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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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Okay I'm off to eating 'Chicken Boneless Handi' with 'Kastoori Kebab' and a warm crispy 'Roghni Naan' - Ayeee haaai...haaai ! So I'd make this short :

1) On recognizing Israel : I don't like the idea of a bunch of European Jews coming back to Palestine with an Bible in one hand and an Ak-47 in another exclaiming that this is their 'Promised Land' ! Having said that, countries don't exist because they have a right too...they just do exist or they don't. Period. Israel does exist and recognizing that fact isn't going to legitimize its existence just as refusing to recognize it isn't going to de-legitimize it - its there ! So recognize that just as Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and others have done so but make that recognition conditional to a final settlement of the Israel-Palestine issue much like what we've done with Kashmir - We recognized China's sovereignty over the Aksai Chin but we added a condition to the document/treaty (whatever its called !) that 'we recognize it pending the final solution of the Kashmir conflict' or something to the effect but I'm sure you get an idea of what I'm trying to say.

2) Should we have close relations with Israel ? No...there is state of an apartheid imposed by Israel against the Palestinians and we condemn it in the strongest sense of the word. So no...no close relations for me but yes trade with them and have a consulate over there and perhaps even try to help towards a final settlement of the Palestine-Israel conflict by using whatever diplomacy we can.

3) Why should we show solidarity with the Palestinians ? We're not Arabs ? - I wasn't expecting a Pakistani of all nationalities to be saying that ! Why should I give a foOk about Pukhtoons dying in KP and FATA ? I'm not a Pukhtoon ! Why should they - the Pukhtoons give a wooden nickel about the Kashmiris, allegedly, suffering in IOK ? They're certainly not Kashmiris ! Why should any ethnicity from Pakistan care about the trials and tribulations of any other ethnicity in Pakistan ? Because we got this country under the banner of 'Muslim Nationalism', because 'Pan-Islamism' is widely practised in Pakistan thats why a Pukhtoon despite a different language, culture, ethnicity and history embraces a Punjabi as his brother and vice versa because this is what Iqbal taught us, this is what Jinnah taught us ! Consequently we must apply the same to the Arabs ! If you've got any issues with their Government fine...! I don't like the decadence or the corruption of the Royals either but let us not write-off an entire race of People due to the actions of a few individuals and a few events, I'm sure there is much in Pakistan's history that we've done and have had individuals that we're genuinely ashamed off ! Let us then extend the same courtesy to the Arabs ! Let us at least try to transcend these petty differences and even its not entirely reciprocated by the other side that is why we have 'ideals' that we aspire for !

Okay...I'm off for 'Paiiiiit Pooja', I'll see you guys in around 2 hours ! :woot:

This isn't about ethnic nationalism within Pakistan. A Pakistani has more to relate to with a Pashtun, Kashmiri, Balochi, Sindhi than we do with an Arab, as Pakistanis.

We are talking as a whole about Pakistanis not recognizing israel and refusing to to have any trade with the state unless israel meets the demands of the Arabs, in other words our Islamic brothers.

Now do Arabs have a similar stance with regards to Kashmir?

In fact Arabs maintain very strong and cordial ties with india.

When was the last time Arab people came marching in their streets in protest against the oppression of the Kashmiri people?

How come Pakistanis burn israeli flags and chant anti-israeli slogans when Arabs are persecuted by israelis? Os is this only a one sided "brotherhood" where only non-Arabs (in this case Pakistanis) are obliged to unconditionally support their Arab brother but not receive any support in return for our Kashmir cause?

This is what we do for them:


Burning Israeli Flag in Pakistan "During attacks on Gaza" - YouTube

And this is what they give us in return:

shake hands with our enemy and make joint defence agreements:


India, Saudi Arabia to set up joint defence panel, says Indian Defence Minister AK Antony - Economic Times

As Yasser Arafat and his relations with Indira Gandhi:

"YASSER Arafat has been a friend of India for decades and enjoyed personal rapport with Indira Gandhi and successive Prime Ministers. The Indian leaders too extended whole-hearted support to the PLO and Arafat. Images of the PLO leader’s frequent visits to New Delhi conjure up as his dream of a home land for Palestinians lies shattered and he is holed up in his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah with power and water cut off. Indira Gandhi had immense liking for Arafat and the PLO leader would not get tired of calling her “my sister, my sister”. Arafat was overwhelmed when Mrs. Gandhi visited his high security headquarters in Tunis in April 1984 and, this correspondent accompanying her, saw the genuine concern the Indian Prime Minister had for the PLO leader. She went to Tunisia while on her way back to Delhi after paying a state visit to Libya at the insistence of Col. Muammar Gaddafi. That, unfortunately, turned out to be last of her foreign visit; she was assassinated on October 31, 1984. Arafat was the one who cried bitterly."

