate everyone but themselves and consider themselves to be perfect by large.

I agree with you sir.

Opposing the policies of the Israeli state/government is fair enough by all means.

But hatred of Jews and Semites on a racial basis is simply illogical.
I agree with you sir.

Opposing the policies of the Israeli state/government is fair enough by all means.

But hatred of Jews and Semites on a racial basis is simply illogical.

Arabs hating Jews or Jews hating Arabs based on race would make no sense either as both are Semites.


So now an American, Indian, Pakistani and Chinese thanked my initial post that you trolled and had a problem with. I guess that you need to look yourself in the mirror.
Arabs hating Jews or Jews hating Arabs based on race would make no sense either as both are Semites.


So now an American, Indian, Pakistani and Chinese thanked my initial post that you trolled and had a problem with. I guess that you need to look yourself in the mirror.

Now there kid, lets us not get too personal, everyone has right to post their arguments and their views. which is what i did
So now an American, Indian, Pakistani and Chinese thanked my initial post that you trolled and had a problem with. I guess that you need to look yourself in the mirror.

When you get get thanked by such an array of nationalities that don't get on with each other, you know you've hit a good point indeed. :enjoy:

Now there kid, lets us not get too personal, everyone has right to post their arguments and their views. which is what i did

Writes "kid" without knowing anything about me or my age just to write "let us not get too personal" right afterwards. That's PDF for you.
Criticizes another user's posts which people from all across the world thank while nobody is thanking your posts.

Show me where I forbade you or anyone else to voice their opinions. Please do so.
Writes "kid" without knowing anything about me or my age just to write "let us not get too personal" right afterwards. That's PDF for you.
Criticizes another user's posts which people from all across the world thank while nobody is thanking your posts.

Show me where I forbade you or anyone else to voice their opinions. Please do so.
few Indian indian or hundred indians thanking your psot for that hardly matter to me. The thing is they dont share the same belief that we do, as for thanks please you have just joined the board i have been here for while, please compare your silly thanks to mine you will know the difference
few Indian indian or hundred indians thanking your psot for that hardly matter to me. The thing is they dont share the same belief that we do, as for thanks please you have just joined the board i have been here for while, please compare your silly thanks to mine you will know the difference

Actually only 1 Indian thanked my post. So you are telling that there are no clever Indians here? Read @Chinese-Dragon 's post number 50 in this very thread. I think that you are wise enough to get the point and realize your nonsense behavior in this thread.

Now please answer me once and for all what "slavish" attitude has anything to do with wanting Arabs and Jews as neighbors, cousins, fellow Semites with very close ties on almost every front to have cordial or at least normal ties like throughout large parts of a very ancient common history? I don't care about Iran in this context. I was/am speaking in general. Iran has nothing to do with Arab-Jewish relations. Iran is located several 1000 km away from Israel unlike KSA and the Arab world which borders Israel directly.

Have no mistakes. Once the sanctions that Iran has been hit by will be removed I along with thousands of other foreigners will gladly invest in Iran if that means that we will earn money. I have already established contacts with Iranians within Iran and outside of it. I also eye Cuba and other potential developing markets. When it comes to making money/business politics are less important. In fact I don't have any problem with any race, people, nationality outside of people that most/all of humanity consider as enemies. PDF is a joke on many fronts and what is said/written here stays on PDF.
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Now please answer me once and for all what "slavish" attitude has anything to do with wanting Arabs and Jews as neighbors, cousins, fellow Semites with very close ties on almost every front to have cordial or at least normal ties like throughout large parts of a very ancient common history? I don't care about Iran in this context. I was/am speaking in general. Iran has nothing to do with Arab-Jewish relations. Iran is located several 1000 km away from Israel unlike KSA and the Arab world which borders Israel directly.

I think it is wrong to accuse Arabs of being "slavish".

Billions of people from all over the world have Arabic names (even in Asian countries like Malaysia) and follow Arabic religion and philosophies.
I think it is wrong to accuse Arabs of being "slavish".

Billions of people from all over the world have Arabic names and follow Arabic religion and philosophies.

Regardless of that then I don't know what he means with "slavish" vis-a-vis Jews from an Arab viewpoint? If anything the Jews were the minority in the Arab world and although Jews dominated certain sectors (just like in Europe) I don't recall any "slavish" relationship. Whether Jews vis-a-vis Arabs or Arabs vis-a-vis Jews.

If he is writing "slavish" due to the difficulties that the Palestinians are facing (which every other people would in their situation) then it says more about his logic/mindset than anything else.

I guess that such moves and dozens of others are the sign of a "slavish mentality";

Israel in the GCC (@IsraelintheGCC) | Twitter

Whether we like it or not then Israel is a highly developed country on many fronts. Technologically wise, agriculturally wise, educational wise and on many other fronts. In fact on certain fronts they are leading not only in the ME but the world. As I wrote in my initial post then there are two options. Either cooperation or hostility. I know what I prefer. Especially as I am getting EXTREMELY frustrated when it comes to the regimes in the ME, terrorist groups (regardless of sect), the mentality of millions of people and quite frankly the prevelant retarded behavior.

