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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

There are a lot Pakistani IS BC or MC can took from streets but picking to Chinese national is a filthy face behind it named India to create fear among Chinese working for both nations' s intersts. No doubt RAW funded rats involved in it.
RIP Chinese civilians your revenge cast enemies much worst. My deep condolences to relatives and all Chinese public.
Chinese ppl should avoid moving out without police cover in Quetta and adjacent areas. Quetta is situated pretty adjacent to Afghanistan therefore much easier for IS/BLA militants to operate. Security there is improving but still not 100% so without police cover or private guards, Chinese are easy soft targets for them.
Are they really killed, can anybody confirm??

We should be expecting something like this, instead of blaming enemies blame our intelligence agencies and law enforcement.
How can we let this happen, we know what enemy would, why ate we not prepared for them. This would be a huge setback. Yet it was not in international media, but India would surely bark a lot.... 1 incident like this shatters the morale and investors confidence.
Are they really killed, can anybody confirm??
Rip, rest in peace
Unfortunately yes, they have been killed by these IS bastards, hopefully justice will be serve soon
Damn girl. I like your style. Keep rocking. :enjoy:

Indians annoy me due to their ignorance and blind hatred , I couldn't resist .
Rip, rest in peace
Unfortunately yes, they have been killed by these IS bastards, hopefully justice will be serve soon

We're really sorry for the loss . Hope it would not affect our friendship and project .

It's an open war and these isis pigs will get what they deserve , we'll give them a deadly end . Blood of our chinese friends will get justice in sha Allah.
Are they really killed, can anybody confirm??

We should be expecting something like this, instead of blaming enemies blame our intelligence agencies and law enforcement.
How can we let this happen, we know what enemy would, why ate we not prepared for them. This would be a huge setback. Yet it was not in international media, but India would surely bark a lot.... 1 incident like this shatters the morale and investors confidence.

Isis bastards want to form a khorasaan province , and for this they've chose pakistan amd afghanistan and that is why both pakistan and afghanistan are getting terror attacks after each day .
These pigs need a deadly end , they're inciting the wrath upon them . Surely they're going to meet a very deadly and very barbaric end by pakistan forces .
I say do an operation in balochistan and bang these isis rats hidden in moles .
Their dream of khorasan province should be shattered .
The woman is safe, she escaped . Only Two men were kidnapped .
So is safe? What about men? International media reports a woman and man dead...

Indians annoy me due to their ignorance and blind hatred , I couldn't resist .

We're really sorry for the loss . Hope it would not affect our friendship and project .

It's an open war and these isis pigs will get what they deserve , we'll give them a deadly end . Blood of our chinese friends will get justice in sha Allah.

Isis bastards want to form a khorasaan province , and for this they've chose pakistan amd afghanistan and that is why both pakistan and afghanistan are getting terror attacks after each day .
These pigs need a deadly end , they're inciting the wrath upon them . Surely they're going to meet a very deadly and very barbaric end by pakistan forces .
I say do an operation in balochistan and bang these isis rats hidden in moles .
Their dream of khorasan province should be shattered .
This is bull shit, isis focus in Afghanistan and central Asia, here network is almost destroyed, the khorasan doesn't not include Pakistan in their eyes.....
I am 100 percent sure this is by balochi rebels terrorist bla or bra. We cannot accept that there is any problem or rebel terrorist, so we don't give the news. So we blame it on isis. And terrorist organisation bla and bra walk free in Afghanistan in their camps supported by nds. We need some guerilla action to destroy those camps, buy the suicide bomber at least and destroy those camps, dunno what ISI is doing.
The claims of no. 1 agency is totally wrong. Pakistan won't come to this stage if our agencies are working.... The 10 years of terrorism has destroyed our economy, other we would be what India is now....
So is safe? What about men? International media reports a woman and man dead...

This is bull shit, isis focus in Afghanistan and central Asia, here network is almost destroyed, the khorasan doesn't not include Pakistan in their eyes.....
I am 100 percent sure this is by balochi rebels terrorist bla or bra. We cannot accept that there is any problem or rebel terrorist, so we don't give the news. So we blame it on isis. And terrorist organisation bla and bra walk free in Afghanistan in their camps supported by nds. We need some guerilla action to destroy those camps, buy the suicide bomber at least and destroy those camps, dunno what ISI is doing.
The claims of no. 1 agency is totally wrong. Pakistan won't come to this stage if our agencies are working.... The 10 years of terrorism has destroyed our economy, other we would be what India is now....

I read in local news that woman managed to escape due to effort by a citizen who was latter shot on foot .
Perhaps anyone should confirm me on this site that woman is safe , that's what I read . Intl media might have not completely informed .
So is safe? What about men? International media reports a woman and man dead...

This is bull shit, isis focus in Afghanistan and central Asia, here network is almost destroyed, the khorasan doesn't not include Pakistan in their eyes.....
I am 100 percent sure this is by balochi rebels terrorist bla or bra. We cannot accept that there is any problem or rebel terrorist, so we don't give the news. So we blame it on isis. And terrorist organisation bla and bra walk free in Afghanistan in their camps supported by nds. We need some guerilla action to destroy those camps, buy the suicide bomber at least and destroy those camps, dunno what ISI is doing.
The claims of no. 1 agency is totally wrong. Pakistan won't come to this stage if our agencies are working.... The 10 years of terrorism has destroyed our economy, other we would be what India is now....

No , it's isis isis has confirmed itself that they've killed chinese, but I'm still waiting for confirmation from ispr.
Isis does include some part of pakistan such as balochistan and afghanistan to create their own province called khorasaan. They dream of the caliphate. You live in south with tough security so you can't believe the power of isis but northern areas especially balochistan has witnessed their terror activities many times . Isis has a presence in balochistan.

And yes , our own security intelligence isi need to toughen the security in Balochistan and play it's role . I don't know what they're up to .
I read in local news that woman managed to escape due to effort by a citizen who was latter shot on foot .
Perhaps anyone should confirm me on this site that woman is safe , that's what I read . Intl media might have not completely informed .

No , it's isis isis has confirmed itself that they've killed chinese, but I'm still waiting for confirmation from ispr.
Isis does include some part of pakistan such as balochistan and afghanistan to create their own province called khorasaan. They dream of the caliphate. You live in south with tough security so you can't believe the power of isis but northern areas especially balochistan has witnessed their terror activities many times . Isis has a presence in balochistan.

And yes , our own security intelligence isi need to toughen the security in Balochistan and play it's role . I don't know what they're up to .
Where ever I live I am aware of the security situation, isis is a risk, they have even done attacks in Lahore and specially quetta was hit so hard and Baluchistan is the most effected. Only the we need is security and nothing else. Everything would follow where there is security.
In the coming decades, both India and Pakistan are going to suffer heavily due to this menace. So instead of shifting own blame to someone else's shoulder both the countries need to work together with an objective approach to annihilate them completely.
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