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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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I don't understand how you switched around the names, but I was the one that posted the image. lolz

RazPak you evil man. And what about you were you thinking of Palestinians when the Israeli girls were chasing you lol
Not really. What I am saying is Saudi Arabs have betrayed the Palestinian cause? Which is very sad. We need to look at all sides so we can decide as Pakistanis how we can be ally of Saudi and not recognise Israel?? It simply is inconsistent at the moment.

Isn't that the same argument that the Kashmiris in IOK throw at us ? Pakistan has betrayed the Kashmiri cause with their incessant dilly-dallying, ensuring that there are only 2 sides to the conflict (Pakistan and India) and not a 3rd - remember how pissed they were about Musharaf's plans ? And by un-incorporating GB from AJK ?

So the point is - Show me consistency in the Muslim World, show me a single Muslim Leader worth his salt who hasn't done these things and I'd sing Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan whilst standing Buttt-naked on top of the Minar-e-Pakistan ! :pakistan:
Don't worry even Iranians don't support Pakistan on Kashmir(except some rarely spoken words)as well as in Afghanistan. :woot:

Iran's Kashmir remarks upset India

IRAN - INDIA Ayatollah Khamenei calls for support for the Muslims of Kashmir - Asia News

Isn't that the same argument that the Kashmiris in IOK throw at us ? Pakistan has betrayed the Kashmiri cause with their incessant dilly-dallying, ensuring that there are only 2 sides to the conflict (Pakistan and India) and not a 3rd - remember how pissed they were about Musharaf's plans ?

Butty stop being silly there is no comparison whatsoever.
RazPak you evil man. And what about you were you thinking of Palestinians when the Israeli girls were chasing you lol

I didn't think anything. I found it flattering, but don't date. I'm a good Muslim boy. :angel:
Not really. What I am saying is Saudi Arabs have betrayed the Palestinian cause? Which is very sad. We need to look at all sides so we can decide as Pakistanis how we can be ally of Saudi and not recognise Israel?? It simply is inconsistent at the moment.

It's a lie you people with the same background come up with to trash their reputation as the custodian of the two holy mosques. Gladly, few who listen to you. Your intentions have come to be very clear. If Al-Saud were allies of Israel, we would be the first who take your side but it's just a lie. KSA contributed with all her modest strength at the time in fighting Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They cut off oil from the west and there is a very famous speech of king Faisal saying: "We are more than willing to shut off oil fields and abandon luxurious life and return to eating date and milk in favor of Palestine", as a result USA pressured Israel to cease fire in 1973. In the mean while, what did Iran do to Palestine except resonant sloagans. And you other than sending 16 pilots?
Here's my problem with Israelis. They think just because we support Palestinians right to exist, it equates to us wanting no jew alive or no jewish homeland, which in my opinion is ludicrous.
It's a lie you people with the same background come up with to trash their reputation as the custodian of the two holy mosques. Gladly, few who listen to you. Your intentions have come to be very clear. If Al-Saud were allies of Israel, we would be the first who take your side but it's just a lie. KSA contributed with all her modest strength at the time in fighting Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They cut off oil from the west and there is a very famous speech of king Faisal saying: "We are more than willing to shut off oil fields and abandon luxurious life and return to eating date and milk in favor of Palestine", as a result USA pressured Israel to cease fire in 1973. In the mean while, what did Iran do to Palestine except resonant sloagans. And you other than sending 16 pilots?

nothing especial, iran just helped hezbollah and they ruined israel in 33 days with allah help ...
Well.. till the time of Faisal, I agree... What followed that???
Don't mention the 20's, 30's or 40's: Those times you were busy butchering your own tribes for power play and then the Ottomans for your masters benefit? Do you refute that?
It's a lie you people with the same background come up with to trash their reputation as the custodian of the two holy mosques. Gladly, few who listen to you. Your intentions have come to be very clear. If Al-Saud were allies of Israel, we would be the first who take your side but it's just a lie. KSA contributed with all her modest strength at the time in fighting Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They cut off oil from the west and there is a very famous speech of king Faisal saying: "We are more than willing to shut off oil fields and abandon luxurious life and return to eating date and milk in favor of Palestine", as a result USA pressured Israel to cease fire in 1973. In the mean while, what did Iran do to Palestine except resonant sloagans. And you other than sending 16 pilots?
Blackeagle - rather than blindly posting your frustrations - follow the thread and view the comments made - in fact yourself on view your own post such as post 19 - we can see how loyal you would be.

