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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

I had posted this in some other thread. Didn't want to post here, wanted to see how the dirty mud slinging on India was going on by most obsessed Pakistanis here.

Look everyone we have another Indian clown within our midst and he wants to broadcast his two dollar tricks online:) Why have you joined PDF? Not a single Pakistani or Chinese poster is willing to join some stinking Indian Forum, so take your obsessive attention seeking habits elsewhere.

Even in this thread I had explained in detail, but people got it deleted, because I wrote truth. You want to hide from the truth with your blind hatred. Anyway time will teach you for your obsession & the best people is Chinese. You can find it on Page 6 somebody quoted me.

Nobody gives a flying hoot about your opinion on our relationship with China. All you have done in this paragraph is waffle like a old dinosaur that is well past its sale date. Why are you jealous of our relationship with China? This is none of your business, if we respect them, then its our choice vice versa...now bugger off and resolve the problems in your country instead poking your nose in our affairs.
Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan: group's news agency
World News | Thu Jun 8, 2017 | 11:14am EDT

Islamic State has killed two Chinese citizens it kidnapped in southwest Pakistan last month, the militant group's Amaq news agency said on Thursday.

Armed men pretending to be policemen kidnapped two Chinese language teachers in the Pakistani city of Quetta on May 24.

"Islamic State fighters kill two Chinese people they had been holding in Baluchistan province, southwest Pakistan,"
Amaq said.​

(Reporting by Ali Abdelaty; Writing by Ahmed Aboulenein; Editing by Giles Elgood)

Wonder why every political party say , say good bye to your strategic asset. Now same Lashker e jhanvi work under the banner of ISIS.
Look everyone we have another Indian clown within our midst and he wants to broadcast his two dollar tricks online:) Why have you joined PDF? Not a single Pakistani or Chinese poster is willing to join some stinking Indian Forum, so take your obsessive attention seeking habits elsewhere.

I joined PDF, so I can do my part of trying to promote peace & friendship. I see you people without any proof blame, every wrong on India, like here in this thread. That's another reason to be here to defend these baseless allegations.

There are definitely quite a lot of Chinese on Indian forum. Regarding Pakistan you come & make similar impotent allegations on our forum. Fake illusions will get proper bashing. You hardly give any proof for all your allegations. Here when we give proof you feel humiliated & bash us & want us to get out, because you can't handle the shame

Nobody gives a flying hoot about your opinion on our relationship with China. All you have done in this paragraph is waffle like a old dinosaur that is well past its sale date. Why are you jealous of our relationship with China? This is none of your business, if we respect them, then its our choice vice versa...now bugger off and resolve the problems in your country instead poking your nose in our affairs.

I just share facts I have, without worrying if anybody gives a flying hoot or not. And why should I be jealous of your relation with China, when you are digging your own grave. You are saving our time, energy, soldiers & money. We can only laugh at your foolishness & thank you & God for helping us.

I never poke my nose in your affairs, in any of your topics. I just saw the derogatory venom being poured in the thread on India, so thought of posting the video of your media I found, as our media is always fake.

And the fact is, Even if the truth is that they were really killed because they were converting people, still you people will continue bashing India. That's the real sad part. I only hope sanity prevail some day & people shed this blind hatred.

Just few minutes a blast has taken place in Quetta, the RAW & Indian many vulgar name calling is gonna flood in that thread in no time. Give proof & call names, it makes sense, if not it's called obsession or blind hatred. Later if your own media gives the details of why & who was behind it, you will be in similar humiliating situation.
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So, a non-Muslim like me can be allowed in heaven if I've done enough good deeds then? Gotcha. :)
Wrong. It's plain and simple, if you're a non Muslim who has heard of Islam and know about it, you go to hell.

Only non Muslims who haven't heard of Islam or haven't been told about it properly can be eligible for heaven whilst still being non Muslim.

Muslims get to go to heaven if they are good muslims. If they are bad, they go to hell first and then heaven after a while.