"'My sister is dead,' Arafat said, in Arabic, to mourners around him"

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Editorial

This is the same indira ganhdi who was responsible for invading East Pakistan. To the Palestinian Arafat she is a sister.

We don't ask much from israel anyway, their neutrality in indo-Pak affairs is sufficient enough. Their aggressive policy towards is only due to our anti-israeli stance. If the Arabs can recognize israel then what's stopping us? Let us be neutral in their affairs.
That's your fantasy. Your greatest supporter over Kashmir had been Saudi Arabia otherwise no one actually cared much and one who gave you least support is Iran. That's we Indians like Iran much more than Saudi Arabia.

Is that why you voted against them in the UN when push comes to shove they know where you stand now if you wan to discuss this start a new thread and stop derailing this one
Dont put up posts like this dude..... i may be tempted to tell you the truth and may hurt your feelings!!

I hope one day you attempt to see the hypocrisy shown on by this thread regarding the Middle east. I wish to remain neutral but i kind of find it hard when there seems to be one rule for one and a different one for Saudi Arabia... Go figure...

SK, how ? What makes you think along those lines ?
Exactly... Israelis maybe arrogant but at least have the brains and can be considered worthwhile to have an open debate with!

While the Arabs will always somehow drag in their racial superiority, and worthless pass achievements in the debate.
So what? I think we should have open discussions. I have been moved by what the two Israelis I referred to earlier they sound like regular guys to me. Whilst we get insults from some of these Arabs
Is that why you voted against them when push comes to shove they know where you stand now if you wan to discuss this start a new thread and stop derailing this one

Because it was not related to choose one from Saudi Arabia and Iran.
SK, how ? What makes you think along those lines ?

Butty I have been studying your posts. When it suits you you go and do the research and are happy. Not only that your posts show considerable education and intellect. Eg you soon changed your position on Syria when you heard Chinese might be going there lol

Just go around and google Saudi Israeli American relations just on this site.

There are lots of threads that have dealt with this issue on here
@ Desert Fox : I parallel your thoughts completely on Kashmir and I've made my displeasure known about that on more than one occasion, both Skorpian and BlackEagle can verify that ! Ironically enough they've blamed the Arab leadership for that too ! However it doesn't change the fact that the Palestinians are grossly mistreated in Palestine and Israel, if you want to make our support for them conditional on Kashmir - be my guest, I'm not going to justify a wrong because of a wrong they committed !

P.S Laalay, didn't I say that we should recognize Israel because not doing so is ludicrous - its still there ! oO
Exactly... Israelis maybe arrogant but at least have the brains and can be considered worthwhile to have an open debate with!

While the Arabs will always somehow drag in their racial superiority, and worthless pass achievements in the debate.

Mate you hit the nail on the head. They think they have some god given right to command us and order to support them whether they are right or wrong
P.S Laalay, didn't I say that we should recognize Israel because not doing so is ludicrous - its still there ! oO

I think we need more discussion yaar. tbh I do feel for the Palestinians they have had a raw deal but then these Arab leaders ar akin to donkeys. And most Arabs that come on the forum blindly seem to support their leaders
And this is what they give us in return:

shake hands with our enemy and make joint defence agreements:


This really shows India's increasing influence and importance in world arena.
Butty I have been studying your posts. When it suits you you go and do the research and are happy. Not only that your posts show considerable education and intellect. Eg you soon changed your position on Syria when you heard Chinese might be going there lol

Just go around and google Saudi Israeli American relations just on this site.

There are lots of threads that have dealt with this issue on here

You can ask BlackEagle, my stance on Syria has always been the same ! I love the Chinese but I'm not the fickle foOk you think me to be.

P.S I'll google some of it but it better not be 'one bloody handshake' being used to justify Israel-Saudis Love Story !
Armstrong buddy you're forgetting something. We've actually dealt with THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS members of their kind in ALL THE CONTINENTS OF THE WORLD.

Now do you think we were born with this bias... don't be fooled.. take the cue... we know manipulation of masses... don't become one!!!!

STANCE MSTANCE doesn't matter. Do you think that you can fix them, when prophets failed?

We're trying to spread the message to our young generation, who come here and read these boards.. most of these kids are not even members.

@ Desert Fox : I parallel your thoughts completely on Kashmir and I've made my displeasure known about that on more than one occasion, both Skorpian and BlackEagle can verify that ! Ironically enough they've blamed the Arab leadership for that too ! However it doesn't change the fact that the Palestinians are grossly mistreated in Palestine and Israel, if you want to make our support for them conditional on Kashmir - be my guest, I'm not going to justify a wrong because of a wrong they committed !

P.S Laalay, didn't I say that we should recognize Israel because not doing so is ludicrous - its still there ! oO
I think we need more discussion yaar. tbh I do feel for the Palestinians they have had a raw deal but then these Arab leaders ar akin to donkeys. And most Arabs that come on the forum blindly seem to support their leaders

Where is the source?
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