People should make their own minds up after viewing the facts. The Saudi are supporting Israel and USA intention in Syria - in fact Saudi are going one step further by PAYING people to demonstrate - so why should we view our Saudi and Israeli fellows any different? Their leaders seem to be singing from the same hymn book. Look deeper and you will see.
It would help if you came to this thread without the pre conceived ideas and mindset you have regarding the issues in the middle east. Put the sect issue to one side and allow the mist to lift and you will then perhaps see thing from a more neutral perspective

Israel, the US and a dozen other countries are supporting the Syrian Intervention, so is Turkey in bed with the Zionist-Imperialists as well ? And unless I'm mistaken we also voted in favor of the stance the US, Israel and the rest of 'em were promulgating at the UN ! So...? What does that mean ? Can there never be a convergence of sorts on anything ? The Arabs have a certain opinion on Syria and it has a 'Sectarian Dimension to it - Shi'ite minority controlling and persecuting a Sunni minority !', the US and Israel clearly have a different agenda that hasn't got anything to do with the 'Sunni-Shi'ite' nonsense ! If it converges on one-point - Get rid of Assad then so what ? Thats just the end point of a raison detre that began from completely different reference points. To use an analogy, if we assume that Pakistan wants the Taliban back in Afghanistan and sees that the US needs to get-out, so does Russia - thats where we converge; but do either the Russians or the Chinese want the Talibunnies running around all over Afghanistan ? No...! So my friends its not a zero-sum thing...misconstruing Saudis and Israel's stance with respect to Syria, as one being in bed with the other, is, in my humble opinion, a myopic view of things !

You should have read my comments instead commenting with closed eyes.

Don't worry even Iranians don't support Pakistan on Kashmir(except some rarely spoken words)as well as in Afghanistan.

Real support for Kashmir never came from Iran because they were more fearful of Wahabbi influenced militant groups. Iran also urged Shias to stay away from insurgency and Shia majority Kargil District remained peaceful in last 23 years.
It's a lie you people with the same background come up with to trash their reputation as the custodian of the two holy mosques. Gladly, few who listen to you. Your intentions have come to be very clear. If Al-Saud were allies of Israel, we would be the first who take your side but it's just a lie.

And now we see Sauds siding with Israel in Syria and against Iran
Isn't that the same argument that the Kashmiris in IOK throw at us ? Pakistan has betrayed the Kashmiri cause with their incessant dilly-dallying, ensuring that there are only 2 sides to the conflict (Pakistan and India) and not a 3rd - remember how pissed they were about Musharaf's plans ? And by un-incorporating GB from AJK ?

So the point is - Show me consistency in the Muslim World, show me a single Muslim Leader worth his salt who hasn't done these things and I'd sing Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan whilst standing Buttt-naked on top of the Minar-e-Pakistan ! :pakistan:

I think Pakistan should threaten of fully recognizing Israel if Arabs don't support Kashmir and pressure India.:agree:
You should have read my comments instead commenting with closed eyes.

Real support for Kashmir never came from Iran because they were more fearful of Wahabbi influenced militant groups. Iran also urged Shias to stay away from insurgency and Shia majority Kargil District remained peaceful in last 23 years.

No you are wrong their leaders have stated unequivocally what their position is Anyway Indian shoo away stop trying to derail the topic. This is an internal matter for us.
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