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Islamism ???


There are other reason as well. God changed his Shariah.

For example Bible didn't forbid the drinking of alcohol but the Qur'an Does.

Wait, you still have not answered the first questions!
What is with all the religious threads lately, pdf is still a defense forum, not a religious one, atleast as far as I know....
What question ???

1. Please provide the basis for your claim that "Every Scripture was valid for a specific time period".

2. Do you believe in ALL the hadith or only some of them?
1. Please provide the basis for your claim that "Every Scripture was valid for a specific time period".

2. Do you believe in ALL the hadith or only some of them?
I have already answered your first question.

No book can be considered valid if it has been distorted.
I have already answered your first question.

No book can be considered valid if it has been distorted.

So you have no basis for saying that other than your own personal opinion?

It is also safe to say that you pick and choose which ahadith to believe in, right?
2. Do you believe in ALL the hadith or only some of them?
The validity of Hadith is judged by the reputation of the Rawi and it's Sanad.

Based on that, they are categorized. so the answer to you question is complicated.
The validity of Hadith is judged by the reputation of the Rawi and it's Sanad.

Based on that, they are categorized. so the answer to you question is complicated.

It is not complicated. You obviously pick and choose between ahadith because of personal biases based on contorted history.
@RAPAGE, don't waste your time arguing with those who haven't done their home work such are people who waste other times getting around with foolish questions. Just by studying Chapter 1 Al-Qur'an clarify things but some people are ignorant fools.

So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.

I can go on and on answer to each and every stupid query but it is better those folks go study Qur'an start with Chap 1 pretty much answers everything.
@RAPAGE, don't waste your time arguing with those who haven't done their home work such are people who waste other times getting around with foolish questions. Just by studying Chapter 1 Al-Qur'an clarify things but some people are ignorant fools.

So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.

I can go on and on answer to each and every stupid query but it is better those folks go study Qur'an start with Chap 1 pretty much answers everything.

Cue the personal attacks when logic and rationality run out. :D

Every Scripture was valid for a specific time period. All the followers (within that time period) of the scriptures are considered Muslims.

you are now adding stuff to Quran that was never there.

Why are you spreading ignorance?

Oh defender of Islamism

Why are you corrupting Quranic verses

Stop before it is too late. Fear Allah swt punishment and do not add and corrupt Quranic verses.

Thank you
Cue the personal attacks when logic and rationality run out. :D


No name mentioned no personal attack thus, instead of wasting time asking such queries had you studied Islamic scripture called Qur'an that you once told us you did you would not have asked such questions...You just like moving in circle and dragging some innocent ones with you. Surely you no know nothing....
Muslim = a person who believes in allah and respects other's wishes to pray to whatever deities they believe in.
Islamist = a person who believes in allah but denounces all other religions as paganism/inferior/blasphemy. Foot soldier for Islamofascists. Dumb, uneducated, gullible, easily worked like a tool.
Islamofascist = an evolved Islamist with more reach/influence to create conditions under which the propagation of Islam and Islamist ideology is further made possible. Educated or at least not dumb, with firm grasp of working systems and how to squeeze money/benefits/hate speech masked as free speech from said systems.

This is my view on your point 1. There's an answer for point 2 in it as well.

The problem with Islam is that you guys think it's the best thing that happened since the big bang and everyone should follow it. And you are being conditioned constantly so that the brainwashing doesn't fade away.

Wow we have great Islamic scholars here on pdf who are expert of theology and Islamic fiqh and can teach us Islam.Did you ever read any Islamic scripture ? I really doubt.

There is nothing called Islamist or Fundamentalist or Islamofascist. I agree there are misguided people out there who distort the meaning of jihad for their political gains but according to Islam, you are either Muslim, non muslim , Munafiq and kafir. These are not evil words. Kafir is someone who know what Islam is but reject its message . Munafiq is someone who pretend to be Muslim but dont accept the message/teaching of Islam from deep heart. Non Muslim is someone who dont know Islam and dont follow it.

Everyone hold their beliefs true and thatswhy they keep them. If you consider all religious and non religious beliefs as same/equal then it dont make sense to stick with one but people should still have freedom/Right to practice their beliefs even if you consider them wrong as long as they dont physically hurt you. I am sure whatever Muslims do will be labelled extremist by those who dont follow these beliefs whether its hijab, keeping beard, having fasting , offering prayers and doing any Islamic thing etc. People will call you good man only if you will be living according to their expectation, wishes and desires :)
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Allah Says in Surah Al Baqara verse 129
Our Lord! And raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thy communications and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

yet another educated person doing half-educated thing by quoting one single verse totally out of context

Do you even know that 2:129 is part of a story about Ibraham pbuh?

Do you?
@RAMPAGE, from chapter? with translation so people can understand. other wise you are going to get another round of queries.
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