Now this does not mean that I agree 100% with Israel, it's policies or everything they do. Or their treatment of the Palestinians. Israel has faults like any other country and quite frankly ME countries/Muslim countries are in no position to point fingers at any country giving their recent track records.

Anyway I am looking forward to visiting Israel/Palestine one day. I am sure that I will find 100's of like-minded youngsters with similar views that want to make the region a better place.
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Actually only 1 Indian thanked my post. So you are telling that there are no clever Indians here? Read @Chinese-Dragon 's post number 50 in this very thread. I think that you are wise enough to get the point and your nonsense behavior in this thread.

Now please answer me once for all what "slavish" attitude has anything to do with wanting Arabs and Jews as neighbors, cousins, fellow Semites with very close ties on almost every front to have cordial or at least normal ties like throughout large parts of a very ancient common history? I don't care about Iran in this context. I was/am speaking in general. Iran has nothing to do with Arab-Jewish relations. Iran is located several 1000 km away from Israel unlike KSA and the Arab world which borders Israel directly.


I dont hate jews for being a jew or anything, but I must appreciate their cunningness in the way and style they take the matters, which is far above what any arabs can understand. And this the precisely reason why the whole of arabs countries are burning. I initially thanked your post for when you quoted a saudi member about the operation decisive storm. Because this is not religious war, this is more of war of state. As for saudi the hypocrisy at its best. they are willing to or has shown their willingness to, at least with their intentions to take invaders of palestine with them in taking out mullah.

Now, I don't have any sympathy with Mulla or bedouins, both are best of hypocrites the world has seen. What amazes is that you arabs never seem to learn the game that is being played with Islamic world here.

Using the Islam as the basis for fighting Operation Decisive, giving off Sermons in friday's prayers that is religious war and stuff like that.
Have no mistakes. Once the sanctions that Iran has been hit by will be removed I along with thousands of other foreigners will gladly invest in Iran if that means that we will earn money.

You'd do that? :woot:
I am even planning to visit Israel this summer.
You've just busted many myths.
sounds like a bunch of nullshit tbh
Qamar I'll say you're very naive if you believed that GCC countries and Israel 've not shared intelligence and similar stuff in the past, albeit all this was always kept under wraps. Its just like America cooperating with Iran to attack Daesh and at other places they behave like sworn enemies....or like Japan turning into an American ally despite America dropping 2 atom bombs in Japanese cities. Dont Russia and America cooperate? P5 +1 remember?
You'd do that? :woot:

Money does not smell does it? How is that any different to the 500.000 or so Iranians (mainly Persians, Lurs and Iranian Arabs) that have been investing in the GCC, mainly in nearby UAE for years? Let alone in Iraq etc.

You've just busted many myths.

Qamar I'll say you're very naive if you believed that GCC countries and Israel 've not shared intelligence and similar stuff in the past, albeit all this was always kept under wraps. Its just like America cooperating with Iran to attack Daesh and at other places they behave like sworn enemies....or like Japan turning into an American ally despite America dropping 2 atom bombs in Japanese cities. Dont Russia and America cooperate? P5 +1 remember?

Which myths? Did you really believe that all Arabs and Jews cannot wait to kill each other off at the slightest chance Levina? The Palestinian Arabs of all Arabs have the most troublesome history with Jews. Now if Israeli Arabs (who are Palestinian Arab Muslims in the majority with a Christian minority) can live relatively peacefully among Jewish Israelis then why should Arabs who are not part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict directly not be able to visit each others countries and have cordial/normal ties? 1000's of Jewish Israelis (tourists) are visiting the Arab world. Especially nearby Egypt and Jordan which have diplomatic relations with Israel. Many are also visiting Morocco from what I know. Quite a few the GCC too (mainly UAE). I know that there are plenty (at least quite a few) American Jews who work and live in KSA. Vice versa. Many Arabs are visiting Palestine/Israel too to see the holy sites and country. I would want to do the same and nothing is stopping me as long as I travel with my French passport. No biggie.
Which myths? Did you really believe that all Arabs and Jews cannot wait to kill each other off at the slightest chance Levina? The Palestinian Arabs of all Arabs have the most troublesome history with Jews. Now if Israeli Arabs (who are Palestinian Arab Muslims in the majority with a Christian minority) can live relatively peacefully among Jewish Israelis then why should Arabs who are not part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict directly not be able to visit each other countries and have cordial/normal ties? 1000's of Jewish Israelis (tourists) are visiting the Arab world. Especially Egypt and Jordan which have diplomatic relations with Israel. Many are also visiting Morocco from what I know. Quite a few the GCC too (mainly UAE). I know that there are plenty (at least quite a few) American Jews who work and live in KSA.
Well I do know that Israel had relations with arab nations and that it was kept under wraps. But I wasnt aware Egypt maintained diplomatic relations with Israel.
I would only be happy if Middle East calms down in coming days...which looks very unlikely right now.

@qamar1990 I am tagging you here because I think you need to read this.

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