That's how things work in Islam, despite what liberal Muslims think or say.
Osama found in Pakistan,
All Taliban heads found in Pakistan,
2 Chinese nationals killed by IS in Pakistan.

And you have the cheek to call this a CIA/RAW/Jew conspiracy? Get a grip and clean your house or the rest of the world will do it for you, like they are in Syria.
The rest of the world won't make Syria out of us, because if they dare to do that we will make sure to take everyone down with us.
Ohh good terrorists? You guys really don't understand that you're playing with fire here! Talibans are not your allies! Ideologically they've more in common with IS than you guys!
Wrong. Afghan Taliban are strict, arguably evil, but not completely deranged like ISIS or the Pakistani Taliban.
Get your border with Afghanistan fenced. Heavily fenced!

Why arent you doing this yet?

There is no other choice.

Pakistan should ask Saudi to send their army in Pakistan to fight against Taliban and ISIS...
...and test the true intention of Saudi govt.
We are fencing the border, although in my opinion it should have been done earlier.

Saudi Arabia has a useless army, bringing them here would just be sending them to a slaughter.
There is no such thing that only Muslim go to Heaven .. and its neither my place nor anyone else place to decide who will go to heaven , so on this blessed month of Ramadan these two Chinese were educating Muslim kids, and they die in this noble cause so as far as i am concern , I pray that Allah forgive their past sins and give them a good place in Heaven
Can't pray for non Muslims, other than that they accept Islam.
Pakistan must take out these cockroaches in Afghanistan otherwise this sad event will repeat again. We must kill of these animals...how dare they kill our Chinese brother and sister.
Don't get carried away. They are allies, but that's it.
Will your opinion about these two Chinese people change if you came to know that they were actually missionaries and were spreading Christianity?
They were idiots for doing so, and should've been prepared for this type of response.

Not only did they recklessly put themselves in danger, they have now also made things more difficult for Chinese who wish to come into Pakistan. Background checks on incoming Chinese will now be much more thorough, and it will be harder for them to get into Pakistan.
Can't pray for non Muslims, other than that they accept Islam.

Than don't pray, who ask you anyway ? I pray for all Human regardless of their faith , if someone is not my fellow Muslim, i still consider him/her my fellow Human being and i love and respect their choice ..
Than don't pray, who ask you anyway ? I pray for all Human regardless of their faith , if someone is not my fellow Muslim, i still consider him/her my fellow Human being and i love and respect their choice ..

Fine then, do what is haram if you wish.
Wrong. It's plain and simple, if you're a non Muslim who has heard of Islam and know about it, you go to hell.

Only non Muslims who haven't heard of Islam or haven't been told about it properly can be eligible for heaven whilst still being non Muslim.

Muslims get to go to heaven if they are good muslims. If they are bad, they go to hell first and then heaven after a while.

That's how things work in Islam, despite what liberal Muslims think or say.

@Stuttgart001 @Han Patriot @Beast @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @Deino @cirr

So, apparently these Chinese teachers that were killed by ISIS will not be allowed to enter Heaven and burn in hellfire for eternity because, they knew of Islam and didn't embrace it.

I don't understand what does traditionally secular country like China get out of helping these religious nutjobs?
ISIS will spread its tentacles like TTP. Its upto Pakistan to get its affairs in orders against the good and bad terrorists concept of theirs.
@Stuttgart001 @Han Patriot @Beast @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @Deino @cirr

So, apparently these Chinese teachers that were killed by ISIS will not be allowed to enter Heaven and burn in hellfire for eternity because, they knew of Islam and didn't embrace it.

I don't understand what does traditionally secular country like China get out of helping these religious nutjobs?
You act like this is something unique to Islam. Fact is 99% of religions state this. Nothing abnormal or nutty about it. If you don't believe in it, then why should it bother you what the religion says will become of you?

Anyway, these Chinese teachers might not have known what Islam was, they might have not been given an accurate portrayal of Islam, etc. There are ways they could have gotten to heaven.

China gets some good economic development by helping us, and another country to help them shoot at Hindustanis. We get exactly the same. Win win for both for us.
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