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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

cpec should involve Pakistan citizens to avoid chinese citizens killings
RIP for chinese citizens.. There are two main ISIS & ISIL groups, one is being funded by CIA using azerbaijani soils & 2nd is being funded by Raw using afghan soils. so why not create a combine operational base near gwadar to eradicate the bastards. we both china & pak don't need to hide we need to retaliate actively.
China has to protect it's citizens and national interests.
Yes, we're doing that.

And we also know that the best way to protect our personal safety and our own interests is to let the country or region as soon as possible strong and prosperous,

Strong will bring the country's security,

Prosperity will bring the security of the community in which it is located,

The best way to destroy terrorists is not just to destroy their flesh alone, but to eliminate the soil that makes them appear.

So that the environment becomes stable, harmonious, prosperous and powerful, is the best way to eliminate terrorism.

This is what we every Chinese people are trying to do things,

So we sincerely hope that through our efforts with the Pak bro, so that Pakistan as soon as possible prosperity and strong up!!!
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but this is Chinese nationals we are talking about. China is investing $100+billion in Pakistan and more and more Chinese are coming to Pakistan to live and work. If Pakistan isn't able to defeat ISIS then China must step in and do it for them or in tandem.

but with your thinking like most Chinese what is the death of a few Chinese here and there.
Terrorists operate in stealth (mingle with civilians), attack by surprise, it's not like heavy-handed regular forces can fully eradicate. To help ISI and Pak forces, China should transfer weaponry like drones, precision guidance munitions, transport helos, and send intelligence officers, PLASSF liaison officers (space surveillence, satcom, cyber warfare, electronic), CPAP (Armed Police) counter-terrorist team, counter-money-laundry team, but not PLA armored brigades. Pak forces know the local language and customs, they have human intelligence assets in the region, so Pak will always lead, China will backup.
Reports coming in that the 2 chinese were killed in the botched operation by Pak army.
The 2 bodies were recovered yesterday from the caves.

So 6 chinese killed in last 6 months in Pakistan .
Its total security lapses why they are not provided proper security.
reports coming that indian funded terrorist are involved to target chinese citizen .. time to destabilize india openly by china & pak.
Tragic , really tragic !

We need to kill these isis pigs as soon as possible, again it makes me think that why did they need chinese , I'm doubtful that this claim is true . I doubt the stinky india is behind this all and these dirty pigs of isis are claiming to get fame .
I'm still hoping for best .
These isis and indian pigs need a dead full end in balochistan.
these are the people kalbhushan funded. that bastar*d should be hanged publicly
. What was done during Mastung operation?
The news was that the Chinese were found?
RIP to the poor soles
alas no country is free from the terrorism by ISIS

to those who are blaming other you should know that the blame all lies on our government and security apparatus to provide security. blaming others is stupid we are responsible for our countries security not them we should`ve been prepared everyone openly knows that the OBOR project is being targeted but we should learn from these events and correct our mistakes
Just the problem with you .
Did India form ISIS ?
10000 chinese working in India . How many killed ?
Get a grip on your country and stop looking for scapegoats.
Also reported you for language. Not coming down to your level.

The problem is your stinky indian media that feeds you lies about pakistan army that you are blabbing out here like an ignorant piece of shit .

On topic ; Security in Balochistan is now at question and the role of provincial and federal government should be answered .
Just one day before , two hazaras siblings were killed by the isis dirty pigs now now they claim about chinese .
What do I say always ? Pakistan government need to look beyond punjab and treat other provinces equal as well .
RIP to the dead.

The Chinese government needs to step up security measures for our citizens living and working in Pakistan.

Still not confirmed claim .
I'll wait for ispr's confirmation about their death , if pakistan army confirmed the death , it's true otherwise as usual isis pigs lying to get fame and horror .
Allow me to write an exercise sript: :)

1. China asks for joined combat with Syria and Russia.
2. China sends an AC battle group that includes an AC, 2 DDGs, 2 FFGs, 2 nuclear attack subs and 1 replenish ship (model 901).
3. The group gets resupply at Djibouti before moving through suez canal into Mediterranean sea.
4. Launch bombing runs with Syrian/Russian eyes on the ground via jets and cruise missiles from DDGs or subs.
5. Go home towards Gwadar.
6. Launch bombing runs to support some Pakistani missions on ISIS positions before docking for resupply.
7. Go home.
Chinese are alpolitical and hardworking people , they are unharmful people ....now its duty of whole world to get rid of this stigma known as ISIS
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