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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

Yes attack is the right strategy, but requires very different tactics than cruise missile. New tactics, different manpower/specialists, different weaponry/gear, that's what I suggest, it could be no less costly than fighting conventional warfare using regular troops.
Why do you think the main purpose of my script is counter-terrorism? :) It is a great training opportunity.
Why do you think the main purpose of my script is counter-terrorism? :) It is a great training opportunity.
Bombing ISIS targets in Syria, alright then that's a different story, a geopolitical one.
RIP to the dead. F@@K ISIS or Taliban or whatever shit they claim to be, they only deserve to be hunted down like the animals they are.

PS: We are likely to witness more attacks against Chinese citizens, you can go on any Indian forums now and see how they celebrate whenever terrorists strike in Pakistan. Pakistan seriously needs to step up its game or the regional butthurt countries will continue to provide vital funding to these groups.
RIP to the the two innocent teachers.
Yes, Chinese sources (I can't confirm credibility yet) say Pak military forces suffer some injuries in rescue action, but managed to kill several IS terrorists. Wish Pak forces hunt all ISIS scumbags down.
Why didn't they try to pay ransom? Or the attackers refused?
I think a military operation to free hostages should be the last resort? These islamic radicals/terrorists have no regard for human life.

Anyway , RIP to the victims.
Why didn't they try to pay ransom? Or the attackers refused?
I think a military operation to free hostages should be the last resort? These islamic radicals/terrorists have no regard for human life.

Anyway , RIP to the victims.
No info available yet mate, still dunno whether the kidnap is financially or politically motivated, it's presumed to be the latter case since ISIS is of ideological nature aka terrorists. Dunno whether a negotiation has ever taken place, so perhaps hostage recovery by force is not the last resort, but the only resort.
@waz . Now that's not good to keep my reply private yo these Hindutva trolls who don't even deserve a little respect for their filthy hatred on pakistan.

How much cups of cow urine you drank this morning that you lost your senses ?

You ? You are talking about all poverty problems of pakistan, you bhaarati monkey who do not have toilets in their homes and people shit on the street , you are talking about saving pakistan? Haha !
You're the most ridiculous indian I've ever seen , your Dream of Hindutva and akhand bharat amd that all shitty crap is never going to take reality , !
Wake up ! I know the thousand years of brave muslims ruling you has scared the shit out of you but I wasn't expecting this much delusion .

And we don't need a saviour you bullshit eater , we're a strong sovereign nation capable of surviving on its own unlike stinky india that looks for attention and die for it from their western demi gods .

You lungi wearing cartoons who kill their own muslim citizens for pathetic reasons of transporting cows , you should be the last one to open your filthy mouth about protecting any minority . We're enough seeing what your filthy country has done to the kashmiris , and you talk about secularism ,,, the heck !! You're another name of rape of secularism . Hold your tongue till we kill the pigs under army dresses in kashmir.

@Well.wisher on this thread


On Topic

RIP. It is a very unfortunate incident and show incompetence of civil law enforcing agencies like police in Quetta. But I want to assure our Chinese friends that we would make sure in all our capacity that such incidents are not repeated again.

The guys who were behind this murder are rotting in hell right now and we would make sure that such incidents are not repeated again. Rest in peace to these two chinese friends.
No info available yet mate, still dunno whether the kidnap is financially or politically motivated, it's presumed to be the latter case since ISIS is of ideological nature aka terrorists. Dunno whether a negotiation has ever taken place, so perhaps hostage recovery by force is not the last resort, but the only resort.
Yes, those ISIS fanatics are not the type you can negotiate with. They have beheaded/killed few British/American and other western journalists/aid workers in Syria before as well. These idiots know only about killing.
How did ISIS get in Pakistan?

Damn Afghanistan for unofficially collaboration with ISIS through its based TTP.

As for two teachers, rest in peace. Time for Pakistan to expand the military operation in Afghanistan. The source of terrorism lies in Afghanistan. Take care of the source and the rest will be solved.
I'm glad that you're intent on eliminating the terorists,it is a point of honour. While you're at it, do ensure that the good and bad terrorists both are hunted down. :tup:
untill Indians are present in Afghanistan terrorism can't be stopped
I'm glad that you're intent on eliminating the terorists,it is a point of honour. While you're at it, do ensure that the good and bad terrorists both are hunted down. :tup:

There are no good or bad terrorists but only those who harm Pakistan, it's interests and it's citizens, that includes the foot soilders, their handlers and the anti Pakistan states who are sponsoring them. The kulbashans of this world.
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