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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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ahahahahahahaha.....i precisely remember an iranian mullah using the same words in Friday sermon recently..you are one good student.


You are a Pakistani living among Arabs. Honestly, have you ever heard an Arab counting on Pakistan regarding Palestine?
And have you heard Arab people/leaders demanding Pakistan support on any issue? I don't think so. You have allot of issues in your hands and you could barely resolve them. All we are hoping is the best for Pakistanis and Pakistan. Our cowred leaders didn't show support to Kashmir issue, then why would we expect a support from you? if Pakistan haven't established a relationship with Israel so they don't upset Arab coward leaders rather than their believe in Palstenian just cause, then this is called cowardness and a shame on all Pakistan. I think you try establishing a relationship with Israel and let's see the outcome.

Another abusive ad hominem attack. What is up with you man?? Your hatred for Iranians and your lack of intellect and education will hold you back

And here are my friends sorting out their feelings. And you were talking about AIPAC and Zionism BS?:lol: This thread will be my reference to you. I think it's crystal clear to the members here your real intentions. You were fooling us with your enmity to US and Israel. You are all the same. :pop:

Blackeagle - rather than blindly posting your frustrations - follow the thread and view the comments made - in fact yourself on view your own post such as post 19 - we can see how loyal you would be.

People should make their own minds up after viewing the facts. The Saudi are supporting Israel and USA intention in Syria - in fact Saudi are going one step further by PAYING people to demonstrate - so why should we view our Saudi and Israeli fellows any different? Their leaders seem to be singing from the same hymn book. Look deeper and you will see.
It would help if you came to this thread without the pre conceived ideas and mindset you have regarding the issues in the middle east. Put the sect issue to one side and allow the mist to lift and you will then perhaps see thing from a more neutral perspective

You are a Pakistani living among Arabs. Honestly, have you ever heard an Arab counting on Pakistan regarding Palestine?
And have you heard Arab people/leaders demanding Pakistan support on any issue? I don't think so. You have allot of issues in your hands and you could barely resolve them. All we are hoping is the best for Pakistanis and Pakistan. Our cowred leaders didn't show support to Kashmir issue, then why would we expect a support from you? if Pakistan haven't established a relationship with Israel so they don't upset Arab coward leaders rather than their believe in Palstenian just cause, then this is called cowardness and a shame on all Pakistan. I think you try establishing a relationship with Israel and let's see the outcome.

How can you ask us for support?? If it was for you and your leaders we would never support Palestinians. Your leaders are assisting Israel to make Iran weaker when Iran is fighting for Palestine
Man I have been saying this repeatedly that you're not the one being targeted here! We're discussing something totally different but you keep on butting-in.


You are a Pakistani living among Arabs. Honestly, have you ever heard an Arab counting on Pakistan regarding Palestine?
And have you heard Arab people/leaders demanding Pakistan support on any issue? I don't think so. You have allot of issues in your hands and you could barely resolve them. All we are hoping is the best for Pakistanis and Pakistan. Our cowred leaders didn't show support to Kashmir issue, then why would we expect a support from you? if Pakistan haven't established a relationship with Israel so they don't upset Arab coward leaders rather than their believe in Palstenian just cause, then this is called cowardness and a shame on all Pakistan. I think you try establishing a relationship with Israel and let's see the outcome.

Before we decide we must have all sides of an opinion. When I read that they cry of a Palestinian sister my heart cries for the Palestinians. But the likes of Saudi leadership have betrayed them

And you are now trying to pull your words back in a soft way. You should be a man albeit once.
Yeah... That's what I just noticed - LMAO ---- BAHAHAHAHHAHA

Buddy this image would've been so much better, if the stone throwing kid was studying high-energy physics or metallurgical engineering. The only thing picture signifies is that the kid has no idea about armor-tech :D
You're cold-blooded, you know? You wouldn't have been mocking that kid if he had been your son or your younger brother.
How can you ask us for support?? If it was for you and your leaders we would never support Palestinians. Your leaders are assisting Israel to make Iran weaker when Iran is fighting for Palestine

Blackeagle - rather than blindly posting your frustrations - follow the thread and view the comments made - in fact yourself on view your own post such as post 19 - we can see how loyal you would be.

People should make their own minds up after viewing the facts. The Saudi are supporting Israel and USA intention in Syria - in fact Saudi are going one step further by PAYING people to demonstrate - so why should we view our Saudi and Israeli fellows any different? Their leaders seem to be singing from the same hymn book. Look deeper and you will see.
It would help if you came to this thread without the pre conceived ideas and mindset you have regarding the issues in the middle east. Put the sect issue to one side and allow the mist to lift and you will then perhaps see thing from a more neutral perspective

So, technically, you are supporting Israel because you oppose Arab leaders who are in bed with them, and calling for full recognistion of Israel because Iran is fighting them while Al Saud are slaves of AIPAC and zionism.

Excuse me guys, I am going to hospital to check if my head is full of a brain or crap...:wave:
So, technically, you are supporting Israel because you oppose Arab leaders who are in bed with them, and calling for full recognistion of Israel because Iran is fighting them while Al Saud are slaves of AIPAC and zionism.

Excuse me guys, I am going to hospital to check if my head full of a brain or crap...:wave:

Listen posting same thing twice adds no more gravitas to your arguments.

I am simply saying that Pakistan's policy with a view to Israel needs to be discussed. Second at the moment our policy is inconsistent. On the one hand we are allies of Saudi and we do not recognise Israel. Yet Israel and Saudi are on the same page as far as Palestinians Syria and Iran
You're cold-blooded, you know? You wouldn't have been mocking that kid if he had been your son or your younger brother.
My relatives are born 1. Free 2. Stubbornness in their genes 3. Liberty in their blood 4. AK in their hand 5. Loyalty to their kin 6. Eternal debt to their motherland & immense hunger for education.

How can you compare? :)
And you are now trying to pull your words back in a soft way. You should be a man albeit once.

Not really. What I am saying is Saudi Arabs have betrayed the Palestinian cause? Which is very sad. We need to look at all sides so we can decide as Pakistanis how we can be ally of Saudi and not recognise Israel?? It simply is inconsistent at the moment.
You're cold-blooded, you know? You wouldn't have been mocking that kid if he had been your son or your younger brother.

I don't understand how you switched around the names, but I was the one that posted the image. lolz

You are a Pakistani living among Arabs. Honestly, have you ever heard an Arab counting on Pakistan regarding Palestine?
And have you heard Arab people/leaders demanding Pakistan support on any issue? I don't think so. You have allot of issues in your hands and you could barely resolve them. All we are hoping is the best for Pakistanis and Pakistan. Our cowred leaders didn't show support to Kashmir issue, then why would we expect a support from you? if Pakistan haven't established a relationship with Israel so they don't upset Arab coward leaders rather than their believe in Palstenian just cause, then this is called cowardness and a shame on all Pakistan. I think you try establishing a relationship with Israel and let's see the outcome.

Don't worry even Iranians don't support Pakistan on Kashmir(except some rarely spoken words)as well as in Afghanistan. :woot:
I don't understand how you switched around the names, but I was the one that posted the image. lolz
I was talking about his comment, not the image.
My relatives are born 1. Free 2. Stubbornness in their genes 3. Liberty in their blood 4. AK in their hand 5. Loyalty to their kin 6. Eternal debt to their motherland & immense hunger for education.

How can you compare?
That's completely irrelevant to what I said.
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